My Understanding Is Incredible, I Built A Floating City In Hogwarts

Chapter 394 Enlightenment Of The Spirit Of Nature

After returning to the tower, Levin went directly to the magic forest outside the door.

It was already the moonlight above the willow branches, which was the right time for the ceremony to begin.

He sat cross-legged directly in an open space in the forest and concentrated on the [Enlightenment Technique].

[Enlightenment: 5th level Druid spell, you give a tree or an animal a human-like perception. The enlightened tree has the properties of an animated object, able to move its branches, roots, vines, etc., and it has the same senses as a human being. 】

In fact, just by relying on the [Enlightenment Technique], Levin can turn a spiritual tree into a treant.

But this kind of tree man is just an ordinary tree man, with no special abilities and a bark face. Levin doesn't like it at all.

That's why he thought of awakening the spirit of nature by combining the method of awakening heroic spirits.

Different from the simple [Enlightenment Technique],

Since we want to use the method of awakening heroic spirits, we cannot rely solely on the [Enlightenment Technique] to awaken the consciousness of the trees themselves.

It is about sensing the entire nature extensively and awakening the natural consciousness within a certain range.

The so-called natural consciousness does exist,

Because the way Druid casts spells is similar to the way priests cast magic, except that priests rely on perception to contact gods, while druids use perception to contact natural consciousness.

Since natural consciousness exists, it is possible to turn it into a heroic spirit and give it life to plants with a higher spirituality than the spirit of tree people.

If you just use [Enlightenment Technique], Levin only needs to connect his consciousness to the plant that needs enlightenment.

But now, Levin has begun to embrace nature and integrate his thoughts and consciousness with the surrounding earth and plants.

After all, it was the first time to use this kind of spell. He originally thought that it would be a very troublesome thing.

After all, this entire process is based on the deduction of [Enlightenment Technique] and [Eighteen Forms of Heroic Spirit Creation Ritual], and there is no evidence at all.

Unexpectedly, the whole process went incredibly smoothly.

As soon as his consciousness was released according to the method of enlightenment, he felt himself being pulled by a huge force.

Countless voices surrounded him, whispering to him, seeming to be telling his own story.

Flowers and plants tell the story of life and growth.

The earth and stones tell the time and the long story.

The reason why Druids have such a deep respect for nature and life.

It is precisely because every plant, every tree, every soil and every stone is alive,

This statement is not an exaggeration, but the druids can really hear it.

It's just that their voices are usually too weak and too small for ordinary people to detect them throughout their lives.

When he usually uses the power of the Druid, Levin only communicates with a single individual and begs for help from them.

This was the first time that he resonated with such a huge natural consciousness at the same time.

After further contact, Levin finally understood why he could enter this state so easily.

That's entirely because he himself is the real owner of this forest.

Every tree here was planted by his own hands, every blade of grass was sown by his own hands, every hill was built by his own hands, and every ravine was carved by his own hands.

The entire forest was cultivated bit by bit by his own hands.

Not only animals have feelings of admiration, but a wider range of plants, trees, soil and rocks also have such feelings.

Therefore, when Levin began to let go of all perceptions and establish a natural connection, they rushed to answer Levin's call.

At this time, he felt that he was swimming in the ocean of life.

This feeling is so wonderful that Levin is almost addicted to it.

But he knew that now was not the time to relax.

So, Levin used [Soul Creation Technique].

[Soul Creation: 3rd level spell system, you create a soul when you cast this spell. It is just a living replica. You have a spiritual connection with the soul. The soul has no mind, but can imitate your movements or complete some simple tasks. 】

Of course, a 3rd level spell cannot create a real soul. In fact, what [Soul Creation Technique] can create is just some craftsmen who contain soul frames [without any affiliation and soul power].

Such false souls are simply not enough to create life.

But it doesn't matter, Levin has his own way to complete the other parts.

Levin obtained a large number of ordinary people's souls in Rwanda. Although the beings created based on these souls cannot have real spellcasting abilities, which seems a bit useless, it is still possible to use them to extract soul power.

Levin injects a steady stream of soul power into the false soul.

Immediately afterwards, he collected and compiled everything that the natural consciousness told according to the method of collecting information in the [Heroic Spirit Creation Ritual].

The spirituality of these natural consciousnesses began to be gathered together with false souls as the core.

Due to his limited ability, Levin was not able to gather the consciousness of the entire forest, but only a few hundred meters nearby.

But that's enough, with spirituality and power, these false souls become real soul fragments.

But it's not enough,

In this way, all Levin obtained were some soul fragments, which had no practical significance.

So Levin summoned a blank soul that had been emptied from the soul stone, which was the result of Cirila in Albania.

There is nothing in the blank soul, so it can be awakened by injecting soul fragments.

Soon, he felt a new powerful consciousness begin to arrive.

Because it is entirely created by Levin, and the basis of creation comes from the forest cultivated by Levin himself,

As soon as this new consciousness touched Levin, it showed him sincere kindness.

In it, Levin also felt a friendly atmosphere, which originated from the same source as the natural atmosphere nearby.

Soon, Levin felt that this consciousness independently chose a carrier and descended on a rose tree.

It was the best-growing and most vigorous tree in the neighborhood.

Levin combined [Enlightenment Technique] and [Heroic Spirit Creation Ritual] to deduce that the ritual of awakening the spirit of nature has roughly three steps:

The first step is to be in tune with nature, create the initial consciousness of the spirit of nature, and obtain its initial recognition.

This is the most difficult step,

Because in theory, these natural wills are usually so primitive that even wild beasts cannot keep up with them, and are as shy as a deer.

If Levin just seeks simple help through druid spells, that's fine.

But if Levin wants to collect their spirituality, it will be very troublesome.

They often hide and avoid as soon as they feel strong foreign consciousness.

The only way is to grind it bit by bit to make it feel close and recognize itself, until it no longer resists itself and is willing to touch its soul.

This is often a labor of love and takes several hours, which is a normal phenomenon. What's more, Levin needs not just the soul of a tree or a bush, but extensive exposure and collection of all natural spirituality within a certain range.

Fortunately, he chose the forest that he cultivated with his own hands, so this step was completely given to him.

This is not over yet, the second step is to fully enlighten it.

[Enlightenment Technique] is also called [Intelligence Enlightenment Technique]. The original meaning of its name is to awaken the light of intelligence in a life.

There is still a wide range of differences between a soul and an intelligent creature.

In order for a creature with a soul to develop intelligence, five conditions need to be met: feeling, perception, concept, cognition and intelligence.

It is worth noting that even plants already have the ability to feel and perceive.

However, what they lack is concept and cognition.

But if we want to give them concepts and cognition, we can't do it through bit by bit teaching and nurturing like educating animal cubs. Instead, we can use magic to copy part of the knowledge and memory we have and then directly implant it. into their initial consciousness.

This process is what we call "enlightenment".

If it's just about Shuren's enlightenment, this step is enough.

Of course, in Levin's ritual, this enlightenment goes beyond that.

The enlightenment of the tree people. The appearance of the revived tree people is completely determined by the original body. What the tree looks like will be what it looks like after enlightenment.

Unless the tree had a human face before enlightenment, it would definitely have an old bark face after enlightenment.

However, since Levin combines the [Heroic Spirit Creation Ritual], the plant spirit created will naturally not look like the original body, but will be designed according to the injected information framework just like the Heroic Spirit.

Therefore, in the process of injecting knowledge and memory, Levin also began to inject the surrounding natural information, as well as the 3D framework modeling designed by himself.

Soon, this new consciousness was transformed by Levin into what he wanted.

The final step is to revolve around the enlightenment memory and strengthen the initial consciousness through consciousness 993 programming.

Levin cannot intervene in this step, and can only be completed by the enlightened subjects themselves.

Digesting inherited memories is like a weaving process by consciousness, integrating bits and pieces of memories into one's own thinking.

In this process, this new-born soul will naturally absorb a large amount of natural power and continuously strengthen the original consciousness.

It may not sound complicated, but in fact, it is a quite time-consuming process, and a lot of work requires patience and meticulousness, just like a water mill project.

By the time Levin completed his enlightenment work, a full ten hours had passed and the sky was already slightly bright.

Fortunately, most of the time is spent on the final steps, and during this process, Levin only needs to maintain the progress of enlightenment and does not need to actively operate.

This allows Levin to take a break through meditation.

In fact, this time is already very short,

After all, playing at home greatly saves time.

For the real [Enlightenment Technique], each ceremony starts 24 hours a day and often takes two or three days.

As soon as Levin opened his eyes, he saw that the rose tree in front of him, together with the surrounding flowers and vines, was growing violently and twisting.

Soon, a naked woman appeared in front of the rose tree. She had a strange and beautiful appearance, an innocent and natural temperament, and her eyes were radiant, shining with the unique light of wisdom.

It is the spirit of the trees created by Levin - the dryad.

"Sir, I'm sorry, can you wait for me for a while? I'm going to do something." The dryad's voice was as sweet as a clear spring, gently echoing in Levin's ears.

She turned around lightly, like an elf, and floated to the root of the rose tree.

The next second, the tree spirit entered the trees, seemed to merge with the rose tree, and disappeared.

This is the spell-like ability of the tree spirit, [Wood Escape Technique], which can teleport through trees that can accommodate its own body size.

The tree spirit left quickly, and before Levin had time to check the effect of his enlightenment, she had already run away.

This guy just gained wisdom, what does she want?

Pictured is a tree spirit.

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