My Understanding Is Incredible, I Built A Floating City In Hogwarts

Chapter 397 The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button

Gabriel nodded slightly to the familiar little wizards, and then walked briskly to Gryffindor's long table and stopped in front of Levin under their curious gazes.

He said softly: "President Levin, today an old man took the initiative to go to the Auror office to surrender. He said he was following your instructions and hoped to apologize to Miss Hermione Granger and Miss Ginny Weasley in person. I have taken him away. When we arrive at Hogwarts, I wonder if you and the two ladies are free to see him now?"

Levin turned to look at Hermione and Ginny. Both girls were kind-hearted people, and they nodded in agreement.

So, the three of them followed Gabriel through the corridor and came to a small classroom on the first floor.

There was no one in the classroom, except for a row of chairs in the center.

They walked straight over, sat down, and quietly waited for the surrender to arrive.

Seeing Ginny's frown occasionally due to excessive movements, Levin was filled with guilt: "I should just give you a drop of the 'Elixir of Rejuvenation'. That way you wouldn't have to endure so much pain."

"No, this is not your fault." Ginny mustered up the courage to express her inner thoughts, "In fact, if I could be fed and taken care of by you, I would rather be injured for a few more days."

After saying this, a blush appeared on her face.

"You don't have to be like this, really." Levin sighed, "I still hope you can be healthy and free from any harm.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and the three of them looked up at the door.

The door slowly opened, and an old man with sparse white hair and a wrinkled face walked in staggeringly, leaning on a cane.

He was so old that all the teeth in his mouth were falling out, he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, and drool kept flowing from the corners of his mouth.

As soon as he saw the three people, the old man suddenly fell to his knees, apologized to them inarticulately, clasped his hands, and begged Levin to forgive him.

Hermione and Ginny looked at each other, kind-hearted and expressed their willingness to give each other a chance.

Levin saw this and waved his hand, and the gray energy dissipated from the old man's body.

But his appearance didn't change in any way.

"You should be lucky that you surrendered to the Ministry of Magic in time." Levin stared at the old man with undisguised disgust on his face, "But the effect of my curse will not be lifted immediately. Your sentence is two years. During this period, It’s just the right time for you to slowly regain your youth in prison.”

He adjusted his sitting posture and asked in a cold tone: "Have you ever heard of that cursed Muggle, Benjamin Button?"

The old man nodded. This was a major case of violation of the International Wizarding Secrecy Act that occurred in the United States at the beginning of the century.

An American wizard in Orleans is trying to study a time turner in order to explore the mystery of time.

However, he made a serious mistake during the operation, causing the magic energy to go out of control, triggering a violent magic rampage.

The rampage of magic power did not destroy anything, but it caused a far-reaching impact.

The wizard himself disappeared without a trace in the magic riot. He may have become a fertilized egg, or he may have traveled to another timeline.

The aftermath of the riot affected a pregnant woman from the wizard's neighbor who had a baby about to be born in her belly.

This baby was impacted by the power of time, and his life course underwent strange changes.

He is Benjamin Button.

He had the image of an old man when he was born, but as the years passed, he gradually became younger.

The Ministry of Magic in the United States was unable to dispel this magic at all, so it had to station two wizards to guard Benjamin Button for a long time, casting magic on every Muggle who doubted him, convincing them that this was just some kind of terrible disease, or a miracle from God. .

They also needed to ensure that strangers who had little contact with Benjamin Button could quickly forget about him.

In short, in order to prevent Benjamin Button from causing too much trouble in Muggle society, the Magical Congress of the United States spent a lot of manpower and material resources. To this day, there are still wizards taking turns to monitor the child who appears to be 9 years old, but is actually 76 years old. of Benjamin Button.

This accident also had an impact on the improvement of the Wizarding Secrecy Act in Shenyang.

This kind of strange and legendary event happened to the wizards of the United States, who were usually looked down upon by the wizards of the Yin Kingdom, so it became a famous talking point among the wizards of the Yin Kingdom.

Whenever they want to disparage American wizards, they always tell this joke.

"During this period of time, you will experience the same rejuvenation experience as him. Your wrinkles will slowly disappear, and the fallen hair will grow back on its own, but there is nothing I can do about the fallen teeth. If you want to return to the original state, I I recommend that you go to St. Mungo’s and have a drink of Bone Spirit after you are released from prison.”

After saying that, Levin waved his hand, and Gabriel immediately stepped forward, grabbed the old man and left the classroom.

Levin was still feeling quite unhappy at this time.

Two girls were behind him, whispering together.

"When that old man knelt down, he wet your robe quite a bit with his saliva." Hermione suddenly stepped forward and reminded Levin, with a naughty smile on her lips.

"I see."

Levin couldn't help but rolled his eyes when he heard this.

He suddenly realized that Hermione had actually been paying attention to him feeding Ginny.

She just didn't say it directly, but kept it in her heart, waiting for the right time to take revenge.

You were caught now, right?

But it's not over yet.

Hermione tilted her head and continued to speak to Levin, "The Auror secretly told me that when they searched the old man's home, they found that his room was covered with photos of you.

"I know." Levin's voice was stiff.

Hermione happily caught the flash of embarrassment on the boy's face.

"We will keep these things secret." Hermione's tone was full of sincerity.

"I know, but you occasionally make fun of me about these things." Levin sighed, showing a rare hint of melancholy.

Hermione has also become scheming,

"And..." Hermione seemed to want to add something else.

"Um, I just have something to do now, let's see you later?" Levin interrupted her.

Hermione heard this and finally couldn't help but laugh out loud: "I know."

The little wizards at Hogwarts are about to have a happy day after finishing their day of classes - it's time to head to Hogsmeade.

In order to date more girls at the same time, Levin announced that he would pay for all the shopping during this trip to Hogsmeade.

So at noon the next day, Levin had to leave the castle with a large group of people.

After hearing that Mr. Green was paying the bill, not only Hermione, Qiu Zhang, Luna, Ginny, and Fleur, but also Astoria and Gabrielle came with them.

A good date turns into a group shopping trip.

When they left the castle, they saw a sun that gave off a faint silvery white light, shining warmly on the earth.

This kind of weather can be said to be unusually warm in this winter.

When they arrived at Hogsmeade, everyone couldn't help but take off their cloaks.

…Please give me flowers…

The Triwizard Tournament is open to visitors, so it is not only a grand event for the three schools, but also a rare tourist season for Hogsmeade.

Whether it is Fengya Wizard Clothing Store, Honeydukes Candy Store or DeVos and Bans Store, there are a large number of packaging boxes piled up in front of them. These boxes contain both newly purchased goods ready to be put on the shelves and items used for decoration. Shop various materials.

It seems that businesses are making full preparations for the arrival of tourists.

Even the "Three Broomsticks" bar was given a brand new look by the beautiful proprietress. Compared with the dark and messy situation of the past, it was a world of difference.

The girls wandered around the various shops in Hogsmeade Village and enjoyed the carefree shopping fun.

They can choose whatever they like without having to worry about running out of gold galleons.

The girls were very happy shopping around in the store.

The only one who suffers is Levin,

He originally expected that there were only two or three girls with him, so he would have the opportunity to turn this trip to Hogsmeade into a date for three or even four people.

Who would have thought that there were so many people here, the girls themselves couldn't talk enough to each other, and no one paid any attention to him except when paying the bill.

.......Or is this the tacit understanding between girls?

In the end, Levin peeped into their thoughts and figured out that everyone was actually very shy, and no one dared to openly flirt with him in front of so many people.

All we can say is that he shot himself in the foot.

At the same time, inside the Three Broomsticks bar,

Harry and Ronald were watching silently as Sirius and Ms. Rosmerta flirted:

"Mr. Black, we haven't seen you for a long time!" Ms. Rosmerta said with a smile, her eyes shining as she looked at his handsome face.

"Yes, it's been about fifteen years. Fifteen years have passed and you are still so beautiful and elegant, almost unchanged from before."

Looking at the woman in front of him, Blake's eyes flashed with a trace of not thinking.

In the beginning, he often sneaked here to drink with James.

"Oh, Black, your mouth is so sweet," Ms. Rosmerta covered her mouth and chuckled, then poured a glass of fire whiskey and pushed it in front of Sirius, "This glass is my treat..."

Thank'am!" Sirius was a little flattered. After taking the cup and raising his hand to signal, he drank it in one gulp.

"I haven't had this for a long time, and the taste still hasn't changed at all!" Sirius sighed happily, swaying the empty cup on the table, and wiped the wine stains from the corners of his mouth with his sleeve.

That chic action coupled with his uninhibited dress made Ms. Rosmerta look at him again and again.

Sirius Black, although he is much more haggard than when he was young, he still has a melancholy temperament in addition to his original handsomeness.

Middle-aged women like Rosmerta are the worst offenders.

It can be said that at this time, Blake was a proper friend of women and a master killer.

Harry and Ronald sat nearby, looking very embarrassed.

They almost feel redundant.

I don’t know if anyone has watched “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”, a very interesting slow-paced movie.


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