On the first day after the Easter holiday, Ravenclaw and Gryffindor went to the Charms classroom together. Today they were going to practice the [Bulliance Curse], which was the exact opposite of the [Flying Curse].

Because things flying around the classroom can easily lead to unfortunate accidents, Professor Flitwick gave each student a large pile of soft pads to practice on so that if they went astray, they wouldn't get hurt.

The idea was good, but the execution was not smooth.

Neville was so inaccurate with his spells that he accidentally sent heavy objects flying all over the house - like Flitwick himself.

Levin had no choice but to step forward and assist Professor Flitwick in correcting the pronunciation of the little wizards.

Hermione also became another temporary teaching assistant,

With her victories in the Triwizard Tournament, no one dared to regard her as a "nerdy" lady anymore [many young wizards were willing to seek her help in their studies.

Professor Flitwick was very satisfied with these two protégés. He announced loudly that any young wizard who could successfully master the [Expelling Curse] before the end of get out of class would be exempted from writing the paper assigned by Professor Flitwick.

Although the difficulty of [Expelling Curse] is not small, at the end of class, except for Levin and Hermione, most of the young wizards who joined the Erudite Society were given the honor of being exempted from writing homework.

—They have already practiced spell-like exercises.

The bell rang, and Levin was about to walk out of the classroom hand in hand with Hermione, but Professor Flitwick stopped him.

"I'm sorry, Miss Granger, I know you two are such an insatiable couple and want to be together every moment, but now we have to occupy your Mr. Green for a little while."

Professor Flitwick said, and winked at Hermione mischievously, causing a blush to appear on her face.

Then, Professor Flitwick turned to Levin and said solemnly: "Levin, come with me [The principal and Mr. Zhonggeshi are waiting for you in the principal's office. There is a very important task for you to complete today."

When they opened the door of the principal's office, they found that it was crowded with people. In addition to the Headmaster and 983 Ludo Bagman, Professor Sprout, Professor Snape and Professor Moody were all gathered here, seemingly having some kind of meeting around Dumbledore's big desk.

The dazzling array of magic props on the big wooden table has been cleared, and now there is a huge maze model on it.

This model is beautifully crafted and clearly the product of Professor McGonagall's people.

"Oh, Mr. Green, you're finally here!" Ludo greeted Levin enthusiastically as soon as he saw him. "We are discussing how to design the fourth event of the Triwizard Tournament - the maze. You are also a third party. As a member of the Strong Tournament Preparatory Committee, your wisdom and talents are vital to us.

Levin glanced at the maze model and asked, "Where do you plan to set up the maze?"

"Of course it's the Quidditch pitch!" Ludo replied without thinking.

Levin couldn't help complaining in his heart, this course has been changed so many times in one semester, it's really like pointing at a sheep.

"We plan to place the trophy of the competition in the center of the maze," Bagman began to introduce the rules. "The warriors will start in the order of previous scores. Whoever can find the trophy first will be the final champion."

When he heard this, Levin calmly sensed Professor Moody's reaction. He could clearly feel the excitement and anticipation surging in the old man's heart.

At this moment, Ludo pointed to the maze model in front of him and said: "This is our preliminary idea, but I always feel that it seems a bit too simple."

Levin glanced at the maze model and nodded in agreement: "Indeed, this maze is not only designed to be simple, but also the path is too single. Unless you plan to let the warriors kill each other from beginning to end in the process of competing for the trophy, otherwise you should Design two, three, or even more paths to the trophy, allowing the warriors to act separately, increasing the suspense and strategy of the game.

(cbbe) "Perhaps, you should put forward your opinion?" Snape said sarcastically, this maze model has been the result of their hard work for a long time.

Levin glanced at Snape lightly and said, "It's not a matter of opinion. It's just that the perspectives of Muggles and wizards are different. I heard that the professor also lived in the Muggle world when he was a student. He should understand the difference between Muggles and wizards." .At least, if it was a maze designed by Muggles, it should look like this."

With that said, Levin pulled out his wand, ignoring Snape's murderous gaze, and lightly tapped on the maze model.

In the blink of an eye, the model changed drastically, and a more complicated maze appeared in front of everyone.

"This is the maze of the Muggle world." Levin introduced to everyone.

Dumbledore couldn't help but sigh: "It is indeed very complicated. I dare say that if there was no guiding magic in it, it would take a few days to find the way out. However, the school's Quidditch pitch may not be able to accommodate such a large maze. Moreover, this kind of complexity At this level, even if no additional traps are added, not many warriors can reach the finish line on time."

Obviously, he didn't know much about the Muggle world.

It should be said that, except for wizards who are born in the Muggle world, most wizards know nothing about Muggles, even if they offer Muggle studies courses.

Levin also remembered Ginny's father, Arthur Weasley, a man who would ask Levin or Harry endless questions about Muggle-related things every time he met.

In fact, he is already the wizard who understands Muggles the most that Levin has ever seen.

In contrast, Caredi Bubbaji, who teaches Muggle studies, can't even tell the difference between an engine and a generator, which is a far cry from Arthur Weasley, a little expert in Muggle machine modification.

"Mr. Green, don't show off your knowledge here." Moody snorted impatiently, his breath showing obvious displeasure, "We all know that no one here knows the Muggle world better than you, so please, Say what you think straight away, we don't have time to beat around the bush."

Levin nodded slightly and said calmly: "Since you think the previous idea is too complicated, let's make some adjustments.

He raised his wand and lightly tapped on the maze model. The maze instantly changed dramatically.

The originally intricate passages were greatly simplified, with only three paths leading to the center of the maze, and the remaining redundant paths were cleverly erased. In this way, although the maze still retains its intricate characteristics, the overall structure appears clearer and accessible.

"I deliberately reserved some forks that lead to the end," Levin tapped the model with his wand, and several light spots were marked on the forks and aisles. "These aisles and forks greatly reduce the difficulty of finding the end, but I They were left out on purpose, so if you want to set a trap, these points would be ideal."

Dumbledore's eyes lit up and he clapped his hands: "This design is really great! Compared to our previous ideas, this maze is obviously more interesting and challenging. Fortunately, you have joined the preparation team for the competition, and you have provided these suggestions , which really adds a lot of color to the Triwizard Tournament.

He glanced at Levin with emotion, and his eyes were very complicated. Regardless of what he did, there was no doubt about this boy's talent.

Ludo rubbed his temples worriedly: "The problem is that the Quidditch pitch is not large enough."

Levin tapped the table and said solemnly: "We can use the [Invisible Extension Spell]."

"This is a good idea, but the scope of the maze is so large, we need more manpower!" Professor McGonagall reminded: "Executing the [Invisible Extension Spell] on the entire maze will not be enough even if we add up."

Ludo also showed a headache: "The Ministry of Magic does not have enough manpower to assist us. Ordinary staff may be able to cope with the task of casting the [Invisible Extension Spell] in ordinary rooms, but facing such a large maze... ....

Levin thought for a moment, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes: "Actually, I have a suggestion. We can contact Tonks and seek Auror's assistance."

"Build the maze and ask Aurors for help..." Snape looked at Levin and said in a strange tone, "I didn't know that Auror training today also requires learning the [Invisible Extension Charm].

Levin glanced at Snape lightly, not paying attention to his sarcasm: "No, they don't know [Invisible Extension Curse], but they have mastered a spell-casting technique called [Circle Magic Circle]. This technique requires Three people cooperate, one takes the lead in casting spells, and two assist. By sharing magic power, the effect of magic is far beyond imagination, but the assistants do not need to be proficient in it."

He paused and expressed his proposal: "We can let the Aurors use the [Circle Magic Circle] to assist in casting the [Invisible Extension Spell]. I believe the Aurors will be very willing to help.

-As long as we're happy to pay overtime. "

"Oh! I've seen this!" Lu Duo immediately reacted after hearing this, "On the night of the World Cup, I saw many Aurors working together in groups of three to cast spells. That was the [Ring Circle], right? ?”

"That's right." Levin nodded and confirmed, "The new Auror training incorporates the concepts of the Muggle army, emphasizing teamwork and collaborative operations. Therefore, they must master some cooperation skills to maximize their personal advantages."

After listening to Levin's explanation, the professors began to imagine the new look of Aurors under this model.

In this mode, Auror's personal skill training will be relatively reduced, because they no longer need everyone to be an all-round warrior.

But on the contrary, each person needs to have his own professional field in which he is good at.

In this case, the ability of the new Aurors to act alone may not be as good as the old Aurors, but once they form a team, they will explode with amazing combat effectiveness.

After all, it is difficult for an all-rounder to defeat an expert who specializes in that field. What's more, this expert has the blessing of two teammates. With the increase of [Circle Spell], the ability to burst out is more than three. expert.

This training method will also greatly lower the recruitment threshold for Aurors.

According to tradition, a Hogwarts graduate who wants to register as an Auror must have five N.E.W.T. certificates and obtain "Excellent" or "Good" in Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration and Charms. "Achievements.

But for new Aurors, the requirements are not necessarily so high.

Maybe the requirements for the N.E.W.T. certificate will be reduced to four or three, and maybe it won't require so many "excellent" or "good" ones, but focus on excellence in a certain subject.

In this way, the number of Aurors will increase significantly, but at the same time, the quality will not decrease.

On the contrary, as the number of Aurors increases, the overall combat effectiveness will increase exponentially.

For those dark wizards, this is undoubtedly a nightmare.

Thinking of this, Professor Flitwick suddenly asked: "Levin, since you know so much about the [Ring Array], I guess this is also your masterpiece, right?"

"Yes, Professor Flitwick." Levin admitted frankly.

"I'm proud of you, Levin." Professor Flitwick spoke highly of this, "This magic has the ability to change the world."

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