Hermione greeted Zhang Qiu and Luna naturally, and then couldn't wait to walk to Levin, wanting to share her experience in the divination class just now:

"Levin, did you know? Harry fell asleep in Divination class, and when he woke up he was holding the scar on his forehead and screaming. Professor Trelawney said it was an omen!" Hermione's tone was filled with a hint of nervousness and worry.

She turned her head and looked at Harry, "Harry, tell Levin, he might know what's going on."

Harry felt the probing gazes of everyone and felt troubled.

At this time, Luna poured the last bit of food into the lake, then left the lake with the empty lunch box and sat down on the other side of Levin.

Levin skillfully summoned a towel, dried her dewy feet, and then helped her put on her white stockings.

"Ouch, itchy

Luna let out a soft cry and suddenly saw the embarrassed boy next to Hermione.

"Hello, Harry Potter." She suddenly said.

Levin and Luna's ambiguous actions made the innocent boy Harry feel a little unnatural. At this time, he was almost having an embarrassment attack. He was frantically looking for topics. After a while, he barely managed to say: "Hello Luna, what were you doing just now?" ?”

"Just give the giant squid something he might like."

Harry glanced at the giant squid that was still basking in the sun on the shore and stuffing fried cod into its mouth with its arms and legs, and was stunned.

It was okay that Luna didn't explain, but after hearing her explanation, Harry felt that she was even more tongue-tied.

Luna didn't care about the other person's expression at all, and explained to herself: "You know, the Black Lake does not merge into any rivers or oceans, so there are no such things in the lake."

She paused and then added: "Oh, don't be fooled by the way Durmstrang's ship emerged from the deep water. It traveled into the Black Lake through other means."

Harry adjusted his glasses and asked doubtfully: "Luna, how do you know that its favorite food is seafood?"

Hermione watched the topic getting further and further away, and couldn't help but come over and put her arms around Luna's shoulders, trying to bring the topic back to the main topic: "Luna, according to Muggle research, squid like to eat this food because they need astaxanthin." Something like that. But first we should let Harry talk about his dream.

"I see." Luna looked at Harry and tilted her head.

Harry suddenly discovered that the "crazy girl" was so beautiful and cute, and Ye Wen really had good taste.

Just when Harry was having some wild thoughts, Luna said in her singing tone: "In that case, let's leave first. Harry doesn't want to tell us girls about his dreams. He is just being polite and embarrassed." speak out.

"How did you know?"

Hermione wanted to ask Luna,

But when she caught a glimpse of Harry's flushed face, she immediately swallowed these words in her stomach. She took Zhang Qiu, who was reluctant to stand up, and walked away with Luna, leaving the two boys behind. A space to be alone.

Harry was surprised at Luna's insight.

Indeed, he didn't want to tell the dream just now in front of the three girls, especially when there was someone he had a crush on among them.

On the one hand, he thought this dream was too terrifying;

On the other hand, he felt it was shameful to describe to the girls that he was frightened by a nightmare, even if the nightmare caused a very painful scar on his forehead - he was a Gryffindor.

Seeing that the three girls had happily gone elsewhere to feed the squid, Levin turned to Harry and asked in a gentle tone: "Harry, is there anything you want to share with me?"

Harry seemed a little hesitant. He frowned, as if he was trying to recall the dream he had just experienced.

"Levin, I was taking a divination class, but, uh--I fell asleep..."

He tried to use more precise words, not wanting Levin to think he was being haunted by a simple nightmare.

Levin waited patiently for him to collect his thoughts and said softly: "Professor Trelawney is indeed good at prediction, but he is obviously not very good at teaching.

Harry frowned, concentrated, and desperately dug for fragments of memory...

"Levin, I actually fell asleep in the Divination class." He finally began to tell, "I had a dream, a very real dream. I dreamed of Voldemort and heard his voice clearly, just like in the first grade. It was like that. There was also a woman with incomplete teeth but who liked to smile, and a huge snake... When the snake opened its bloody mouth, my scar began to hurt violently, and I woke up from the pain."

Levin listened quietly without interrupting.

"Uh - that's all." After Harry finished speaking, he asked, "Do you - do you know why my scar hurts?"

Levin looked at Harry and said seriously: "You are right to seek help from someone about this matter. Harry, this is indeed not a trivial matter, but a very important omen. However, Professor Dumbledore knows more about this than I am more, you can go to him now and tell him about this."

Seeing that Harry was still hesitating, Levin reminded:

"Don't worry about disturbing him, Harry, this matter is very important, and he will be very willing to hear what you have to say."

In fact, of course Levin knew the reason for everything, but because he had an agreement with Dumbledore, it was better for Dumbledore to worry about how to deal with this matter.

He couldn't tell Harry directly that his mother had used the [Protection of Love] magic she had cast on Harry at the expense of herself to deflect Voldemort's killing curse. The rebound spell not only killed Voldemort, but also left a fragment of his soul within his first scar.

He is Voldemort's seventh Horcrux. This scar is the link between him and Voldemort's thoughts. When his consciousness is very relaxed, such as sleeping, it is possible to sneak into Voldemort's thoughts.

…Please give me flowers…

Harry finally accepted Levin's suggestion.

Levin watched him touch the faintly aching scar with his fingers uneasily and began to walk towards the principal's office.

He immediately used [Invisibility Technique] on himself and followed quietly.

Hermione, Luna and Zhang Qiu were taking a leisurely walk by the Black Lake. The afternoon sun shone on them, bringing a bit of warmth and gradually relaxing their nerves.

Zhang Qiu watched the entire conversation between them and Harry, and suddenly felt uneasy when he thought of Luna's last words.

She couldn't help but think that if Luna could see through Harry's thoughts so keenly, could she also see through her own thoughts? For example, she had been trying hard to hide her "ability to control Blast-Ended Skrewts."

When she thought of this, she couldn't help but keep her [mechanized mind] running at all times, as if this was the only way to bring herself a sense of security.


In her opinion, Luna seemed to be born with the ability to see through other people's minds. "If she mastered the ability to detect thoughts... Zhang Qiu didn't dare to think about it anymore.

"Zhang Qiu, how about we try to control a few newly hatched snails that have not yet begun to grow shells and give them to the giant squid?" Luna tilted her head, playing with her long light blond hair, her eyes twinkling. Shining with childlike excitement.

"You...can you really tell?" Zhang Qiu's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

She felt frustrated in her heart. Even her [mechanized mind] couldn't hide in front of Luna. Did she really need to learn a higher spiritual barrier?

But that is an 8-level spell. Even the simplified version of [Personal Mind Barrier] is 7-level, which is out of reach for her.

However, [Psychic Barrier] is a level 8 spell, and the next level [Personal Mind Barrier] is also a level 7 spell, so she can't learn it at all.

"Huh? Blast-Ended Skrewt? What are you whispering about?" Hermione interjected curiously. She didn't understand what kind of riddle the two people were playing.

"Zhang Qiu's Animagus has the ability to control blast-ended snails." Luna told the truth in Zhang Qiu's dull eyes.

"Oh, controlling Blast-Ended Skrewts is such a weird ability." Hermione chuckled, and then she asked Luna curiously, "Is this really what you saw using [Detect Thoughts] or [Legilimency]?" ?”

"No, Hermione. Zhang Qiu's [mechanized mind] is already quite sophisticated, enough to conceal her true thoughts." Luna explained, "I actually saw it with my own eyes.

"See?" Zhang Qiu's pupils shrank, showing an expression of disbelief.

"Yes." Luna looked at her strangely, not understanding why she was making such a fuss, "When you were using the Animagus next to Hagrid's hut that night, I was looking for hooks in the Forbidden Forest next to it. Didn't you look? Is it coming to me?"

The picture shows Luna.

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