Just when the two warriors were about to be sucked into the mouth of the giant squid,

A blue-white magical aura suddenly lit up between them and the huge mouth of the abyss.

Immediately afterwards, accompanied by a bone-chilling chill, large tracts of ice flowers spread,

Suddenly, a piece of solid ice blocked the giant squid's mouth, filling its mouth to the brim.

The giant squid subconsciously chewed the circles of sharp teeth that could bite the warrior into pieces at any time, but now it can only chew down a pile of ice slag.

Krum and Polyakov were pushed hard by the current and hit the solid ice, but they managed to save a small life.

The audience finally breathed a sigh of relief,

But they immediately became curious,

Who saved them?

Mrs. Maxim also looked at Levin: "Is this the protective measure you mentioned?"

Her tone softened a lot,

After all, what Levin said did come true.

Levin didn't speak, just nodded.

At this moment, there was another exclamation from the audience,

They saw that in the picture, light particles suddenly gathered together to form a shining human figure.

The next moment, the human form transformed into a witch wearing a dark blue robe and a hood.

Is that the person who saved the two warriors?

I saw the hooded witch pointing at the giant squid again.

With a flash of purple light, the tentacle binding Estella suddenly seemed to be cut off from the body, the muscles completely relaxed, the entire tentacle completely relaxed, and Estella was immediately free.

Immediately afterwards, the witch made a casual move, and instantly there was a flow of water that pushed the three warriors in her direction and came to 13 behind her.

The warriors are finally safe.

Then, the witch looked at Estella, who was almost suffocating, and gently tapped the girl's forehead with her slender and beautiful fingers.

I saw a flash of blue light,

Estella, who was originally suffocating due to the loss of the [Head Bubble Curse], suddenly found that she could breathe underwater.

Then she saw the beautiful witch sister in front of her hand a wand to her.

It was the wand she had lost just now.

"Thank you sister..."

She wanted to express her gratitude, but when she opened her mouth, she just made a fuss.

But the witch smiled at her, obviously understanding what she meant.

She waved her hand, signaling the three warriors to run away quickly, while she stayed to face the giant squid.

In the audience, the frightened little wizards suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Great, the warriors are finally saved."

"What a close call."

"Does anyone know this witch who suddenly appeared?"

"Although the hood obscures her eyes, she is already a beauty just by looking at the lower half of her face."

"That magic hand just now was really powerful. Whose general is this?"

"Yes, whose tribe is this?"

The referees also want to know this question,

The appearance of the mysterious witch relieved the warriors from the crisis, and the relieved principals immediately focused their attention on the witch who came to the rescue.

"Casting spells is completely free of the wand, and there is no need to recite incantations... It can be seen from this light-handed magic that she is indeed a powerful wizard.

Dumbledore looked at the witch in the picture and couldn't help but sigh.

Even Dumbledore praised her so much that the other two headmasters also changed their expressions.

"When did such a powerful wizard appear again in the magical world?" Karkaroff always felt that the world was changing too fast. There was a new generation of geniuses, the return of Voldemort, and a mysterious witch... ..He was a little unsure.

"Maybe she is not a witch?" Mrs. Maxim suddenly had an idea, "Maybe she is not a wizard herself, and her method of casting spells is completely different from that of a wizard - did you see the way she appeared? It was like light gathering out of thin air. , that’s simply not something a wizard can do!”

"So, what is her identity?" Karkaroff was a little curious.

.... Such a mysterious and powerful woman appears in a wonderful way and can use magic without a wand. I guess she is the Lady of the Lake!"

On the high platform, Ludo Bagman was making wild guesses, "As we all know, the Yin Kingdom has always had the legend of the Lake Fairy. According to legend, Merlin knew a Lake Fairy. They have magic that is completely different from the wizards. Unfortunately, Until now, no one has been able to confirm their existence with their own eyes. It is said that this helper is one of our referees, temporarily invited by Mr. Green. If she is really the legendary Lake Fairy, then it is really a myth coming to reality. What a great scene!”

After he said this, everyone's attention was focused on Levin again.

No one could believe that he actually knew a fairy in the lake.

At this moment, the situation at the bottom of the lake was changing.

"Oops, the giant squid is enraged by the magic of the Lake Fairy, and it's going to attack!"

In the picture, the tentacles of the giant squid began to wave randomly, stirring the lake water.

Under the agitation of the powerful water flow, even if the arcane eye was cast with a stable spell, it still became swaying and the screen continued to rotate.

At the same time, the giant squid opened its bloody mouth and let out a deafening roar.

The sound passed through the water, like dull thunder, returning to the lake to challenge the fairy.

Seeing this scene, the fairy in the lake didn't change her expression. She clasped her hands together and muttered something.

The next moment, a force field barrier was generated in front of her. The barrier was completely transparent, and its outline could only be vaguely visible through the refraction of light passing through the water.

But in the eyes of people who don't know what's going on, she seems to be rich and defenseless.

When the giant squid vigorously waved its tentacles and hit it with huge turbulence, many little wizards couldn't bear to close their eyes.

However, the tentacle just hit the barrier and made a harsh impact, but was unable to break through the defense line.

The giant squid roared angrily and waved its tentacles again to attack the fairy in the lake.

This time, it seemed more cunning. In addition to attacking from the front, it also let other tentacles go around to the side and attack from different angles, trying to find gaps in the Lake Fairy's defense.

However, the Lady in the Lake calmly responded to every attack, and she manipulated magical energy freely. Although she could not maintain a larger force field wall, as she mobilized, no matter which direction she attacked, the force field wall They will all appear in time to neutralize the giant squid's attack.

The battle entered a fierce stage.

The giant squid's attacks continued one after another, causing the bottom of the lake to turn upside down and causing mud and sand to splash everywhere.

Reefs, shells, aquatic plants... everything at the bottom of the lake was randomly blown away by the giant squid.

Even the mad Grindylows ran far away for fear of getting involved in this terrible battle group.

Even the lake surface was affected,

The originally calm lake surface looked like boiling water, with bubbles constantly popping up.

In the middle of danger, the fairy in the lake is not afraid at all.

She even canceled the force field wall and cleverly dodged around. The churning water flow could not affect her movements at all. The waving arms and legs were so huge and clumsy in front of her.

And whenever there is no way to avoid it, she will launch a timely counterattack,

As long as a ray of purple light passes by, the huge arms and legs will be instantly paralyzed, the attack power will be gone, and the momentum of cracking monuments and rocks will no longer be available.

Soon, the giant squid was out of breath and lacked stamina under her continuous blows.

Taking this opportunity, she pointed her finger around the giant squid. Suddenly, a huge boiling water column shot towards the giant squid with high temperature and bubbles, accurately hitting the giant squid's head.

I saw that where it was hit by the water column, the purple-red skin instantly darkened, and it looked like it had been scalded.

The giant squid let out a shrill scream, and its huge body rolled and struggled in the sea water.

However, this move could not defeat the giant squid. It recovered with its strong vitality and tried to attack the fairy in the lake again with all its teeth and claws.

But the opportunity just now allowed the fairy in the lake to recite the final spell.

Gradually, the surrounding lake water began to gather and rotate rapidly, forming a huge vortex. The vortex continued to expand, and eventually formed a huge waterspout several meters in diameter and hundreds of meters high.

The power of this waterspout was so terrifying that even the murloc villages in the distance were affected by it. The murlocs were so frightened that they hid in their houses and grabbed the door eaves and walls with both hands, not daring to let go.

If the warriors hadn't swam far away, the fairy in the lake wouldn't have dared to use this magic.

But even warriors are inevitably affected by waterspouts.

The part of the huge tornado on the water surface extends directly to the clouds. Just like a dragon sucking water, the water flow attracted by the waterspout and everything in the water are thrown high into the sky.

The professors stood up one after another and gathered around the shore, holding their wands high to block the unexpected downpour.

But there's more than just water in the rain.

Someone was hit on the head by gravel,

Someone got entangled in seaweed,

Someone picked up shells and fish, 367

There was even a little wizard who picked up the boots he accidentally dropped in the lake yesterday...

In a mess, things that originally only existed at the bottom of the lake kept falling down, and the strange scene made Xiaogang's eyes shine.

They looked around, wanting to see what new things they could pick up.

"Damn it, let me go!"

There was a roar from the crowd.

People turned around and saw a Grindylow landing on Malfoy's head, its tentacles sucking his head tightly.

Crabbe and Goyle rushed forward in a panic, trying to help him pull out Grindylow, and then one of them was bitten by Grindylow.

The waterspout attracts everything around it. The giant squid keeps struggling, tightly adhering the suction cups on its tentacles to the rocks, trying to fix itself.

But the terrifying waterspout uprooted even the rocks, and the giant squid was sucked into the tornado, unable to escape.

Then, the fairy in the lake changed her gestures again,

The huge waterspout suddenly compressed up and down, and gradually turned into a huge vortex water ball with a diameter of ten meters and a constantly rotating interior [The Shijia squid was trapped in the middle of the water ball.

But even so, it was still waving its arms and legs, trying to break through the restraints and launch another attack on this annoying woman.

"Godric, that's enough!"

Seeing this scene, the fairy in the lake gave a loud shout.

"With your wisdom, even if you turn into a beast, you shouldn't fall into this kind of madness!"

Her voice was cold, with a hint of nostalgia in her words.

Immediately afterwards, the female fairy stretched out her hand to the giant squid in the water ball, and seemed to sense something.

"Rude juniors, they actually try to use such vicious potions to control you, Godric, but I believe you will not let them succeed!"

As she spoke, the fairy stretched her hands forward and emitted bursts of white magic light, which penetrated into the giant squid's big head.

[Advanced dispelling magic]

The magic power of the potion was gradually dispelled by the powerful magic, and the giant squid's original reason suddenly took over, suppressing the beast's violent nature.

Those huge, blood-colored eyes became gentle again.

The picture shows the fairy in the lake.

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