Curious about the whereabouts of the tree spirit, Levin quickly searched for his soul link.

Levin has many soul connections. Onyxia, who is bound by him, his demon pet Aiwu, Gwen and Oriana he created, and the contracted heroic spirit Rowena, all have soul connections with him.

Sure enough, he quickly found the one belonging to the tree spirit among the many soul links.

In fact, although the tree person enlightened by the normal [Enlightenment Technique] will have a natural affinity with the druid who enlightened it, there will be no special resonance or connection between the two parties.

Heroic spirits that can be created through the [Heroic Spirit Creation Ritual] can leave a soul contract in the process of creation.

The creation of this tree spirit was not simply [Enlightenment Technique], but combined with [Heroic Spirit Creation Ritual]. In this case, even the object of [Enlightenment Technique] enlightenment cannot escape the shackles of the soul contract.

Because the two are of the same origin.

Following the connection between souls, Levin discovered that the dryad was running around in the forest and even broke into Levin's greenhouse. What was she doing there if she had nothing to do?

Just as Levin's doubts arose, the figure of the tree spirit emerged from the roots of the tree again.

Seeing his appearance clearly, Levin knew immediately what she was doing—she was going to freshen up.

All I can say is, is it worthy of being a tree spirit of rosewood?

The first thing after birth is makeup.

Now she is no longer the original appearance she just transformed from the rose tree.

Her body is covered with clothes woven from leaves and stems,

This leaf is not a rose tree leaf, but a beautiful small oval leaf, derived from the new buds of the gardenia tree, arranged together in a dense and neat manner, forming the appearance of a piece of cloth.

There were also vines around her waist and various parts of her body, which were used as belts and ropes to fix her clothes. Even her hair was mixed with many vines.

After careful observation, Levin discovered that these vines were not ordinary vines.

No wonder she just ran to her own magic greenhouse.

Hidden in the hair are poisonous tentacles covered with spikes.

Wrapped around his waist are tentacle-like knotted vines,

Tangled around the arms and legs are snake-like devil's webs

In addition, there were several barking vines lingering around her head, like Medusa's snake hair, and they also made squeaking sounds.

A man relies on his clothes, and a horse relies on his saddle.

This sentence is not false at all.

After washing and dressing up like this.

The rose tree spirit's already excellent appearance makes it even more charming and charming.

The branches are her arms, the roots are her legs, the leaves are her clothes, the vines are her belt, and her vibrant hair is like green leaves and flowers.

Only then did Levin learn that the dryad could replace its own body parts at will, and could combine parts of other plants into itself through a method similar to grafting to play different roles.

This is interesting,

The world of Harry Potter has many very aggressive magical plants, and the ancient magical guardians a hundred years ago also showed future generations how herbalists fought.

Maybe Dryads can take this route in the future?

At least none of the magic vines wrapped around her body were easy to mess with.

In the future, I can search for various lethal plants, or cultivate all kinds of strange plants, and install them on the body of the tree spirit, just like changing equipment for a robot.

For example, install Mandrake to help her master [Banshee's Wail], or create some kind of spray pea to enhance long-range damage, etc.

While calculating, Levin observed the detailed data of the dryad's attributes through the soul link.

Name: Qiangwei

Race: Dryad (Rose Tree) 9

Level: LV11 Nature Spirit

Attributes: Strength 20, Agility 14, Constitution 20, Intelligence 17, Perception 19, Charisma 21

Feats: Tree Integration, Wilderness Identity, Carpentry, Stealth, Tree Symbiosis, Iron Will, Druid Magic, Rapid Healing


Level 0: Detect Magic, Messaging

Level 1: Charm Human, Entanglement (constant), Talk to Animals (constant)

Level 2: Wood Shaping (constant), Tree Transformation (constant), Tree Skin,

Level 3: suggestion, deep sleep, plant conversation (constant), plant growth, thorn bush, rejuvenation

Level 4: command plant, forest cover, blight

Ring 5: Integrating into the forest, asking about nature, wall of thorns

Level 6: Wood Escape Technique (only in your own forest)

[Integrate into the tree: The tree spirit can blend into any tree and move anywhere in it.

[Tree symbiosis: There is a mysterious connection between the tree spirit and a big tree. She cannot leave the big tree too far. When the entire forest is connected as a whole, the tree spirit's range of activities can also be extended to the entire forest]

After reading it, Levin couldn't help but take a breath.

Good guy, the result of adding [Heroic Spirit Creation Ritual] to the Enlightenment is different.

Normal enlightenment generally raises the intelligence and perception of the enlightened target to about 10 points.

When Levin arrived, the average of the three major mental attributes directly reached 18, and she was also given the ability to learn Druid spells.

This is what Levin achieved by giving him extra spiritual and soul power through the [Heroic Spirit Creation Ritual].

As for the increase in strength, agility and physical fitness, it is not the direct effect of [Enlightenment Technique], but the corresponding benefits brought by the tree spirit's reshaping of the body after enlightenment.

After all, the prototype comes from trees, so it's normal for his strength and constitution to be relatively high.

And she has a lot of agility, perhaps because Levin added the concept of elves and fey creatures in the process of shaping her.

As representatives of natural forces, it is normal for dryads to possess some fey characteristics.

Charm comes from appearance. Tree spirits are much more eye-catching than messy tree people.

If the tree man is just a pile of rags piled together haphazardly, then the tree spirit is a piece of exquisite art.

As the gardener of this forest, she is not only a professional counterpart, but also full of fighting power. No ordinary wizard can be her opponent.

After this practice, Levin has completely understood the key points of combining [Enlightenment Technique] and [Heroic Spirit Creation Ritual].

This is almost equivalent to creating a new spell: [Natural Spirit Enlightenment].

The tree spirit came back again and bowed to Levin, with excitement and admiration on his face: "." Thank you for your enlightenment and giving me life, Qiangwei is willing to serve you.

The tree spirit also had memory in its previous initial consciousness.

Not only did she remember how she was enlightened, she even remembered everything she had experienced and witnessed from birth to now.

Therefore, in her mind, Levin is not only her enlightenment, but also the person who planted her and raised her. His status in her mind is almost comparable to that of a god.

"Hello, Qiangwei." Levin nodded and said to her, "Now that you have a sense of autonomy, you are a member of this home. I will create more sisters for you in the future. You must Get along with the magical creatures of this forest.”

Levin only used the natural spirit of a small piece of land nearby to create the rose. He used the spirit of the entire forest to create dozens of dryads.

"Yes, Master! Qiangwei will definitely make good friends with them." Qiangwei nodded hurriedly.

"By the way, I'll take you to meet a friend."

Levin took Rose and found Larry in the forest.

When the unicorn saw Levin arriving, he immediately rushed forward to greet him, and affectionately put his head in Levin's arms.

"Okay, okay Lari, (Mono's)" Levin pushed away the enthusiastic unicorn for a while and introduced both parties, "This is Qiangwei, my newly created forest spirit, and this is the unicorn." Beast Lari is the leader of the magical animals in the forest.

"Hello, Miss Rose."

Larry looked at this strange plant life curiously and nodded happily to her.

Larry, who has begun to master the druid's ability, can see the natural power contained in the opponent's body.

Well, if the power of nature is so strong, then it must be a good person.

"Hello, Sir Larry." Perhaps because she saw the special relationship between Levin and Larry, Rose's attitude towards Larry became a little more respectful.

"From now on, Rose and her future sisters will be the gardeners of this forest," Levin arranged, "You must cooperate well.

"Yes!" Both parties agreed in unison.

Before Levin was about to leave, Qiangwei suddenly stopped him.

"Well, Master, I can feel that the great mother tree is in a sleeping state," her tone was a little embarrassed, "can you please......... wake mother up as soon as possible?"

The picture shows dryad rose.

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