Returning to the conference room, Levin and Tonks found that the originally quiet room was now bustling with activity.

The parents of other warriors have arrived to meet their children.

Viktor Krum stood in the corner, chatting quickly in Bulgarian with his dark-haired parents. The outline of his hooked nose clearly inherited his father's genes.

Harry and Sirius were standing by the fireplace. Sirius looked serious and held Harry's hand as if to tell him something important.

Estella and Polyakov's parents were also here, their faces full of worry and expectation.

On the other side of the room, Fleur's family occupied a seat by the window, and Fleur chatted cheerfully with her mother in French.

Her Veela bloodline obviously comes from her mother. Although Mrs. Delacour is not as stunning as her daughter, she is still stunningly beautiful.

Although Mr. Delacour is a human being, he can also be called a handsome old man.

Gabrielle was the first to spot Levin and waved to Levin. Levin waved back, with the corners of his mouth raised, revealing a sunny smile.

At this time, Fleur also discovered Levin and happily introduced him to her parents.

"Is this the boy you mentioned in your letter, the boy who takes good care of you?" Seeing Levin's handsome appearance, Mrs. Delacour's eyes lit up and she looked him up and down, "He is indeed handsome."

"It's just...too young." Mr. Delacour touched the beard on his chin and looked at Levin with a strange look.

Mrs. Delacour stared at Levin with a smile for a while, then nudged Mr. Delacour with her elbow, whispering to him, "I compared you to when you were young."

The three of them said these words in front of Levin, but they spoke French throughout.

Mrs. Delacour stepped forward and said to Levin in broken English: "Well done, Levin Green, we are the driftwood of Furong. Thank you for your IPO for Furong."

"Hello, Mrs. Delacour, and Mr. Delacour, nice to meet you.

Levin stepped forward and shook hands with the couple.

His fluent French caught the couple off guard, and they blushed with embarrassment.

Only then did they realize that their face-to-face comments just now were understood by others... Fortunately, they didn't say anything too extreme.

Although they could not be sure whether their daughter and the boy in front of them were in love, they could still see their daughter's deep affection for him.

The Delacours have heard about this boy's extraordinary talents and outstanding achievements, so they are completely happy to see their daughter associate with such an outstanding person.

At the same time, they were also full of curiosity about Levin, and Tian grabbed Ye Wen and chatted non-stop.

Fleur went to find Tonks,

According to Levin's plan, Tonks will be personally responsible for Fleur's safety during tonight's Triwizard Tournament.

After all, they had a good relationship. On the day of the Christmas ball, Yi Rong's first dance was performed by Tonks.

They haven't seen each other for a long time, and there are countless words to talk between them.

Levin also dealt with the Delacours skillfully.

Speaking of which, this is not the first time he has dealt with his "parents-in-law".

The first "parents-in-law" he met were of course the Grangers. Of course, not counting the Tonks, there were also the Greengrasses, but they were completely treated as subordinates by Levin...

Among them, the only one who was somewhat wary of him was Luna's father, Xenophilius Lovegood. Levin thought that was probably because he was a single father.

In fact, Levin thought he was pretty good at dealing with his parents-in-law—at least the mother-in-law.

Beautiful facial features, tough face, tall and straight figure, sunny image, extraordinary temperament...

In this matter, he can satisfy most of his mother-in-law's needs just by his extraordinary appearance. If there is anything he is not satisfied with, if he talks about his career achievements, even the most picky mother-in-law will be impressed by him.

Not to mention his humble and polite conversation, calm and mature character... Although he does not look like a young man, in the eyes of the parents-in-law, it is better for a son-in-law to be calmer.

At least Mrs. Granger had always been fond of Levin.

When Fleur returned, she happened to hear her mother enthusiastically inviting Levin to visit France during the summer vacation, and she looked at Levin with an incredibly soft look, "We will definitely prepare a grand welcome banquet for you, and I will cook it myself. "

"how did you do it?!"

After Fleur "rescued" Levin from her parents, she asked him in surprise.

"My mother is very picky about men! She went to Beauxbatons, and there was no boy in the whole school who could satisfy her. Now she actually said that she would cook for you herself - you know, even I can rarely eat it Her cooking.

Fleur shook her head, as if she still couldn't believe it.

After listening to Fleur's description, Levin roughly understood the situation of the Delacours.

In short, Mr. Delacour was Mrs. Delacour's licking dog when he was young.

Those who are favored are always confident. Mrs. Delacour still behaves like a young lady after marrying him, but Mr. Delacour is happy with it.

In short, his "cheap mother-in-law"'s attitude towards him was almost better than that towards Furong's father.

Levin smiled confidently at this: "Of course it's because I look handsome."

"What a narcissist!" Furong scolded, and did not continue to talk about this topic.

In fact, part of Levin's joke was actually telling the truth.

Looking at Mrs. Delacour's actions, it is not difficult to see that she is a pure beauty control. She married Mr. Delacour largely because he was handsome.

After all, he is a Veela hybrid and has acquired some Veela habits.

Magical creatures don't care about human wealth and status. The qualities they value are usually relatively simple: being handsome and powerful enough.

And Levin meets these conditions perfectly.

Next, in order to entertain the Delacours from afar, Levin offered to show them around the campus. He walked with them on the sunny grounds and saw Beauxbatons' carriage and Durmstrang's carriage. The large ship was under Levin's intentional control, and the group did not see Hermione's family.

Throughout the morning, everyone was immersed in a pleasant atmosphere.

Seeing Levin and Fleur's family walking out of the conference room happily, and then catching a glimpse of Sirius pulling Harry by the fireplace, Krum decided to take his family to visit the ancient castle of Hogwarts.

Not long after they left, Harry also took Sirius around the campus. He enjoyed this feeling very much, especially since almost every place he went, Sirius would tell him what happened to James and Lily in these places. Interesting facts.

………………Please give me flowers…………

After returning to the castle for lunch, the six warriors were called away by the organizing committee. This is almost a practice before every game. Their wands need to be tested so that they can face the evening game in better condition.

Sirius had to stay alone in the castle.

He met the Weasley family who had just finished lunch at the door of the restaurant. Mr. Arthur Weasley warmly invited him to have a drink with him, but Sirius politely declined.

Although Harry had explained to him over and over again that there was no real relationship between him and Ronald, and neither of them were gay, Sirius was still careful not to appear too close to the Weasley family in front of outsiders, otherwise he would be caught accidentally. Those tabloids and magazines found loopholes and wrote about them.

Mr. Arthur Weasley scratched his head in embarrassment, and when he turned around, he found that their conversation had inadvertently blocked the way of Klum's parents.

He quickly apologized to them, but the other party remained expressionless and serious.

Arthur hurriedly made way out of the way. Out of politeness, he said to Mr. Klum: "Ahem...Sorry, Mr. Klum, we didn't notice you just now. By the way, how about you start the game?" Let’s go to Hogsmeade for a drink beforehand?”

However, Mr. Krum didn't seem to hear him, and just stared at him, making him feel uncomfortable. Finally, Mr. Klum hugged his silent wife beside him, as if to comfort her, and finally said: "Do you want to drink vodka? I will go with the vodka."

Upon hearing this, Mr. Weasley's face immediately turned pale. He opened his mouth, but in the end he couldn't hold back and nodded vigorously.

So the two went to Hogsmeade together. Mr. Krum chatted happily along the way, but Arthur's face kept looking ugly. Mrs. Krum also had an equally ugly expression, because Molly Weasley had been asking about Krum along the way, and seemed to be examining a son-in-law... or a son-in-law?

This scene was seen by Sirius, and he frowned deeply.

Harry said that Ronald was meaningless and was purely a matter of friendship.

Now it seems that it is just wishful thinking on his part.

It wasn't until dinner that the six warriors appeared in the auditorium again.

There were also a few new faces at the staff table, Cornelius Fudge and Jaina Proudmoore, who came to watch the game on behalf of the Ministry of Magic of the Underworld.

Gianna seemed to be in a happy mood and greeted Levin from time to time, but Cornelius Fudge, who was sitting next to Ms. Maxim, had a sullen face and said nothing.

The dinner was more sumptuous than usual, and there was a grand party after such a feast. For the little wizards at Hogwarts, it was tantamount to a festive enjoyment. When the enchanted ceiling gradually turned from blue to dark purple, Dumbledore stood up next to the staff table, and everyone immediately fell silent.

"Ladies and gentlemen, in a few minutes, I will invite everyone to go to the Quidditch pitch to watch the last event of the Triwizard Tournament. Now, warriors, please follow Mr. Bagman to the sports ground."

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