The second game of the Triwizard Tournament is over,

But this does not mean that the Warriors are relaxed, they still have things to complete.

Madam Pomfrey escorted the warriors and hostages back to the castle. They needed to go to the school doctor's office for further examination before changing into dry clothes.

Especially the hostages, who were required to stay in the school doctor's office until 6 p.m. for a full six hours of observation.

After all, they were knocked unconscious the night before and sent into the black lake early in the morning.

The cold wind of late winter in January was much more terrifying than in February, and the conscientious Madam Pomfrey was afraid that something might happen to one of them.

As for the warriors, they can go to the celebration organized by the little wizards first, but they must gather together in the evening to accept interviews from all media.

Harry left surrounded by Gryffindor wizards. Hermione wanted to celebrate with the wizards of the Erudite Society. Fleur was taken away by the wizards of Zebsburg. Before leaving, she asked Levin: "Can you check on Canada for me?" Madam Bree Pomfrey has never allowed us to enter the school doctor's office.

Levin hesitated and then nodded, letting Hermione, Zhang Qiu and the others go ahead and go upstairs to the school doctor's office.

Madam Pomfrey rejected Fleur and the other warriors, but gave Levin a lot of face.

Maybe this is because Levin often provides her with pharmaceutical experiments?

Some time ago, Levin tried to highly dilute the rejuvenation "897" elixir and added other materials, trying to create a high-quality and cheap recovery potion to provide to Tonks and her core staff———— The special taps for the baths in the tower were also a by-product of this experiment.

The way Levin used to test the efficacy of the medicine was to give the medicine to Madam Pomfrey,

This extraordinary recovery potion was greatly welcomed by Madam Pomfrey, and Levin also won her favor.

Normally she would be willing to chat with Levin if they met, and she was also willing to open the door for him at such times.

In the school doctor's office at this time, several hostages were lying on the hospital bed bored, reading or chatting to pass the boring time.

No one wants to sleep. After all, they have slept enough since they were unconscious last night.

Seeing someone coming in, several people immediately became energetic and looked towards the door of the school doctor's office.

When she found out that the person coming was Levin, Ronnie immediately felt as if she had seen a ghost. She covered her head with the quilt and did not dare to look at him.

Ginny and Gabrielle suddenly became happy and shouted:

"Levin, you're here!"

Then Madam Pomfrey stopped her with a louder voice: "No loud noises are allowed in the school doctor's office."


The two little guys replied weakly.

They all have lively temperaments, and they are really suppressed when they stay here.

Ginny and Gabrielle's beds were adjacent to each other, and they did not close the curtains like the others to turn the beds into separate compartments.

When Levin came in, they were whispering,

After Levin sat between them, Ruby immediately complained to him in a low voice:

"Brother-in-law Levin, can you take me away? It's so boring to stay here all the time."

Regarding the title of "brother-in-law", Levin did not refute, but just shook his head and said: "I would like to do this, but no, I can't do it, because Madam Pomfrey still has the final say here."

"How come Hogwarts is like this too." The silver-haired Loli suddenly frowned and grimaced, "Ms. Peltier of Beauxbatons is like this too. She always wants to lock us in the room and smell the disinfectant... ....Why do I have to endure this kind of experience when I get to Hogwarts? It’s really unlucky.”

"There is something even more unlucky," Levin coughed lightly and said in a serious tone: "Your sister Fleur is probably attending Beauxbatons' celebration luncheon right now, enjoying creme brûlée, croissants and macarons, drinking Drinking delicious butterbeer, too bad someone couldn’t attend.”

Levin knew all the sweets that might appear at the banquet, and Gabrielle gulped every time he mentioned one.

"Hey! Why are you saying this in front of me!" The little Loli suddenly understood the other party's sinister intentions, and immediately covered her ears with the quilt: "I won't listen, I won't listen, you bad guy!"


Seeing Levin bullying his best friend seriously, Ginny next to her covered her mouth and chuckled.

"Haha, you little greedy cat." Levin also laughed, and then stretched his hand into King Huai.

"Dang Dang!"

I saw him taking out a dinner plate with a plate full of sweets.

The ones that Ginny knew were chocolate mousse, French fresh fruit tart, Napoleon pastry, French crepes, and a large cup of steaming milk tea.

"Wow, is this for me?" Gabrielle's eyes lit up, her mouth watered, and the quilt covering her ears fell involuntarily.

"Of course, your sister asked me to take care of you. Of course I can't let you miss the banquet."

With that said, Levin placed the dinner plate in front of Gabrielle.

"Thank you, brother-in-law, you are such a good person!"

The little girl pressed a loud kiss on Levin's face and immediately started eating and drinking.

This is much better than the boring healthy meals in the school doctor's office.

Levin turned his head and met Ginny's longing eyes.

He smiled slightly: "How can I forget our Ginny for such a thing?

As he said that, he took out another almost identical dinner plate and handed it to Ginny:

"This is what I gave to you on Hermione's behalf."

Ginny took the plate, "Thank you, Levin...and thank Hermione for me.

In fact, she knew very well who was really providing her with delicious food.

She hesitated, then followed Gabrielle's example and left a loud kiss on Levin's other cheek.

Then she saw Levin looking at her with a half-smile.

Ginny was a little embarrassed, her little face turned red, almost as red as her hair.

Although Gabrielle is her best friend, she is only 11 years old after all and is still in the loli category.

She is already 14 years old, so she is considered a girl.

However, Levin did not mention this matter again and just said: "Eat it while it's hot. After staying under the water for so long in January, it will be good for you to eat more high-calorie foods.

Next, the only sounds left in the ward were the chewing sounds of the two people, and the vague sounds of praise mixed with swallowing movements.

Suddenly, Levin heard a loud swallowing sound.

The voice seemed to come from the other side of Ginny's bed,

Levin looked up and saw Ronnie sleeping there, burying herself under the quilt again.

"What's wrong with her?" Levin asked Ginny quietly, "Why do I feel like she's acting weird today.

"Ronald... No, it was Ronnie whose true identity was revealed to me today, so she has been afraid to see me." Ginny swallowed the almond biscuit in her mouth, and then said lightly

"You recognized her identity... Wait, how did you know she was actually Ronald's." Levin looked at the girl in surprise,

This girl knew more than he thought.

"Actually, I've known about it since Christmas day," Ginny looked at Levin, somewhat taking credit, "It's easy to identify Ronald. Your potion should only have the function of sex change, even the shape of the freckles is exactly the same. "

...So you know it was me who provided the potion. "This time it was Levin's turn to be embarrassed.

Levin didn't know how to explain that he provided sex-change potion to someone and was exposed by his sister on the spot.

But Ginny was considerate and didn't give him this chance.

"Don't worry, Levin, I don't blame you..." the girl whispered, as if talking to herself, but also as if she was confiding, "I...actually think it's okay for them to be like this all the time. Okay, really, I have been thinking like this since the end of second grade. After all, who would cast [Love Protection] for a friend of the same sex.

Harry used [Guardian of Love] on Ronald. This incident did not spread, but Ginny overheard it, which gave her a huge blow.

Generally speaking, this kind of magic is similar to a blood oath, and the target is either a lover or a biological child.

Ginny could understand that Ronald was Harry's guardian, but she couldn't accept it.

Ginny continued: "In the past few days during Christmas, I have already understood that with their personalities, they will probably not be able to find a girlfriend in the future. Even if they find one, they will be annoyed by their strange relationship, which is not as good as them. The two of them make a couple... Not only do they have a common topic, but they also make a couple. I can't think of a better partner.

After hearing what Ginny said, Levin was shocked.

Damn it, I gave Ronald the sex change potion, it was just a bad taste.

It turns out that all of you are more extreme than me,

Harry and Ronald actually became addicted and wanted to change.

Forget it, why do you, as Ronald's sister, go straight to getting married?

Ginny's words reminded Levin of a statement he had seen before:

Tomboy is the ultimate straight guy!

In this theory: an ordinary girl has [silence warning], but she also has a lot of troublesome things, such as putting on makeup, wanting to buy a lot of clothes and useless junk. j watches boring TV series and so on.

A gay man is gay, but he and his partner have similar interests.

As for tomboys, they have the best of both worlds - she has a female body, but can keep up with straight men mentally. Her hobbies and personality are great and she has a wide range of topics in common with patriarchal men.

Transvestites are on the contrary, they are 200% negative factors. With him, you not only have to deal with a man, but you also have to endure the troubles that only women have.

In fact, Levin quite agrees with some of this view.

Among his many female friends now, Levin’s favorites are Cirilla and Hermione.

Because they have some masculine elements in their thinking, they are rational, unemotional, goal-oriented, capable of action, and willing to pay attention to logic. At the same time, like Levin, they are very interested in studying magic, fighting and changing the world. .

Of course, this doesn't mean that he doesn't like Zhang Qiu's gentle and gentle personality, but when he is with Cirila and Hermione, Levin can easily feel "like-minded".

But now it seemed that Harry was about to have an absolutely perfect partner who was far beyond them and far beyond this theoretical "tomboy".

That is to say, he will be your brother during the day and transform into your wife at night.

This weird relationship makes Levin feel like he'll get a needle's eye if he thinks about it just one more time.

He thought for a while and reminded Ginny, "Even if you support their relationship, remember not to tell others, especially your family. I'm not sure if your parents still want a daughter."

"Don't worry, I know." Ginny patted her chest, which was beginning to take shape, "I will work hard in this regard."

Work hard? Work hard for what?

Try to make your parents change their minds and want a daughter? Or try to make them accept that you have an extra child?

For the first time, Levin felt that Luna was a wonderful girl, and her best friend Ginny was no less impressive than her.

In the original work, her official role as the savior was really buried.

Pictured is Ginny.

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