My Understanding Is Incredible, I Built A Floating City In Hogwarts

Chapter 429 Everyone Shows Their Magical Powers

Deep in the Forbidden Forest not far from the Quidditch field, Onyxia is leading a team of dozens of new Aurors in uniforms. They are listening attentively to the magical transmissions of the Aurors on site. Live games for them.

Since Tonks and Cirilla were both responsible for the safety of the maze, Onyxia was temporarily entrusted by Jaina to lead the team.

On weekdays, she is a frequent visitor to the Department of Legal Enforcement, often providing training guidance for these new Aurors. Her strength is deeply respected and trusted by the young Aurors.

For Onyxia, the one she supports the most among the six contestants is Hermione. After all, her character has always been about helping with marriage or not.

But now, the object of her attention was obviously Harry Potter, and she had no intention of asking Hermione about the progress of the game.

Except for the Aurors who needed to stay in the Ministry of Magic and were preparing to capture members of Crouch's faction, Tonks mobilized almost all his available subordinates.

These heavily armed Aurors were quietly stationed deep in the Forbidden Forest, and the centaur Daisy personally used magic to help them hide their whereabouts.

According to the plan, they are about to embark on a challenging task.

Once Harry touches the medal that is magically made into a door key and is teleported away from the competition venue, it is their moment of action.

With the special locating badge Levin gave Harry, they will be able to accurately track Voldemort's hiding place.

At that time, Tonks will leave the maze and join them.

They will separate some of their troops to decisively take down Crouch Jr., who has transformed into Moody, and Crouch Sr., who is the judge.

Tonks and Onyxia will open the portal and transport all 29 people to Harry. Together with Levin and Dumbledore, they will arrest Voldemort and the Death Eaters - at least they will be severely injured. The resurrected Voldemort.

After walking about fifty steps, Hermione suddenly discovered that there was a fork in the road ahead, with two passages extending out to the left and right.

Left or right?" She had a brief inner struggle.

Once you make the wrong choice, it may take a lot of time to get around it.

So she decided not to choose either, but turned her attention to the towering hedge directly in front of her.

Without even a running start, Hermione sprinted towards the hedge resolutely.

Before she ran a few steps, her body was magically covered in cat hair, completely turning into a half-human, half-cat shape. Then, she jumped into the air.

The lower limbs similar to those of a cat gave her amazing jumping power. She jumped four meters high in her first step, grabbed the hedge with both hands, and climbed to the top in two or three steps.

Flying is prohibited in the maze, but jumping is not prohibited.

However, the hedge did not leave her with many opportunities to climb high and look far away. When she reached the top, the hedge beneath her suddenly opened a hole, as if she was about to be swallowed whole.

But Hermione didn't panic at all, she jumped down lightly and landed lightly from a height of six meters.

"Violation, this is a serious violation." On the referee's bench outside the court, Karkaroff became anxious and protested angrily, "How could she climb the wall?"

Bagman immediately retorted: "Karkarov, Miss Granger, this is not a foul. There is no rule that a warrior cannot climb the wall. This is a reflection of his wisdom and strength."

After that, he turned to Dumbledore and said, "Mr. Headmaster, what do you think?"

You have already said good things, what else can Dumbledore think?

Dumbledore was naturally quite helpless regarding Hermione's performance. The original Miss Granger was such an honest child. She would listen to whatever the professor said, study hard all day long, never engage in crooked ways, and she could also contribute to the growth of the savior. provide help.

And now...after falling in love with Levin, why did he become like this - completely transformed into Levin's shape?

But Bagman is so biased towards Hermione. As the principal of Hogwarts, he can't blatantly favor other schools.

So he could only nod: "Bagman is right, what's more, we are not without preventive measures for this situation...

As he spoke, he pointed at the live broadcast screen.

In the illusion, Hermione in her cat-like form was deftly trying to climb over the second hedge. Suddenly, several thick branches protruded from the hedge, like a giant hand woven from trees.

Trying to keep Hermione in a tight grip.

But the girl's agility was far beyond imagination. She turned around lightly and cleverly avoided the sudden attack.

"See? If other little wizards can deal with this kind of attack, then it will be no problem even if they blow up the hedge directly.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a roar from another live broadcast.

It was Fleur. After she set off, she fired [Fireball Technique] and blasted a huge hole in the first hedge wall she encountered.

Karkaroff glanced at Dumbledore and then at Madam Maxime, his face became even more gloomy.

I understand, you are joining forces to suppress us, Durmstrang.

Mrs. Maxim originally wanted to say a few words for Karkaroff, but the mouth she just opened was closed as if controlled by a remote control.

She originally felt that Hermione's behavior of climbing on walls and treating the maze as nothing was too threatening. If this "cheating" behavior was allowed to go unchecked, Beauxbatons would have no chance at all.

Who would have thought that his students are also the same thing.

Who did everyone learn this from? Why don’t you like to follow the Tuanchang path?

Ah, it turns out I learned it from Levin Green.

That's okay.

Compared to Hermione transforming into a cat-person form and relying on superhuman agility to climb walls,

Furong's method of breaking through obstacles is obviously simpler and more crude, and easier to be imitated.

Several contestants who had not yet started looked at the live broadcast of the illusion and were eager to give it a try.

They may not know [Fireball], but they can still do [Explosion Curse].

Although the damage to hedges is not as good as [Fireball] composed of pure fire elements, it can also achieve similar effects.

Why bother walking through a maze when you can blow up a passage?

Just when the direction of the entire game was about to be taken astray, an accident happened.

In other words, this is not an accident, but a reasonable ending:

Suddenly, a red hat appeared out of nowhere and attacked Fleur.

However, after it only took a few steps, it fell to the ground with a thud and fell into a deep sleep.

Obviously, this kind of elementary magical creature has no resistance in front of [Hypnosis].

However, the challenges facing Furong go far beyond that.

Her act of using the fireball technique to open a path was like beating gongs and drums to set off a signal flare, awakening the entire silent confusion.

The maze guardians lurking in the darkness were attracted by the dazzling firelight and loud noise, and emerged from hidden corners one after another, launching a siege on Furong.

A huge Acromantula slowly crawled out from the dark hole, its ferocious fangs flashing with cold light, intending to launch a fatal blow to Furong.

However, facing this ferocious beast, Furong was not surprised but overjoyed and took the initiative to greet it.

She opened her red lips lightly and blurted out a magic spell of "Charming Monsters".

The moment the magic is released, the audience can slightly feel the strange fluctuations through the live broadcast screen.

Furong's figure looked particularly charming at this moment, as if exuding an irresistible charm.

The Acromantula, which was still murderous at first, suddenly became like a well-behaved baby. It slowly walked to her side and leaned down to show submission.

Well, it directly became Furong's thug.

Therefore, any monster that dares to approach Furong will first be violently attacked by it.

As the top predator in the Forbidden Forest, the Acromantula's strength cannot be underestimated. In front of it, most weak creatures are like fish on a chopping board, ready to be slaughtered.

With the assistance of the Acromantula, Furong easily dealt with wave after wave of monster attacks.

Of course, if she encounters someone strong enough to rival the Acromantula, she will personally take action and use the monster to subdue him.

As time went by, Fleur gradually built a small army of monsters. In addition to the Acromantula, there was also a black snake and a blast-ended snail.

The three monsters swaggered ahead, clearing the way for Furong.

Furong, on the other hand, followed leisurely behind, almost letting them pull her away.

But Furong's face didn't look good at this time either.

It's not because those three monsters are difficult to control, it's because their appearance is too unsightly.

Furong inherited the beauty and charm of her mother and grandmother, and naturally also inherited their facial control, otherwise she would not have read the dish article so quickly.

And all of these guys are fierce-looking and crooked, which is completely inconsistent with her aesthetic taste.

It's a pity that the monster that suits her aesthetics can't help her win the competition. The ugly guy has the ability to subjugate demons, and everyone knows which one to choose.

Therefore, Furong could only bite the bullet and act as a modern version of Tang Sanzang, leading these three humble "apprentices", Bomb Walker, Spider Eyes, and Sand Black Snake on a journey to the "Western Heaven to obtain scriptures".

Furong's performance undoubtedly shocked the audience, but it also scared off the other three warriors.

They really didn't expect that so many "nail households" would besiege them if they carried out forced demolition work casually.

They are not Furong, and they cannot make those monsters surrender. Do they have to write about monsters fighting one by one?

Not to mention that the outcome is unpredictable, even if we win, we will definitely suffer heavy losses and outweigh the gains.

Forget it, cheating and being special are not something we can afford.

We ordinary wizards should just walk through the maze honestly.

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