In fact, the madness potion that Crouch poured into the Black Lake still had some effects.

Under the obstruction of these crazy Grindylows, the remaining three warriors were greatly hindered in their progress in the water.

It wasn't until another ten minutes after Harry successfully landed that Beauxbatons' warrior Estella Dumont was able to touch the Murloc Village for the fourth time.

There are already fishmen guards tentatively patrolling the village square.

The terrifying intimidation brought about by Hermione's magic finally began to dissipate,

But when the fish people saw Estella passing by, no one came to stop her.

The reason is simple, I was scared before.

So Estella came to the statue without any hindrance and took back her hostage.

She seized the opportunity and swam back with the hostage.

There were no obstacles throughout the process,

For the first time, Estella felt that her trip to the Black Lake became more relaxed.

There is no Grindylow, no head-sucking "four-two-seven", no traps in the water plants,

There was only gentle water flow and beams of sunlight cast on the water.

Under the influence of Tyndall effect, it looks particularly beautiful.

Estella felt that she was ready to appreciate the scenery at the bottom of the Black Lake.

However, this leisurely mood did not last long. Without any precaution, she felt something grabbed her ankle.

She twisted and turned around, and saw a huge, purple-red tentacle grasping her leg tightly from the dark depths of the lake. At the same time, two more tentacles came out of the darkness, baring their teeth and claws at her. .

In the direction from which the tentacles came, there was a huge black shadow.

"It's the giant squid in the black lake!"

Estella immediately knew what the enemy was. She had checked the information about the Black Lake before the game, and also asked the little wizard at Hogwarts about the existence of the giant squid.

However, according to the young wizards, the giant squid in the Black Lake is a quite docile animal. It will even swim to the shallows on sunny days and let the students of Hogwarts tickle its tentacles.

At the beginning of this year's school year, a giant squid even saved a little wizard who accidentally fell into the water.

In short, in everyone's impression, the giant squids in Hogwarts are five very friendly species.

How could it launch an attack on itself?

Estella didn't have time to think about this anymore,

She felt that she was being pulled down with a huge force,

If this continues, she and her hostages will return to the bottom of the water.

She must launch a counterattack:

"[Strength is released]!" Estella shouted.

Her wand sprayed a spark towards the huge arm and foot. The arm and foot hit by the magic only paused for a moment, then immediately lost its strength. The suction cups on it also released their mouths, letting Estella's legs go.

But the effects of magic only stop there.

This giant squid is so big that the [Extraction Curse] can only be effective on one arm and leg.

At the same time, the other two arm-footed tentacles also attacked her as if they were angered.

Above the lake, Levin in the referee's box also noticed something unusual about the players.

In the picture, Estella and her hostages were dispersed by a huge arm and leg, and her [Head Bubble Curse] was also broken.

Estella was busy trying to release the [Head Bubble Curse] again.

But under great tension, her method failed.

To make matters worse, a tentacle wrapped around her waist and violently pulled her underwater.

In the process, she accidentally threw the wand away!

Many people in the audience also saw this scene,

There are only three warriors still in the lake now. The other two shark heads are nothing to look at. Although Estella is not as good as Fleur and Hermione, she is at least a little beauty. The stupid thing is that she is not shrouded in holy light.

As a result, she received more attention.

The students in the audience watching this scene were worried. Some little witches couldn't bear to go too far and did not want to see this cruel scene.

Maxim felt his heart twitching together, and he immediately turned his head to look at Dumbledore, pleading without caring about his face.

"Principal Dumbledore, Hogwarts has won this game. Please send the guarding Aurors as soon as possible to bring back our Beauxbatons warriors and hostages.

She had to do this,

The Dumont family is also considered a famous family in the French wizarding world. If Estella has any shortcomings, will it be difficult for her to explain it after she returns?

Before Dumbledore could say anything, Tonks, who had been staying next to the referee's table, immediately stood up and ran quickly towards the Black Lake. While running, she took off her Auror uniform, revealing her sexy and fit body in a swimsuit under the uniform. Body.

The beautiful abdominal muscles and mermaid lines are vivid in my mind,

But Tonks didn't leave anyone a chance to appreciate it. She arrived at the artificial pier in a few steps, then jumped into the black lake.

After seeing this scene, two young Aurors emerged from the first row of the auditorium and began to take off their clothes in a panic.

The crowd in the audience was abuzz. They didn't expect such an accident to happen in a game, and they watched the live broadcast nervously.

At this time, Estella was still working hard to swim upstream, but facing the giant squid's strong arms and legs, it was only a drop in the bucket.

At this moment, she was almost pulled into the deepest part of the black lake,

In the picture, the audience can already see the complete appearance of the giant squid.

The body was extremely huge. It was ten meters long. Counting the length of its arms and legs, it was comparable to the largest whale. Its skin was purple-red, very rough and thick, and it was covered with knots and edges.

Two huge eyes half a man's height are embedded on both sides, shining with a cold red light, as if they can see through all darkness...

The mouth is extremely huge, revealing a circle of sharp fangs when it is opened.

Its huge mouth is surrounded by long and thick tentacles, and the suckers on them are as big as the mouth of a bowl.

But the most terrifying thing is the two longest arms. Compared with other tentacles, these two arms are particularly long and thick. In addition to suckers, they are also covered with sharp barbs.

When they are swung, they are like huge whips that can instantly tear any approaching creature into pieces. The ends of the tentacles were hook-shaped, flashing with an icy cold light [Europeans shuddered.

Giant squids of this level are already developing into the legendary North Sea monster Kraken.

"Then... aren't those Krum and Polyakov?"

The sharp-eyed little wizard seemed to have seen something,

Near the giant squid, there were two figures with shark heads trying to escape. If it wasn't Durmstrang's two warriors, who else could it be.

This can also be confirmed from the footage of the two warriors.

This is the rhythm of being caught in one fell swoop.

At this time, Karkaroff, who had just been gloating about his misfortune, became anxious and shouted to the two Aurors who were one step behind: "There are Krum and Polyakov 3.9, you have to bring them up too. !”

Dumbledore also stood up and said in a deep voice, "That's it now. The game must be suspended first. I'll contact the mermaid!"

Only Levin remained calm and wise.

Mrs. Maxim couldn't stand his calm appearance, and immediately accused him: "Didn't you say that there are safety measures that can absolutely guarantee the safety of the players? Where are the safety measures you mentioned?"

"Why are you so anxious? It's not the most dangerous time yet." Levin shook his head.

As he said this, he saw the giant squid open its mouth, and a strong suction force sucked the surrounding seawater together with the prey into its serrated mouth.

Even Krum and Polyakov cannot escape this suction.

Seeing that they are about to fall into the mouth of the giant squid, the most dangerous moment has arrived.

Unexpectedly, Levin suddenly showed a smile:

"Isn't this... coming?"

The picture shows Tonks in swimsuit.

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