Levin stayed in the ward for about half an hour, and then left after enjoying the celebration banquet with the two little girls.

Hermione and everyone in the Erudite Society were waiting for him.

It’s afternoon in a blink of an eye,

Seeing that the time to pick up the hostages was coming, Harry entered the school doctor's office in advance with a nervous heart.

The school doctor's office was very quiet, with only the sound of the clock ticking.

Harry looked around and realized that Madam Pomfrey was not there, so he seized this golden opportunity and rushed in decisively.

He came all the way to Roni's bed, intending to open the curtain and share a quiet time with Roni, chatting or something.

Who would have thought that as soon as he was about to do this, a tall figure broke in.

Harry looked back and saw Krum,

Judging from the way he shook his head and looked around, it was obvious that he was not here to visit his own hostage.

So what is he here for?

The answer is obvious, he and his target are exactly the same - Roni Weasley.

So, in the school doctor's office, the two of them had a quarrel over who was qualified to sleep with Roni, and they almost fought out of heaven!

Harry wanted to open the door curtain, but Krum stepped in front of him.

Harry asked: "What do you want to do?"

"Of course she'll be with you in bed!" Klum said matter-of-factly, "Ronnie always needs someone to take care of her.

Harry's eyes widened and he said angrily: "Ronnie is my hostage, so of course you have to leave the sleeping arrangements to me!"

However, Klum retorted without showing any signs of weakness: "You can't hide Ronnie forever. That would be too selfish. You should consider Ronnie's own opinions. 18"

"My words are Ronnie's opinion!" Harry pointed out sharply.

Krum shook his head: "I don't believe it! Let her tell me in person."

The quarrel between the two became louder and louder, and they seemed to have forgotten where they were.

Just when the two were at war with each other, a loud male voice broke the tense atmosphere.

"Stop arguing!"

They turned their heads and were surprised to find that the sound came from Roni's bed.

The curtain of the bed was quickly opened, and what emerged from the bed was a boy——Ronald Weasley

"I said, stop arguing!" He frowned and looked at Harry and Krum.

Krum was shocked when he saw this scene and didn't want to discuss the quarrel anymore.

He pointed at Ronald, stared at the bed where he was lying, and asked: "Ronald, why is it you? Where is Ronnie?"

Roni? Of course, the duration of the drug's effect is over, and I turned back into Ronald.

Of course, Ronald didn't dare to answer like this, and it wasn't something worth showing off.

Harry understood what was going on, but he did not speak and looked at Ronald with obvious disappointment.

He knew that the quarrel with Krum wasted their precious time and resulted in them not being able to see Ronnie for the last time.

Such regret made him hate Krum even more.

Faced with Krum's questioning, Ronald had no choice but to speak vaguely: "Ronnie left early in the morning, she is not a wizard at Hogwarts, she has her own things to do.

"You didn't tell me earlier!"

Krum punched the wall angrily and turned around to leave.

Before leaving, he did not forget to threaten Harry: "You can't keep her to yourself forever, just wait for me!"

After speaking, he opened the door and walked away.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, a small beetle flew out from the crack of the door, hovered in the air for a few times and then left.

In the infirmary, only Harry and Ronald were left looking at each other.

Due to the transformation potion, when the two met in a normal state, there was finally a subtle awkward atmosphere in the air.

Harry was at a loss and subconsciously wanted to break the silence.

He turned to look at Ginny on the bed next to him. He was about to say hello to her, but was hurriedly pulled away by Ronald.

"What's wrong, Ronald, so anxious?" Harry was confused and didn't understand why Ronald was so nervous.

While walking quickly, Ronald explained vaguely: "I stayed in the school doctor's office for too long, Harry, and I was really exhausted.

He won't tell Harry, it's because Ginny has seen through their tricks and he doesn't dare to face Ginny,

It was really embarrassing for my sister to find out that her own brother was a cross-dresser or something.

Later, Harry and other warriors were interviewed by the media.

Among the reporters he interviewed, Harry met Rita Skeeter again.

This woman would pester him every time they met, as if she wanted to dig something out of him.

But this time, Rita Skeeter unexpectedly did not trouble him again or ask those sharp and embarrassing questions.

This made Harry feel very lucky,

In comparison, even the regret of not being able to meet Ronnie became less important.

Levin, after accompanying Hermione to the interview, did not go to the auditorium for dinner.

Instead, he returned to the tower with Hermione.

There is also a celebration banquet in the tower today.

Not only to celebrate Hermione's winning first place again, but also to clear the air for Cirila who has returned from Albania.

"Welcome back, Guota.

As soon as he entered the tower, Levin was greeted by Rowena,

She bowed, as if the housekeeper was welcoming her master back, and behind her were two artificial maids, Gwen and Oriana.

Only she, a heroic spirit who signed a contract with Levin, could accurately locate his return.

"Thank you, Rowena...you performed well today." Levin praised.

"It's my honor to serve you." When mentioning this matter, Rowena's eyes lit up.

She opened her mouth, as if she wanted to talk to Levin about something, but finally said: "Master Levin, Miss Cirila and Miss Penello are already here. They are in the training room, while others are preparing the dinner on the first floor. 17

"I know." Levin nodded, then looked at Hermione, "How about we go to the training room first?"

"It's all up to you." Hermione nodded and withdrew Rowena's curious gaze.

She knew very well that Levin had not seen Cirilla for a while and must miss her very much.

The two came to the door of the training room. Levin pushed the door open and heard Cirilla's voice: "Note, in this case, you need to use strength on your waist and abdomen, so that you can quickly dodge the demon attacking you." curse."

I saw Penello leaning forward, arching his waist, assuming an extremely seductive posture.

Cirila had two hands, one on her waist and one on Penello's abdomen, looking extremely ambiguous.

Especially since Cirila had short hair, if you didn't look carefully, you might have thought it was a man and a woman flirting.

Hearing the sound, Penello raised his head and met Levin's eyes. Her eyes lit up at first, but then she gave Levin a roll of her eyes, turned her head and deliberately didn't look at Levin, biting her red lips with her white teeth.

Apparently, she felt that Levin came at the wrong time.

"Sorry to disturb you."

Levin said something pretentious and planned to close the door and leave.

Cirilla couldn't hold back any longer.

She let go of Penello, walked to Levin in a few steps, and grabbed the door edge to prevent him from leaving.

In fact, Levin didn't intend to leave. He put the girl in his arms and hugged her tightly.

"Long time no see, Cirila.

His tone was very gentle and his smile was warmer than the sun.

Cirila's eye circles immediately turned red, and infinite warmth surged in her heart. She tilted her head, bent her knees slightly, and rested her head on Levin's shoulder.

"I'm back, Temple"

This time, Penello and Hermione took the initiative to leave, leaving room for them to talk to each other.

Levin held Cirila's hand tightly, asked her about her experience in Albania, and checked her body again.

Cirilla returned the soul stone that Levin taught her to Levin, and there were several more fallen souls in it.

Just when they didn't talk enough, Rowena's voice sounded, reminding Levin:

"Master Levin, the dinner is ready, you can go to the living room."

"In that case, let's go."

Levin opened the door, called Hermione and Penello outside, and they walked upstairs together.

As soon as he went up the stairs, he saw Jaina directing plates of exquisite dishes to a huge round dining table in the hall.

She was wearing an exquisite blue-purple robe and had a bright smile. When she saw Hermione, she reached out her hand and hugged her: "Congratulations, Hermione [returning to first place again."

Hermione's ears turned red with excitement, and she was very happy to get Jaina's approval.

If Levin is the person she admires most, then Jaina is Hermione's idol.

As the dream in her heart became clearer and clearer, Gianna became the person she wanted to be most:

As a rare female politician in the Ministry of Magic, Jaina was able to rise through the ranks in the Ministry of Magic by relying on her own ability without the support of an ancient family.

Not only is she good at government affairs, she is a well-known capable official in the Ministry of Magic. Her own strength is also top-notch, and she can be regarded as a role model for strong women in the Ministry of Magic.

In fact, not only Hermione thinks so, but also in the minds of many girls who are interested in joining the Ministry of Magic, Jaina is the best role model.

On the other side, Levin noticed that Zhang Qiu and Luna were already sitting on the wide chairs behind the dining table.

They were fully dressed and waiting for the banquet.

Luna held a silver fork between her two slender fingers, playing with it gracefully and skillfully.

There was a plate of exquisite little cakes in front of her, which were colorful and looked mouth-watering. The only flaw was that half of the plate of small cakes had been stolen.

Clearly, this is Luna's work.

Zhang Qiu sat aside and watched Luna eating secretly, with a helpless and doting smile on his face.

When Levin appeared, she immediately raised her head and looked at him with a pair of bright eyes, as if to say: "Look, this is our Luna."

Levin looked at Luna's hamster-like chewing mouth and couldn't help coughing twice, wanting to remind her that she was about to be discovered.

Luna immediately raised her head, looked in Jaina's direction with a pair of vigilant eyes, and then gently stuffed the leftover cake into other dishes, pretending that it was not hers.

As the last dish was brought to the table by Gwen, everyone sat down at the table.

Levin stood up and raised his glass, suggesting that everyone celebrate Cirilla's smooth return from Albania and Hermione's excellent results in the first two rounds of the Triwizard Tournament.

The atmosphere quickly became warm.

Pictured is Cirilla.

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