Sirius chatted with Ms. Rosmerta for a long time, during which Rosmerta made him giggle many times.

"She's like an old hen in heat!" Ronald told Harry. "My mother's chickens always do this when they see a rooster."

Finally, Sirius announced loudly: "To celebrate my return, I'm buying this round of drinks!"

Sirius's boldness shocked the wizards in the entire tavern. Applause and cheers erupted in the tavern... The atmosphere in the tavern suddenly became enthusiastic.

"I wish you good health, Sirius!"

"Mr. Black is so generous!"

"Whitley would be furious if he knew the drinks were free tonight. Who said he was unlucky enough not to come?"

It can only be said that the local tyrants are the local tyrants.

Compared with the original timeline, Sirius' situation at this time is much better.

With Levin helping him get away with it, he could already appear in Hogsmeade openly and treat guests to drinks openly, instead of being like in the original plot, where he had to turn into a black stray dog ​​and pick up items every day if he wanted to visit Harry. Eat leftovers and read newspapers discarded by others on "430".

Amidst the toasts of a few drunken drinkers, Sirius turned to Harry and Ronald.

"So, Harry, and Ronald, let's talk." He said seriously.

"What are you doing here, Sirius?" Harry asked with a forced smile.

"Following my godfather duties," Sirius said, taking a sip of redcurrant rum.

"Listen, Harry, I always thought you were in danger - your name being thrown into the Goblet of Fire, your strange dreams..."

"So far, no one has tried to do anything to me. Except for a dragon, not even Grindylow has done anything to me." Harry said, but Sirius glared at him dissatisfied.

He loudly emphasized the danger of the situation to Harry, and said that he would stay in Hogsmeade until the end of the Triwizard Tournament and watch Harry all the way.

Harry was extremely happy about this, and he no longer thought Sirius was being alarmist. After all, this way, he would be able to see his godfather every time he went to Hogsmeade.

After Levin came to the Three Broomsticks, Sirius grabbed him again and begged him to take care of Harry.

It can be said that it is quite sincere.

That night, Levin returned to the demiplane and came to the giant oak tree.

Today, he planned to use the [Natural Spirit Enlightenment Technique] on the giant oak tree as requested by Dryad Rose.

After more than three years of growth, Levin has been continuously strengthened and nourished by a lot of natural power.

The giant oak tree in front of us is as thick as two or three people hugging each other, and it is over forty meters tall, almost taller than the tower.

All around the oak tree, within a radius of more than ten meters, is shrouded by its canopy, which has exceeded the level of pavilions and canopies and has reached the level of clouds hanging from the sky.

It contains huge natural power. Even if Levin has not established a holy residence here, as long as he stands in the shadow of the giant oak tree, he feels as if he has entered a holy residence.

Levin sat cross-legged in front of the giant oak tree with ease, pressing his hands on one of its roots.

After trying once, he has now summarized the formal process of enlightenment, and he only needs to follow the steps to complete the ceremony.

First, the contact with the initial consciousness of transformation,

Compared with the natural consciousness in the forest, Levin's initial contact with the giant oak tree's consciousness was smoother. He didn't even need to test it. As soon as he activated the [Nature Spirit Enlightenment Technique], he started to try to contact the giant oak tree's initial consciousness. He took the initiative to come to his door and express his closeness to him.

After all, Levin spent the most energy on this tree.

If plants have feelings, then its relationship with Levin should be the deepest.

In addition, another point is that this giant oak tree is the most spiritual and subjective among all trees.

As soon as he connected with its initial consciousness, Levin felt that the giant oak's self-awareness was much stronger than that of other trees.

In fact, this feeling has already existed,

Even if he doesn't use the [Nature Spirit Enlightenment Technique] or even the [Plant Talk Technique], as long as he stands next to the giant oak tree, he can feel its breath close to him. Sometimes when he is in a trance, Levin seems to hear it inadvertently. The giant oak's weak initial consciousness is talking to itself and expressing closeness to itself.

This gives Levin the illusion that even if he does not come for enlightenment today, it will not take long before he will awaken his own wisdom and consciousness.

The benefits of a strong initial consciousness are also obvious. At the very least, enlightenment knowledge can be transferred faster, and more soul power and natural spirituality can be obtained.

The enlightenment knowledge has also been packaged by Levin and is divided into versions.

But spirituality must be obtained by Levin from the surrounding environment on the spot.

In fact, it is not Levin who has the final say on how strong the new consciousness can withstand, but is determined by the initial consciousness.

The stronger the initial consciousness, the higher the soul strength can be obtained, and vice versa.

The original rose, the spirituality that Levin injected came from the natural consciousness within a radius of several hundred meters. ,

The giant oak tree gave Levin a small surprise. The amount of spirituality it can hold is dozens of times that of a rose.

Catalyzed by a large amount of high-concentration natural power, the spirituality of the area around the giant oak tree is far higher than before.

Therefore, the soul core prepared by Levin for the giant oak tree contains much more spirituality than the rose.

As spirituality increases, the soul power that needs to be injected also increases.

According to Levin's calculations of the soul power injected into it, the soul of the giant oak tree at the beginning of its birth can support an intensity that is infinitely close to the legendary level.

When the initial consciousness reached saturation, overwhelming life force poured in from all directions and converged on the giant oak tree.

The surrounding flowers, plants and trees swayed in the wind, seeming to be cheering for joy, celebrating the wisdom of a forest companion, and seemed to be sending blessings for the birth of their queen.

At the same time, Levin could feel that all the trees in the surrounding forest were connected to the giant oak trees...

At this time, it represents the consciousness of the entire forest.

In this case, the natural power that the giant oak tree can absorb has been greatly improved, and even the initial consciousness has been enhanced and strengthened, so Levin took advantage of the situation and injected more spiritual and soul power.

During the transformation of the giant oak tree, Levin felt that his understanding of the power of nature had also greatly improved, and his druid level increased by 2.

Click! Click! Click!

A violent crisp sound came from the giant oak tree.

This is the sound of growth.

The giant oak tree that was already very lush was actually rapidly pulling out new branches and growing new branches.

Suddenly, the already huge oak tree became even more majestic and spectacular.

Two more thick root systems were pulled out from below, and the main root began to elongate laterally and become thicker, as if it had a few more legs.

The branches above also began to swell and become thick,

The whole oak tree looks like a giant from a distance.

In the middle of the giant oak tree, a wooden throne gradually grew. On the throne seemed to be sitting a forest goddess.

Her face is particularly beautiful, like a carefully crafted work of art. Her eyes are big and bright, shining like emeralds, revealing deep wisdom and gentle light. The reddish lips are like rose petals, and the slightly raised corners of the mouth reveal a gentle smile, which seems to have the power to heal everything.

Her hair is bunches of hanging leaves and vines, hanging down to her waist like a waterfall, flowing with the breath of life.

Her figure is elegant and upright, like a graceful tree, and her skin is like the most delicate bark, smooth and full of life.

From a long distance away, Levin could smell a faint resinous aroma exuding from her body, like the fragrance of the forest. As long as she sat there, the air around her seemed to become fresher, making people feel peaceful and comfortable.

I saw her slowly getting up, the leaves and flowers on her body swaying gently with her elegant steps,

A group of little fairies were attracted by her and happily circled around her.

The newly born dryad queen—or rather, the forest elf, gently prostrated herself in front of Levin and said in a sweet voice:

"Villanestri has met your Lord. Thank you for opening your wisdom to me. My power will be with you."

Although her movements were respectful and graceful, her eyes looking at Levin were full of excitement, a bit like a young bird looking at its mother.

As soon as she opened her mouth, Levin could sense the difference between the other person and the previous Qiangwei.

At least she would give herself a decent name instead of just using the tree species as her name.

In addition, compared to the naive and ignorant Rose, Vera Nestra is obviously much more mature. Every frown has its own attitude. Facing Levin, she immediately pledged her allegiance to her instead of rushing to put on makeup. farce.

If Rose's intelligence is that of an innocent girl, then the Veranestrai in front of her is already quite mature, both in appearance and in her heart.

Pictured is Vera Nestri.

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