My Understanding Is Incredible, I Built A Floating City In Hogwarts

Chapter 385 The Genius Club’S Celebration Banquet

The dinner was delicious and everyone praised it.

Gwen and Oriana ran up and down taking care of everyone at the table.

Tonks began to talk about the scene in the second game of the Triwizard Tournament,

She talked about how Hermione passed all the way, shocking a whole village of fishmen, finishing the game first, and praised her greatly, "To be honest, little Hermione can directly become an Auror after graduation. Not only can she With practical combat skills and management skills, I can become a squad leader within a few years, and my promotion will definitely be faster than mine."

This straightforward compliment made Hermione blush, but she was also a little moved.

The political power belonging to Jaina's family is mainly concentrated in the Legal Enforcement Department, and becoming an Auror may be a good choice for the future.

Unexpectedly, Onyxia immediately refuted Tonks: "Forget it, with little Hermione's ability, being an Auror is purely overqualified. I think she can come to our Biological Management and Control Department. I heard that she has great knowledge about wisdom. The non-human race has some ideas... Hermione, why don't you consider coming to our place?"

Onyxia is right. The bills regarding the rights of non-human beings and purebloods are actually related to the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures.

Next, the two had a heated discussion on this issue, and the two sides argued fiercely about Hermione's future.

In the end, both of them looked at Gianna. For now, she is the leader of Levin's political forces.

Jaina thought for a moment and gave her answer: "My opinion, if Hermione wants to rise to a high position quickly, grasp power faster, and display her ambitions, then come to the Legal Enforcement Department. After all, the Legal Enforcement Department is ours. Base camp.”

Tonks nodded repeatedly after hearing this.

But Jaina wasn't done yet.

"But if she is not so urgent, then from the perspective of increasing our overall influence, it is more advantageous for her to go to the Biological Management and Control Department. After all, our manpower density in the Legal Enforcement Department is already large enough, and her joining is just the icing on the cake. , on the contrary, the Biological Management and Control Department can provide help in times of need.

After that, Jaina added gently:

"Of course, the above are all my personal opinions. The specific choice depends on Hermione's own thoughts."

"That's right!" Onyxia nodded and looked at Hermione excitedly.

"Anyway, you are already in fourth grade. You will take the O.W.L. exam next year and are planning for your future career. Why don't you think about it now?"

Seeing herself being so contested by Tonks and Onyxia, Hermione was a little worried, but also a little happy.

She was secretly happy because being competed for meant that both parties recognized her abilities.

The worry is that she doesn't want to let any of them down.

After getting to know Jaina, Tonks, Onyxia and other members of the Genius Club through Levin, Hermione became more and more fond of everyone in the group and felt more and more like she belonged to them.

Although the Genius Club has been nicknamed "Levin's Harem Club" by them, the members and associate members of the club are all suspected of becoming her love rivals.

But Hermione also had to admit that Levin did have good taste in choosing the opposite sex.

The girls who can be attracted by him and selected are all good girls with excellent personalities and abilities. They are good partners who can help each other. They are all talented and speak well. She likes being in them very much.

Therefore, she also cherishes her friendship with everyone.

In order not to disappoint both parties, Hermione thought for a while and finally said: "I listen to Levin.

This remark caused a burst of laughter at the dinner table.

She also immediately realized what implications her words contained, and her face immediately turned red.

Levin, who was distracted by the misfortune, sighed helplessly, and then said: "Why do we have to make a choice so early for this kind of thing? There is still a year before she graduates. In this year, we will not make progress. ?"

As he spoke, he waved his hand and said boldly: "Maybe before she graduates, Gianna will have become the Minister of Magic. If you want to choose any position then, just go to her directly. There is no need to worry about this now. I was so contentious that my face turned red and my ears were depressed.”

"It makes me sound like a dictator." Jaina rolled her eyes at Levin.

"I don't know if you are a dictator or not, but after spending this time together, Bagman does look like a jester.

His words resonated with several little witches,

Indeed, anyone with a discerning eye can tell that Bagman's explanation is a lick to Levin and Gianna.

But putting that aside, Levin's words are indeed very good.

In recent years, the power under Jaina's command has really expanded like a balloon, and it is indeed possible to achieve this goal in another year.

Otherwise, why would Bagman be licking like this?

Don't you just think there is a future with her?

So the discussion about Hermione's employment came to an end.

Onyxia excitedly urged Tonks to continue talking about the next game.

So Tonks started talking again.

After she finished talking about Fleur's performance, Jaina suddenly said:

"Listen to what you said, Fleur is really a beautiful and capable girl. Levin's taste in choosing girlfriends is as good as ever."

Levin was eating a lot, but when he heard her words, he accidentally choked on his food and coughed violently, and then gave her a resentful look.

"Sure enough, you are retaliating against me for calling you a dictator, right?"

He felt that this was what Jaina did on purpose.

Although it is true that he and Furong have been having a heated fight recently, everyone can just tacitly agree on this kind of thing. Can it be said on the table?

This is because his love life is not chaotic enough and his career is difficult, right?

After all, no one wants to admit that they are sharing their boyfriend with someone else.

Levin basically just does things and doesn't talk about it. When asked, he is a good friend and everyone just pretends to be stupid.

But now that he was so excited by Gianna, Guowen could already feel several sharp eyes.

Next, Tonks finished the rest of the game.

After listening, Jaina couldn't help but sigh: "The Fairy of the Lake fought against the giant squid... If it weren't for the fact that the Ministry of Magic was too busy with work, I should have gone to watch the game in person today."

"Indeed," Onyxia agreed, "listening to what you said again, I found this kind of entertainment organized by your humans to be quite interesting." I really want to watch it ten times in person.


"Actually, it's not impossible." Levin suddenly spoke, "The live broadcast system happens to store the game video. If you want to watch it, you can watch it yourself."

"Really?" Onyxia suddenly became interested, "Great, I want to see it with my own eyes after dinner."

"Count me in too." Jaina followed suit.

"It turns out that the live broadcast system can also store videos?" Zhang Qiu was surprised when he heard this, "That's great. It would be better if this live broadcast system can be widely introduced into Quidditch matches, so that we can find a way to let those who have not gone to watch it live. Those who attended the game also had the opportunity to see the team's wonderful performance.

Among the girls, Cirilla and Qiu Zhang are the most interested in Quidditch.

But the difference is that Cirilla only likes to play by herself, while Zhang Qiu also pays attention to various Quidditch events.

When Levin heard this, he told her: "." Bagman is actually working hard to implement what you mentioned. This Triwizard Tournament is actually a practice and advertisement for the live broadcast system. As long as they perform well in the Triwizard Tournament, it will be easier to introduce Quidditch leagues in the Yin Kingdom and even the world in the future. "

"But if you want everyone to see the Quidditch video, it's impossible to rely on the live broadcast system alone." Hermione suddenly said, "But Muggles have been able to do this a long time ago, because each of us has a family named The 'TV' player can receive various videos from TV stations."

"Ah, TV," Hermione's words immediately aroused Zhang Qiu's interest, "I have watched Levin a few times before, but they were all Muggle movies. Can I still watch Quidditch videos?"

"Muggles can't play Quidditch." Hermione explained with a headache, "However, Muggles have their own favorite sports, such as football. Of course we can watch sports videos on TV."

Zhang Qiu nodded in understanding: "Oh, that's it.

Then she looked at Levin: "Why can't we wizards make a TV too?"

"This is a good question." Lai (Zhao Qianzhao) Wen also became interested in this topic, "To achieve the same effect as Muggles, we not only need to modify a TV, but also have a TV station that releases programs , and a series of departments that produce TV programs - but this is not important, if I just modify Muggle equipment, I can easily create all of these - I want to say, why don't we build a wizard TV station?"

"Oh, you have a new idea?" Jaina immediately looked at Levin, and everyone else also focused on him.

As the core of the entire genius club, the person who brings everyone together,

They all admitted that Levin was indeed a wizard’s idea king.

The prophecies, new ideas and new inventions he throws out from time to time have all proven to be effective.

Regardless of the political power with Gianna as the core, everyone's overall strategic planning and progress goals are carried out in accordance with Caiwen's plan.

So when they heard that he wanted to start a TV station, everyone became interested.

Pictured is Cirella

Update【4/3】, additional update【76/104】

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