As the weather got hotter and hotter, the class that Harry found most intolerable was the Divination class.

This is not only because of the ethereal and hypnotic voice of Professor Sybill Trelawney, but also because the divination classroom is as hot as a steamer. Professor Trelawney seems to have a special liking for the stove and never lets it go out.

As Harry stepped onto the stairs leading to the silver ladder and trap door, he even had the urge to run away.

As expected, the heat in Professor Traolini's dim classroom was suffocating.

The smell of incense is stronger than usual, making people breathless.

Harry walked over to a closed curtain, feeling dizzy and drowsy.

"Dear students,"

Professor Trelawney sat on the winged armchair and scanned the class with her unusually large eyes. "We have basically finished the content of planetary divination. But today is a perfect time to study the role of Mars, because It's in a very interesting position. Please look over here, I'm going to turn off the lights..."

She flicked her wand, and in an instant all the lights went out, leaving only the fire swaying lonely in the darkness.

Professor Trelawney leaned over and took out a small solar system model in a glass dome from under his chair. This model was very beautiful, with the burning sun, nine planets and their satellites suspended in Bochen.

Under the illumination of the fire, the planets in the model shimmered faintly.

Harry watched listlessly as Professor Trelawney began to talk about the mysterious angle formed by Mars and Neptune. Her voice 430 echoed in the sultry air, as if carrying a hint of indescribable magic.

The strong incense came to him like a tide, and the gentle wind blew in from the window, like a lover's fingers, gently caressing his cheek. The subtle hum of an insect behind the curtains sounded in his ears, like a lullaby, and his eyelids gradually became heavy and slowly lowered...

He rode on the back of a majestic owl, soared in the clear blue sky, passed through the clouds, and flew straight to an ancient house on the top of a mountain covered with ivy.

The breeze was like poetry, caressing Harry's face. They gradually lowered their flight altitude, and finally passed through a dark broken window on the roof.

They walked along the dark corridor, and there was a mysterious door at the end of the corridor. They passed through the door and entered a dark room with all the windows sealed.

Harry found himself no longer on the owl's back and watched as it flew behind a chair with its back to him. Beside the chair were two dark shadows, moving mysteriously.

One is a giant snake, the other is a human being - a slender woman who is brutally whipping a man while laughing maniacally.

The man was forced to hide in the corner by the stove by the woman's impenetrable whip, huddled on the worn carpet, panting and sobbing violently...

"Don't scare him into incontinence. Nagini has a very sensitive sense of smell." A cold and sharp voice came from behind the chair, "Also, remove the wrapping paper before feeding."

The big snake made a hissing sound. (cjag) Harry saw it spitting out letters and sitting on the tattered carpet in front of the fireplace, looking very ferocious.

"Please forgive me, 廄.

The woman with a slightly crazy voice immediately pointed her wand at the trembling man on the ground, "[Soul Out of Body]!"

Harry saw that the man who had been whipped like a torn carpet immediately stopped shaking, stood up with empty eyes, took off his clothes one by one, and then walked towards the coiled snake naked. .

"Nagini, sometimes I'm even jealous of you!" The woman made an invitation gesture to the man and towards the giant snake.

The big snake slithered toward the man.

Facing this big snake that was at least twelve feet long, the man controlled by the Imperius Curse had no expression on his face and no trace of fear.

Harry recognized him as one of the dark wizards who caused trouble at the World Cup during the summer vacation and had been wanted for most of the semester. I heard that the Aurors had previously sent a team to launch a cross-border operation and went to Albania to arrest many of these people. Apparently, he was not on the list of those arrested.

But now, he could only take the initiative to meet the giant snake's undulating body.

The giant snake left a winding, wide track in the thick dust on the floor, and slowly the distance between them became closer and closer.

The big snake straightened its body, starting from the diamond-patterned tail, wrapped around the man in circles, gradually tightened, and opened its mouth wide...

In deep panic, one of the scars on Harry's forehead burned painfully as if being licked by a hot flame, and he couldn't help but cry out...

"Harry! Harry!"

Harry finally struggled out of the dark abyss and opened his eyes suddenly.

He found himself lying on the cold floor of the classroom, covering his face tightly with his hands. The scar on his right side still seemed to be burned by flames, and the severe pain even forced him to cry.

It hurts, it hurts so much.

The whole class surrounded him, with worried faces on their faces.

"Are you okay?" Hermione's voice was filled with concern.

"Of course something is wrong with him!" Professor Trelawney's voice sounded extremely excited. Her huge eyes were fixed on Harry with an almost fanatical urgency. "What's wrong, Potter? What did you see? An omen? An apparition?"

"Nothing." Harry lied.

He struggled to sit up, his body shaking involuntarily.

His eyes moved around, carefully examining every shadow behind him. Voldemort's voice still seemed to be echoing in his ears...

"You were covering your scar!" Professor Trelawney refused to let him go. "You were rolling on the ground, holding your scar tightly! Come on, Potter. "Tell me what you saw! I have Experiences can be shared!”

Harry raised his head and met her longing eyes.

"I think I need to go to the school doctor's office," he said. "I have a terrible headache."

"Oh, dear, you are obviously affected by the clairvoyance in my classroom!" Professor Trelawney said, "If you leave now, you may miss a second time you have never had before."

"I just want to find painkillers." Harry interrupted.

"Harry, let's go find Levin first." Hermione said, picking up Harry's schoolbag and standing next to him.

Harry nodded. At Hogwarts, besides Principal Dumbledore, he felt that the most powerful person was Levin.

He stood up, and except for Hermione who followed him, the whole class retreated with uneasy expressions on their faces.

Harry and Hermione walked towards the trap door, ignoring Professor Trelawney's call behind them. There was a frustrated expression on the professor's face, as if he had been deprived of a long-awaited meal.

At the same time, on the lakeside of Hogwarts, the sun shone like golden satin, reflecting the sparkling water of the lake, like gems shining with alluring light.

This rare bright weather seems to have a hint of sweetness in the air.

Levin was sitting comfortably on the grass by the lake, with a large mat spread in front of him filled with a variety of snacks and drinks. He was obviously having a picnic.

Levin was not enjoying this quiet time alone. There were two beautiful girls sitting beside him, and their attention did not seem to be entirely on the picnic.

Zhang Qiuduan sat next to Levin, holding a "Rune Dictionary" in both hands. She read it carefully, and occasionally asked Levin for some guidance.

Not far away, Luna was sitting alone by the lake. She took off her shoes and dipped her white feet into the cool black lake water. While splashing leisurely, she fed some grilled salmon and fried cod to the lake. The giant squid in it——are all the food Levin brought for the picnic.

The squid happily tapped the surface of the black lake with its huge tentacles. Under the sunlight, the lake water had colorful ripples.

Two women and one man were enjoying the gifts of nature in the sun. Such a peaceful and peaceful scene made many little wizards passing by look at it with envy.

Many boys stared wide-eyed, eager to rush forward and take Levin's place.

Of course, if they really did this, they would definitely end up being stumped on the spot by Zhang Qiu's various tricky questions.

At this moment, Hermione and Harry also came to the lake and saw the scene in front of them.

Seeing the person he had a crush on staying next to Levin like this, Harry suddenly felt sour in his heart.

I still have Ronnie.

He comforted himself like this,

In his jealousy, Harry suddenly remembered Hermione's relationship with Levin.

He subconsciously took a few steps back, fearing that they would start a quarrel.

However, to his surprise, Hermione seemed unusually calm, not at all angry because her boyfriend was dating another girl - and dating two girls at the same time.

Over the past four years, she has long been accustomed to the scene where the other person is surrounded by warblers and swallows, and she is also accustomed to this kind of emotional relationship that is somewhat distorted in the eyes of outsiders. .

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