The little wizards had just seen the power of Sniff, and they all took out their belongings.

When Hagrid handed a bag to Ronald, Ronald's face turned red and he wanted to dig into the soil on the spot like Xiu Xiu - he had nothing to put in it.

In the Quidditch World Cup preliminary match at the end of his third grade, he took the gold galleons sprinkled by the Irish Leprechaun, the Irish team's mascot, as if they were real. Who knew it was just a fake galleon that would disappear, and he was in deep debt because of it.

Until now, his family has never given him a copper nut as pocket money, let alone a gold galleon.

"Oh, by the way, Ronald, I suddenly remembered that I still owed you some money last time, and I can pay it back to you now." Harry keenly caught Ronald's embarrassment.

He knew this feeling well, so he immediately made a clever excuse and quietly stuffed a few gold galleons and a handful of silver Sickles into Ronald's bag.

"You can return it to me after this lesson." Harry whispered carefully into Ronald's ear, making sure that only the two of them could hear.

Ronald's face turned red, he muttered, and finally let out a grateful, off-key "thank you."

Ronald, who finally took a breath, began to observe the situation of others. ,

He noticed that the wallets used by the young wizards who participated in the Erudite Society were all in a unified format.

What surprised him even more was that most of them were very rich, especially the top students who performed best. The number of gold galleons they took out far exceeded what an ordinary little wizard could have - even the wallets themselves were valuable, and each one was cast with the [Invisible Extension Curse], so that they could hold so much. Garonne, Siko and Namu

The most notable of these is undoubtedly Hermione.

Ronald already knew that Hermione was from a good family.

He knew that Hermione's parents were both dentists - a kind of doctor who specializes in teeth - and he heard that in the Muggle world, dentistry is a very respectable profession and the income is not high.

Just now, Ronald saw Hermione writing ink there for a long time. He thought that Hermione didn't have too many gold galleons on her body and ran into the same trouble as himself.

However, what he never expected was that among all the people present, the one who gave away the most property was Hermione.

And that amount is shocking.

Ronald sadly realized that the total gold galleons their family owned could only be compared to the fraction of the gold galleons Hermione had given out.

He clenched his fists and said to Harry beside him: "I hate not having money. I don't at all think it's a shame that George and Fred are trying to make extra money. I should have begged them to let me do it. people."

Harry knew what he was thinking, and suddenly discovered that the girl he had a crush on was a rich man, with much more wealth than his whole family. This kind of thing was really a blow to a person with excessive self-esteem like Ronald.

But he had absolutely no idea what to say to comfort Ronald.

What they didn't know was that Hermione was actually not as rich as they thought. With Levin here, Hermione would never have any shortage of daily supplies, and she would naturally not think about saving any money.

The huge sum of money in Hermione's hands was actually the operating expenses of the Polytechnic Society, as well as some intermediary transaction funds.

In order to bring some benefits to the little wizards, and also to stimulate their enthusiasm for applying what they have learned, the Boshi Society has now launched an income-generating business.

For example, they will organize young wizards to use the alchemy and potion making skills they have learned to mass-produce some simple alchemy products and potion products for customers in need.

Levin himself will outsource some tasks such as demulcents, general solvents and other crude materials to the Polytechnic Society.

The Society is also an important supplier to the Weasley twins.

Therefore, the young wizards in the society are keen to learn the skills of hand alchemy or medicine.

Today, the Erotic Society has even established cooperative relationships with many merchants in Hogsmeade and has become their supplier.

During the Triwizard Tournament, many of the products used by Hogsmeade to entertain visitors embody the wisdom and efforts of the young wizards.

This allows the little wizards in the society to make a lot of extra money, which is why many of them are very rich.

Of course, as an intermediary platform, the Boshi Society will collect a portion of the intermediary fee from each transaction, which is used for the daily operations of the society and for distributing scholarships to young wizards.

In addition to the above-mentioned businesses, the logistics department of the Boshi Society has also developed consignment services with originality.

Here, young wizards can put their carefully refined alchemy products and magic potions, or second-hand magic items on consignment in the society, waiting for the destined wizards to come and buy them.

The unified wallets mentioned just now were actually created by Levin when he was teaching Hermione the [Invisible Extension Charm].

Levin occasionally creates magic props for consignment.

The magic items he makes are all exquisite and durable, with many functions that are simply difficult to find on the market. They can be described as treasures among fine products.

Levin’s move not only attracted attention to the consignment platform, but was also seen as a unique benefit within the society.

In addition, some senior wizards will even sell their used textbooks directly to their juniors, which not only makes a small fortune for themselves, but also helps their juniors save money. It is simply a Hogwarts gift. Salted fish net.

To further enrich the consignment platform, Levin even organized a team to go to the largest hiding room in the Room of Requirement.

They carefully selected some ordinary items and magic items with repair value: ordinary items were used to teach the exercises of [Restoration Spell] and [Repair Spell], while magic items were used as examples and teaching materials for alchemy and enchantment courses for students. We practice learning.

With the passage of time and continuous development, the significance of the Boshi Society has gone far beyond a simple after-school magic interest class.

For little wizards who love life, it has become an indispensable fantasy market for shopping and Taobao:

For little wizards who long for wealth, it is the guarantee of pocket money freedom;

For young wizards who pursue knowledge, it is the only endless treasure trove to explore knowledge beyond the existing magic system;

For young wizards who are aspiring to a career, it is a shortcut to the emerging factions of the Ministry of Magic:

For young wizards who want to make a career, it is a vast stage that brings together the most outstanding talents in the UK in the future.

Against this backdrop, it's no surprise that Hermione, as the Society's second-in-command and responsible for all financial aspects of the Society, has such a huge fortune in her wallet.

That is not only her personal savings, but also the accumulation of all the income from the intermediary platform, the consignment platform, and the payment to be settled.

It can be said that this wealth is the best footnote for the prosperity of the Boshu Society.

The reason why Hermione was reluctant to open her wallet and show the pile of gold galleons was entirely because the amount was staggeringly huge.

This is not only the accumulation of money, but also the crystallization of the wisdom and efforts of many young wizards in the entire Boshu Society.

In the end, Hermione sadly discovered that she could not think of any solution to avoid falling into this embarrassing situation. In the end, she could only pour the shining gold galleons in her wallet into the long embarrassment. in the bag handed over by Hagrid.

However, something more embarrassing happened.

The gap in her purse was so small that it took Hermione five minutes to finally finish it.

During this period, she even had to ask Hagrid for a few more bags to fit them in.

Hagrid looked at the astonishing wealth in front of him, his eyes widened, and he was speechless for a moment.

Faced with such a scene, Hermione's cheeks turned red and she lowered her head to avoid eye contact with other people. She doesn't want to be misunderstood as a rich woman showing off her wealth.

*"|| Is Granger being kept as Levin's little lover? I never knew she was so rich before!" Pansy muttered sourly in Draco's ear.

Draco immediately covered Pansy's mouth with his hand and reprimanded in a low voice, "Don't talk nonsense! She manages the finances of the Erotic Society. It's normal to have money. You yourself also spent a lot of money in the Society. I told you Don't mess with her again!"

The little wizards in the society did not show any strange expressions when faced with this scene.

And more like Ronald, the little wizards who noticed these details secretly made up their minds to find an opportunity to ask them the secret of getting rich after class.


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