After understanding the mystery of the [Ring Circle], everyone finally understood Levin's plan and how he planned to solve the current manpower shortage problem.

Indeed, if the [Circular Array] can be used skillfully, the effectiveness of wizards who are already proficient in the [Invisible Extension Spell] can be increased by at least three times. In this way, the problem of shortage of manpower will be easily solved.

Ludo immediately agreed: "The remuneration of the Aurors is not a problem. Thanks to you, the sponsorship fees from Hogsmeade merchants are sufficient, and we can give them a large amount of overtime pay."

After finalizing the maze framework, the next step is to design traps and levels.

Levin came up with a series of intricate traps and level designs almost without thinking. If these are placed in a maze, every warrior will definitely experience unprecedented challenges and surprises.

Levin added: "These traps were actually inspired by defense strategies in the woods outside my home. I can provide more styles if needed."

"Enough!" Professor McGonagall couldn't help but interrupt Levin, "The way you set up the trap, I'm afraid no warrior will be able to pass the test. They haven't even reached the end yet.

He has already been trapped in a trap! There is no need to continue this competition!"

It is easy to understand why Professor McGonagall is angry, because many of the traps designed by Levin have not even been imagined by her, and they are quite difficult to crack, especially for the students.

"Really? But I believe Hermione can do it." Levin confidently took his girlfriend as an example, "At least she has the ability to break through the defense measures in the forest outside my home.

Of course, this is under the premise that there is no forest managed by tree spirits.

Snape raised the corner of his mouth slightly, revealing a malicious smile: "Mr. Green is planning to let other warriors fall into his trap, right?" He changed the topic, "In this way, his girlfriend can easily seize the opportunity. Won the final championship.

"You don't seem to have the right to criticize me, do you?" Levin retorted, "As far as I know, Professor, the hallucinogens you mentioned are no joke. If any unlucky warrior accidentally gets infected, maybe it will be over. Devastated.

"Forget it. Although the trap designed by Mr. Green is exquisite, it is too difficult. In fact, it does not need to be so complicated. The original intention of this project is to test the courage and wisdom of the warriors." Dumbledore's fingers were gently waving in the air, as if sorting out his thoughts. , “The Boggart and Red Hat proposed by Alastor is quite an interesting idea.

With a deep light shining in his eyes, he continued: "Pompona's hanging grass and devil's net, combined with Snape's hallucinogens and sleep powder, may create unexpected effects. However, the use of hallucinogens needs to be more cautious. , Severus, to reduce the dose, be sure to ensure that the warriors can recover on their own after leaving the trap's range of influence."

"Hagrid will participate in the arrangement with his Blast-Ended Skrewts, and you, Mr. Green's animated garden shrub, are undoubtedly an excellent choice to guard the key roads. We can't let the warriors easily approach the key roads, can we? And Si Finks, that mysterious creature will guard the last level before the trophy. Only those who are smart enough can pass its test.

The traps mentioned by Dumbledore all seemed too simple to Levin's ears.

He couldn't help but asked: "Do you want to hand over the championship to Hermione? With her strength, I'm afraid these levels will not pose a threat."

Dumbledore was silent for a moment, and finally compromised: "Okay, you can add some more challenging levels. But we must ensure that among the many paths to the end, at least one is something that the warriors can overcome. Remember , the purpose of this final is to test the Warriors, not to destroy them. Don’t forget the true meaning of this game.”

Levin keenly captured the deep meaning of the other party's words. It was related to Voldemort, so the difficulty of the maze seemed trivial.

He shrugged slightly, acquiescing to Dumbledore's proposal.

Then, he waved his wand and lightly tapped on the maze model. In an instant, models of traps and levels filled the intricate forks and corridors like flowing water.

Levin didn't stop there. He cleverly arranged several constantly moving walls and mushroom circles for teleportation, which will become hidden paths for the warriors during their exploration.

"In this way, even if a warrior is blocked in front of certain levels, he can still get closer to the finish line through luck." He explained.

Later, Levin made another creative suggestion: "We can also use high-density gardening shrubs to form hedges to form the walls inside the maze. In this way, the solidity of the walls will be greatly reduced, and the warriors will not be able to survive when they encounter difficulties." When dealing with a level, we can find new breakthroughs by destroying the walls. At the same time, we can also cleverly arrange traps in the walls to increase the challenge of the maze."

"Excellent!" Dumbledore clapped his hands and laughed after hearing this, and was full of praise for Levin's idea. I think you have understood the true meaning of the final level. "

The design blueprint has been finalized, and the next step is intensive construction work.

The staff of the Ministry of Magic and Aurors will assist in the use of the [Invisible Extension Spell]. However, the specific construction of the maze cannot be entirely up to them. Each task needs to be claimed by the people present.

The construction of the maze will be started by Hagrid.

Although the hybrid giant was not present, Dumbledore claimed it for him. He said that Hagrid would be responsible for building brick walls around the maze.

…please give me flowers………………

Hagrid: Thank you very much.

According to the design drawings, the walls inside the maze will be entirely composed of high-density gardening shrubs.

Levin took the initiative and invited Miss Daisy, the centaur druid, and several professionals to be responsible for the construction of this part.

Their collaboration will make the walls inside the maze both beautiful and functional.

After that, traps are set up to test the warrior's ability. Whoever adopts the trap's design will be responsible for the trap, and all the professors at Hogwarts will contribute.

"Finally, there is the issue of the safety of the warriors. I am going to add four more people and enter the maze with two people from the Ministry of Magic. Their duty is to protect the safety of the warriors and prevent the dark wizards hiding in the shadows from doing evil things to them. .”

Dumbledore looked at Levin deeply and said seriously: "Levin, I know about your relationship with Miss Granger and Miss Delacour, but I hope that you can personally be responsible for Potter's safety. Are you qualified?"

Without waiting for his answer, Dumbley immediately added: "The safety of Miss Granger and Miss Delacour will be left to the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic. I believe you will be satisfied with this arrangement.

"Of course!" Levin shrugged slightly, agreeing with the decision.

He had already thought about it and let Cirilla and Tonks take charge personally when the time comes.

"Then, Severus, Polyakov's safety is your responsibility!" Dumbledore turned to Snape.

Snape pursed his lips tightly, but finally nodded: "I'm fine."

"Filius, Ms. Dumont's safety is in your hands!"

"Don't worry, leave it to me!" Professor Flitwick vowed.

"And Mr. Krum?" Dumbledore turned to Alastor.

"I'll take charge of him." Alastor nodded and added, "We all must remain vigilant at all times to protect our respective warriors. The last incident of the giant squid riot in the Black Lake has not yet been resolved, and we cannot take it lightly."

Dumbledore concluded: "Each of you must go all out to protect your warriors. Once the warriors use fireworks to ask for help, it means they choose to give up the game. Of course, if the life safety of the warriors is threatened, you have the right to make the most appropriate judgment in order to Protecting their lives is the top priority."


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