About fifteen minutes after Fleur finished the race, Harry came to the shore third and accepted the cheers from the audience together with Ronnie.

Moody in the audience was relieved when he saw this scene.

But immediately, he frowned again.

He really didn't expect that even though he had done so much, he could only push Harry to third place.

You know, they spent a lot of money and consumed a large amount of precious magic material reserves to refine a potion that could make all the creatures in the Black Lake go crazy.

The Black Lake is not a barrier lake, but a living water connected to the sea. General medicines poured into the Black Lake will soon be diluted by a large amount of lake water.

If you want to affect the entire Black Lake, you can imagine the concentration of chemicals required.

To make a high-concentration madness potion, just a small bottle would cost several gold galleons.

And he poured a large bucket into the black lake.

This kind of expense, even in Voldemort's heyday, was enough to make him sarcoma.

What's more, he has not yet been resurrected, and can only lurk in the homes of loyalists, not daring to show his face at all.

In this case, he has no way to make money at all.

All that is consumed is the reserved inventory.

It costs so much just for one purpose:

Ensure that Harry Potter can win the final victory of the Triwizard Tournament and successfully get the trophy of the tournament.

After sneaking into Hogwarts and replacing Moody as the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Crouch Jr. realized that with Harry's level, it would be "difficult to push him to the position of champion."

There was no way, even Voldemort was unwilling to admit that the savior who killed him once was unexpectedly... ordinary.

You can’t say he’s not good at it, after all, he can ride a broomstick, use the Patronus Charm, and is very proficient in Expelliarmus, and his actual combat ability exceeds 95% of the little wizards in Hogwarts—— -Oh, that's what Crouch Jr. calculated based on the level of the little wizards of his time.

In this era when Levin established the Erudite Society, it would be good if Harry could surpass 70% of the young wizards.

In short, according to Crouch Jr.'s report to Voldemort, in order for Harry to win the championship, he alone will not be able to secretly provide help.

Get the punch!

Voldemort agreed to his plan,

And this second game was the punch they came up with.

Relying on the violent black lake creatures, not to mention killing all the warriors, at least let Harry establish a sufficient advantage.

In Crouch's imagination, the worst outcome was that Harry was the only one to successfully complete the race.

Fortunately, the other warriors suffered no casualties, but they were unable to rescue the hostages.

Who would have thought that after spending so much money on a plan, they would be slapped in the face?

And twice in a row.

That Hermione Granger, faced with the crazy siege of so many Grindylows, actually killed them all so easily. That is simply not the strength that a young wizard of this age can possess!

Even he himself can't do it,

And those mermaids were frightened to death by a tentacle.

Mermaids are trash!

Grindylow is also a waste!

Can't even stand a little witch.

Although the second Fleur's performance was not as incredible as Hermione's, it was still very exaggerated.

He actually easily caught the horse-shaped water monster with only a few magic spells!

Little Crouch didn't even know how to repay his master.

Should I tell him?

Could it be that the trap they spent a lot of resources to prepare couldn't stop even two little witches who had not yet graduated?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look at Levin Green on the referee's bench.

The cause of everything is that boy,

Little Crouch couldn't understand why in this era, there would be a young wizard with such amazing talent.

At such a young age, his achievements even surpass those of Voldemort and Dumbledore.

The worst part is that he is a Muggle wizard,

As a wizard with deep connections in pure-blood families,

Crouch Jr. knows very well what the rise of Chinese language means.

As his amazing achievements spread throughout the wizarding world one after another,

He greatly damaged the theory of pure-blood supremacy in the wizarding world,

Many mixed-blood wizards who attached themselves to major pure-blood families because of their firm belief in this theory were even shaken by this.

This is also why the faction represented by Jaina can expand so smoothly in the Ministry of Magic.

Levin has essentially become a benchmark in the eyes of blood egalitarians.

Merlin, have you abandoned your pureblood family?

This is an idea shared by many pure-blood families, including Little Crouch.

It is precisely because of this that Voldemort's resurrection plan received more support than expected.

Because of Levin, Crouch Jr. was almost ready to give up his plan to use the Triwizard Tournament to capture Harry.

Fortunately, before they could make a decision, the other two schools in the Triwizard Tournament took the initiative to find a way to ban Levin's participation.

This allowed Crouch Jr. to continue implementing the plan.

Who would have thought that Guowen Green would still become the biggest variable in the Triwizard Tournament.

He himself did not take action,

But another witch of Muggle descent whom he single-handedly trained showed dominance on the field second only to him.

Another mixed-race Veela witch also gained extraordinary abilities by selling her color (Crouch Jr. believed).

The arena of the Triwizard Tournament was actually dominated by a Muggle wizard and a wizard mixed with the blood of non-human races.

These two are precisely the types that are most discriminated against by purebloods.

And those players who have pure blood and should shine on the field. Klum, Polyakov and Estella purely became their stepping stones.

Harry even failed to achieve the leading score in the competition as expected.

...Please give me flowers...

All of this was unacceptable to Crouch Jr.

He gave Levin a sinister look at the referee's table, and then glared fiercely at Hermione and Fleur in the players' dugout. Then he excused himself to go to the toilet and limped out of the auditorium.

Since Harry is destined to be unable to surpass Hermione and Fleur in the second game, he will give up this plan for the time being.

I can only say that they are lucky,

They can only focus on solving it in the next game.

But for the remaining three players, Crouch Jr. believes that he needs to ensure that they will not become an obstacle to Harry in the next game.

Even if they are purebloods.

In this way, he could concentrate on dealing with those two annoying witches.

"I'm sorry, you unlucky ones. Who let you stand in the master's way? For the sake of the master's resurrection, please sacrifice yourself.

Little Crouch muttered to himself as he put on a special waterproof invisibility cloak.


By the way, this cloak also contains the reason why he hates Levin.

If Levin Green hadn't come up with some secret eye live broadcast system,

There was no need for him to purchase such an expensive and impractical waterproof invisibility cloak for this task.

Invisibility cloaks are already very expensive, and if they are waterproof, the price will be three or four times more expensive!

Although he has been trapped at home for more than ten years, he has also saved a lot of gold galleons.

As a result, most of it was consumed in just this wave!

How could he not hate Levin?

Little Crouch clutched a crystal medicine bottle tightly, walked around to a place far away from the audience, and plunged into the black lake.

Then we swam to the cave where the giant squid lives.

In order to ensure that the event was foolproof, he had already stepped on the bottom of the lake.

The giant squid is his hidden back-up to prevent accidents.

"Unfortunately, if the giant squid hadn't gone crazy and didn't distinguish between friend and foe, so it had to wait until Harry left before it could be used... you two annoying witches wouldn't have had any chance at all!"

Little Crouch thought secretly.

Relying on the invisibility cloak, he easily approached this big guy,

Then he secretly opened the crystal bottle and put it into the mouth of the giant squid.

After finishing this matter, Crouch Jr. swam out desperately, even if the water flow caused might expose him.

Because he knew very well the efficacy of the medicine in that crystal bottle,

If you don't run, it will be too late.

Behind him, the giant squid's eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes.

The three warriors who were still in the lake didn't know that trouble was coming.


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