Normally, the beginning of the summer semester means that Levin and the other Quidditch players need to step up their training to prepare for the last Quidditch match of the season.

This year, he still has to work on the Quidditch pitch, but the difference is that this time he will participate in the construction of the venue for the Triwizard Tournament finals.

Shortly after the discussion ended, brick walls had been built on the Quidditch pitch. This aroused heated discussions among the little wizards. They all guessed that this was Hagrid preparing for the finals, but these were gradually cut away. What the bricks will turn into in the end makes everyone particularly curious.

As the days passed, the brick wall began to climb upwards. Although the appearance was still unclear, it was already confirmed that this was some kind of huge building complex.

With the brick wall covered, Levin's work can begin.

But after work, Levin suddenly noticed a strange change in Zhang Qiu.

In the past, although the two of them were not inseparable, Zhang Qiu would always come to Levin and spend all the time to hang out with him whenever he had the chance.

But now they only see each other hurriedly during breakfast and dinner every day.

In the only time they spent together, "760", Zhang Qiu always tried hard to conceal his inner fluctuations, and on the surface he still maintained the calmness of the past.

However, Guowen keenly captured some subtle changes in her.

For example, she always chooses very strong tea and coffee to drink - you know, in the past, she liked sweet drinks such as iced pumpkin juice and strawberry sherbet, suitable for women, but she can I've never tasted anything so bitter.

In addition, Zhang Qiu's concern for Levin seems to have decreased a lot.

Normally, if she came to the auditorium earlier than Levin, she would always prepare meals that suit his taste. However, now, he has not enjoyed this warm gesture for several days in a row.

Of course, Levin has hands and feet, and he can still handle daily chores without Zhang Qiu's care.

But this anomaly caught Levin's attention.

What confuses Levin even more is that since they tasted the forbidden fruit for the first time, he will go to Zhang Qiu every three or four days. Even if he doesn't come, Zhang Qiu will find opportunities to get obsessed with Levin.

However, during the past week, Levin was busy building the maze and did not take the initiative to find her. She actually did not come to Levin either. This has never happened in the past.

This has never happened before.

Of course, Guowen didn't suspect that the other party had changed his mind or anything.

Every time they meet, he can still feel the deep joy and love in her heart.

Therefore, he firmly believed that there must be some special reason behind this.

Levin first guessed that Zhang Qiu was busy preparing for the upcoming O.W.L. exam, which is the ordinary cardinal level test.

For the young wizards at Hogwarts, this is a very important exam, almost equivalent to the high school entrance exam. The results of this exam can often determine which advanced courses the wizards can study in depth in the next two school years, and even Influence their career paths after graduation.

In fact, every position in the Ministry of Magic has mandatory requirements for young wizards' O.W.L. scores and seventh-grade N.E.W.T. scores.

Zhang Qiu is one year older than Levin and is about to meet this important challenge this year.

According to Zhang Qiu, professors guide them to prepare for exams from the beginning of the school year to ensure they can achieve excellent results and more certificates by the end of the school year.

However, Levin felt that this reason did not seem to be enough to explain Zhang Qiu's recent mysterious behavior.

The reason is very simple. Zhang Qiu was originally a top student. After drinking the elixir of intelligence, her academic performance improved to a higher level and she became a highly regarded academic champion. At present, she has been able to obtain high scores in each of the nine subjects she has studied. The O.W.L. exam does not seem to put much pressure on her career.

So, what is the reason that makes Zhang Qiu so abnormal? Levin is full of doubts.

He had thought about asking Zhang Qiu directly, but he knew the girl's personality well. Zhang Qiu was soft on the outside and strong on the inside, otherwise he would not have pursued Levin so tirelessly in the first place.

Once she made up her mind to hide something, not even the nine-headed fire dragon could make her change her mind, and Levin couldn't find out no matter how much he asked.

Levin's psychic ability can detect other people's thoughts, but this detection is only superficial. In addition, Zhang Qiu has also practiced [Occlumency], so he cannot figure out her through psychic detection. What are you thinking.

What's more, Levin is unwilling to use this method on his lover, even if he is out of concern and worry.

If Zhang Qiu was an enemy, he might have countless ways to get her to reveal the secret, but she is Levin's lover, and he is unwilling to explore the truth in any way that may hurt her.

After thinking hard, Levin decided to use a seemingly clumsy but directly effective method - tracking.

He planned to secretly observe Zhang Qiu's whereabouts to see what she was doing, and then catch her on the spot. In this way, Zhang Qiu would have to tell the truth no matter how much he wanted to hide it.

Of course, if it was said to be stalking, Su Wen would not really follow Zhang Qiu like a fool.

As a wizard, of course you have to use the power of magic.

Shortly after dinner one day, he accurately grasped the time and activated the magic to locate the girl's coordinates half an hour after Zhang Qiu left the auditorium.

Under the guidance of magic, Ye Wen quietly came to the library.

In a quiet corner, he found Zhang Qiu's figure. The girl was deeply immersed in a heavy magic book. The notes were spread out aside, with notes and key points densely recorded on them.

Levin approached quietly, only to find that Zhang Qiu's face was as pale as paper, and her once lively and lively almond eyes, his favorite, were now covered with heavy bags under her eyes.

The girl's eyes revealed deep exhaustion and anxiety, which was completely different from the Zhang Qiu he saw on weekdays.

Levin walked to her side distressedly and asked in a gentle voice: "Zhang Qiu, have you been studying like this every day recently? How come you are so tired? You look like you are seriously lacking sleep."

Suddenly hearing Levin's voice, Zhang Qiu jumped up like a frightened deer,

She subconsciously took out her cosmetics and tried to hide her appearance...

However, Levin gently grabbed her hand holding the powder and shook his head: "Don't cover it up, Zhang Qiu, I saw it all."

Zhang Qiu raised his head, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes, but then he tried his best to squeeze out a smile: "Sorry, Levin, I just...don't want you to worry.

Levin sighed deeply: "Why did you hide it from me?"

He took Zhang Qiu's hand and looked at her firmly: "You are my lover, and we are boyfriend and girlfriend, so what can't we face together? Tell me, what happened? What is there that you need to study so hard?”

Zhang Qiu was silent for a moment, as if struggling in his heart.

Finally, she broke the silence. Although her voice was soft, it carried a firmness and determination that could not be ignored: "I want to get twelve '0's in this O.W.L exam.

Levin couldn't help but feel a little surprised after hearing this. He frowned slightly and asked, "Why do you suddenly have such a strong idea? You have been able to obtain 'O' grades steadily in nine courses. Isn't that enough?"

Zhang Qiu shook his head gently, with a hint of dissatisfaction in his eyes: "Not enough. Hermione mentioned last time that she plans to obtain O.W.L. excellence certificates for all twelve courses next year. For this reason, she even plans to take divination classes occasionally. .Sirila and Penello both obtained twelve O.W.L. certificates of excellence that year. I can’t lag behind them.

Levin instantly understood that this was the competitive spirit inspired by the excitement between Hermione and the two outstanding seniors.

He held Zhang Qiu in his arms distressedly, and gently comforted him: "Zhang Qiu, you don't need to prove yourself in this way. You are already very good, and I am extremely proud of you. The O.W.L certificate is not a measure of a person's worth. The only criterion is that I will not turn over your name just because you are missing three O.W.L. certificates.

"What are you talking about?" Levin's words made Zhang Qiu chuckle 2.6 times, and then she smiled and leaned her head on Levin's broad chest, as if she had found a moment of peace and comfort at this moment.

"I know, Levin, I know how you feel about me." She shook her head firmly: "But this is my own choice. I want to prove that even in terms of grades, I am not worse than them."

Levin sighed deeply, knowing that Zhang Qiu's idea could no longer be easily shaken.

What can he do?

Of course he can only support his own silly bitch.

"Okay, now that you have made your decision, I will fully support you. Tell me, what do you need me to do?"

A trace of emotion flashed in Zhang Qiu's eyes: "Thank you, Levin, my biggest trouble now is that there are three subjects that I have not taken classes in, so I can only rely on self-study. It takes two years to complete these three subjects in the remaining one month." The content... I need you to teach me in this regard."

Levin agreed without hesitation: "Of course, since you want to get twelve '0's, as your boyfriend, I will definitely help you realize this wish. I will act as your teacher and help you with these courses."

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