"Mother tree? Mother?"

It wasn't until Levin returned to the tower that he understood what Rose meant.

If there was one mother tree in the entire demiplane, it would be the giant oak tree.

This is not only the first tree Levin planted, but also the tree he devoted all his efforts to cultivate. It is also the core hub of the natural power of the entire demiplane.

When Levin first established this forest, due to the low level of the druid, he had insufficient control over the power of nature.

So he planted this oak tree cleverly, and continued to catalyze it, using it to indirectly control a large number of natural forces, and thus established a forest in a short period of time.

From this perspective, the oak tree can indeed be regarded as the mother tree of these trees.

But this title is too... that.

As a rose grower and initiate, Levin can be regarded as her father.

As a result, Qiangwei took one bite from the mother tree, her mother's, making Ye Wen seem to have found a tree to be his wife and gave birth to her.

However, what she said makes sense.

If you can use [Nature Spirit Enlightenment Technique] on the giant oak tree, you will create a powerful being of the same level as Rowena, and it will naturally be able to control all the tree spirits, and even the entire forest.

By then, Levin's tower and forest would have two legends sitting there,

Even if Voldemort is resurrected, Levin can safely expand his demiplane without worrying about being attacked.

It was already four in the morning, and Levin was in no rush to return to Hogwarts.

He thought of the scars on Ginny's hands, frowned, went to the workshop, took out some mithril and other materials, and made a fairy silver wand and matching sleeves according to Ginny's wrist size. Staff bracers.

With the ability and loyalty she has shown for most of the semester, she is indeed qualified to join the Genius Club 603.

However, according to the rules he had set before, he still planned to postpone it until the summer vacation and announce the matter together with Astoria and Fleur's identities.

The mithril wand was a small surprise given to her in advance. I hope this small gift can relieve her pain and make the smile reappear on her face.

Since he had already refreshed his energy from the previous meditation, Levin did not go back to sleep after finishing the wand, but waited early at the door of the Gryffindor common room.

When Hermione and Ginny came out of the dormitory, they saw Levin who was full of energy and smiling.

"It's really rare to see you waiting here so early in the morning," Hermione was a little happy to see Levin here.

Ginny was behind her like a follower, looking at the boy with a smile on her face.

"I happened to get up early today, so I came to take care of the injured." Levin shrugged, looked at Ginny and said, "How about it, can you still use your fingers?"

"Madam Pomfrey said the gauze can't be removed until tomorrow," Hermione told Levin, so I fed her even dinner yesterday. "

"It's really hard work." Levin nodded, and then said to Ginny, "Just in time, I prepared a gift for you."

"Really." Ginny's eyes lit up and she asked enthusiastically, "What is that."

"Look." Levin smiled and took out the Elf Silver Wand and Sleeve Staff Bracer.

"It's actually this wand?!" Ginny was so happy to see the goblin silver wand.

She knew that Hermione, Zhang Qiu, and Luna each had a set of fairy silver wands and cuff wristbands, which not only greatly enhanced their spell-casting abilities, but could also be put away and put away at any time, and could resist the [Disarming Curse].

More importantly, it is a symbol of Levin's "one of his own."

Ginny had been coveting them for a long time.

How could Ginny not be happy to receive this as a gift?

Compared to the functionality of the goblin silver wand, Ginny was more happy that her status in Cai Wen's mind had finally taken a step further.

"Is this...really for me?" Ginny asked in disbelief, her eyes already turning slightly red.

"Of course, Ginny, you deserve this gift." Hermione consoled her from the side, and she was also very happy that Levin gave Ginny the goblin silver wand.

As a good best friend, Ginny knew how much she longed for this gift.

But there was a hidden meaning behind it that gave her a headache.

That is, Ginny is about to become one of her love rivals.

"Forget it, don't worry if there are too many lice." She sighed, secretly comforting herself.

"That's great, thank you, Levin." Ginny cried with joy.

Levin reached out and wiped her tears.

Glancing at Ginny's thickly bandaged hands, she handed the wristband forward.

Before Levin could speak, Ginny stretched out her right arm. Levin leaned over and carefully fastened the wristband on her wrist.

When Levin stood up, he accidentally touched a soft spot.

She wanted to apologize, but found that Ginny just blushed and didn't care.

"Is Ginny the only one who has gifts?" Hermione on the side said a little sourly, "So you came here specifically to see her this time. Young girls are indeed more lovable.

What a young girl, you are obviously only one year apart.

Levin sighed, he had known this would happen, so he took out a piece of paper from his arms and handed it to Hermione.

"How could I forget you?" Levin smiled at the girl.

Looking at the boy's beautiful smile, Hermione lost any resentment and obediently took the piece of paper.

"This is the experience of using the [Touch of Aging] curse... Is it the spell you used yesterday? Thank you, Levin!"

The smile immediately returned to her face.

Levin is not surprised by this. He is used to riding on multiple boats. He has always paid attention to never prepare a gift for one of the girls alone when there are two girls together.

Either give it away privately, give it to each person, or don't give it away at all.

Next, the three of them walked to the auditorium together.

Along the way, although Ginny couldn't move her fingers, she still looked at her wrist again and again, excitedly.

After the three of them entered the foyer, Levin did not part ways with the two girls, but sat down with them on Gryffindor's long table.

The little lions were quite accustomed to this. Several days a week, Levin would come here to "spoil" his female friends in Gryffindor.

"Let me take care of Ginny this morning." Levin suggested.

"Okay!" Hermione focused all her energy on [Touch of Aging] and agreed.

On the long dining table, various delicacies such as pea soup, fried fish fillet, mutton stewed with potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, apple pie and so on are filled with mouth-watering dishes.

Levin carefully pulled out a chair for Ginny, arranged for her to sit down, and then selected many of her favorite foods for her based on his daily observations.

Ginny sat quietly in her seat, watching Ye Wen's actions with joy.

She didn't take the knife and fork, she just waited quietly.

She couldn't do this, after all, her hands were wrapped in rice dumplings.

Levin cut the fried fish fillet into small square pieces with a knife, then skewered it with a fork, dipped it in lemon tartar sauce, and gently fed it to the girl.

At this time, Hermione was immersed in magic and had no reaction.

But some people were surprised by this scene.

"Zhang Qiu, look over there!" Marietta secretly applied eye drops to Zhang Qiu.

"Ginny's finger was injured and swollen to the point where she couldn't use a knife and fork. In this case, it's normal for Levin to be kind and help her." Zhang Qiu explained for Levin,

At this moment, she unconsciously poked the apple pie on the plate with her fork, breaking the crispy apple pie into crumbs. She didn't know whether it was to convince her best friend or to convince herself.

Others had mixed reactions to this. In short, as long as they were girls, they all envied Ginny's current treatment and wished they could replace it with their own lives. I can only say that Levin was right to use magic to comfort Hermione.

Otherwise, she, who is the closest, will definitely say a lot of sour words.

But there were also many girls who looked at this warm and romantic scene with gleaming eyes and praised Lai's thoughtfulness.

"How could Levin fall in love with the daughter of the Weasley family and have to feed her himself?" Draco Malfoy said sourly at the long table in Slytherin, watching Levin being so considerate to Ginny.

He was jealous that those girls were so close to Levin.

"You're right, red-headed people love to cause mischief." Pansy Parkinson picked up a piece of veal steak and fed it into Draco's mouth in the same manner.

Malfoy frowned slightly, but still swallowed it.

However, compared to Levin and Ginny, they seem less romantic.

Pansy's poodle-like face and artificial expression disgusted the little wizards around her.

After feeding Ginny, Levin picked up a beef burger and was about to eat it.

At this moment, a man strode in from the foyer. He was wearing a new Auror uniform and looked heroic.

As soon as he appeared, many people called out his name.

"Gabriel Truman!"


Gabriel Truman is from Hufflepuff. He graduated in the same year as Penello and Cirilla. He was a prefect of Hufflepuff before that, so many people know him.

Of course, in addition to being a prefect, he was also one of the first members of the Learned Society and once taught in the third class of the Society.

Levin personally recommended him to Jaina and Tonks last summer.

Pictured is Ginny.

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