Crouch fully thought that this time [Legilimency] would go as smoothly as before.

Unexpectedly, this time, Barnett's reaction was very unusual.

He saw the Legilimency master rubbing his unopened eyes vigorously and leaning forward involuntarily, as if this would bring him closer to the world he was exploring.

"What happened?" Crouch asked casually.

"My [Legilimency] can only see a blank," Barnett replied, with a serious look on his face, "This little witch has a lot of trouble... Just let me see yours." ability."

Immediately, he frowned, gathered all his attention, and began to seriously explore Hermione's mind.

On Hermione's side, the moment Barnett used [Legilimency], he instinctively activated the [Mechanized Mind Factory].

This is entirely the result of Levin's long-term training,

Under normal circumstances, no one can maintain [Occlumency] for a long time, and no one can use [Mechanized Mind] for a long time.

There is only one 8-ring protection spell that can maintain the protection of the soul on a regular basis, the soul barrier.

Even Levin has not yet mastered the 8th level spell, not to mention Hermione——Levin's [Psychic Barrier] is still derived from the innate ability of the Wilderness Form-Quatted Serpent.

In this case, the only way to make the psychic protection ability take effect in a timely manner is to continuously train the sensitivity to [Legilimency].

Keep training until someone uses [Legilimency] to activate psychic protection reflexively.

Otherwise, by the time you take the initiative to discover that someone is trying to use [Legilimency], and then proactively turn on the protection, the other party will already know what you are thinking.

This is the case with Hermione,

When Barnett attacked her, her instinct was one step ahead of her thoughts and she used [Mechanized Mind],

Suddenly, the girl's mind fell into an absolutely cold sense,

At this moment, the seriousness of learning magic, the joy of staying with Levin, the rejection of Fleur's close interaction with Levin, the distaste for Harry's slow learning progress...

Countless messy thoughts were cleared away, and the thinking presented to Barnett was terrifyingly blank.

At the same time, Hermione's mechanical thinking immediately analyzed the current situation.

And a counterattack plan was formulated.

Barnett, a master of Legilimency, had no idea that he was running into such a tough situation.

When he mobilized all his strength to break through the opponent's closed mind in one fell swoop, he didn't know that he was also being targeted by the opponent.

As Barnet continued to penetrate Hermione's mind with his power, he finally discovered that there were cracks in the blank world.

This gave him a pleasant surprise,

Your efforts are effective!

Then increase your efforts!

Soon, he saw that the blank world that protected his thoughts was completely shattered like a mirror, revealing the true scene.

It was a world like a fairy tale.

He was standing on a meadow full of flowers. The sky was pink with marshmallow-like clouds floating in it. There are birds chirping and flowers fragrant all around, and the air is filled with sweetness.

"Is this Miss Granger's true vision? She is indeed a little girl."

Barnett smiled proudly and continued to move forward in this awareness.

Soon, he saw a gorgeous castle. The exaggerated style was completely consistent with the fairy tale world.

Standing at the gate of the castle was a young and beautiful woman.

When he saw this woman, Barnett froze on the spot.

The woman had a pure face, a hot figure, and was wearing a fancy dancer's costume. She looked at him with admiration.

Just his favorite type.

The woman smiled at him and stretched out her hand. Barnet hesitated for a moment, then he took her hand and was led into the castle by her.

The interior of the castle is even more luxuriously decorated, with marble floors, walls inlaid with gold foil, and huge chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, casting soft light.

There is a huge fountain in the courtyard of the castle, and there is a statue in the center of the pool. The water pours down from the hands of the statue, splashing crystal water.

Long tables were placed around the fountain, and the long tables were filled with a dazzling array of food and wine.

The woman clapped her hands, and one after another women with different styles but the same beauty appeared from everywhere and surrounded them. They played, joked, and enjoyed good food and wine with Barnett. Barnett felt happy and unwilling to miss his childhood.

As time went by, everyone was intoxicated in this joyful atmosphere, and the clothes on the women began to fall off one by one...

Just when Barnett thought some restricted content was about to come, he suddenly discovered,

What those women revealed when they peeled off their clothes was not their young and beautiful bodies, but rotten flesh crawling with maggots and exposed bones.

Looking at their faces again, these beautiful girls revealed their real faces one by one. Some of them grinned all the way to their ears, and some had no faces at all...

Barnett was so frightened that he stepped back and accidentally knocked over a table of dinner plates.

As a result, he saw that the original delicacies had now turned into lumps that had been rotten for many years, surrounded by all kinds of flies, and there were even spiders and scorpions on the plate.

Centipedes, toads and other terrible poisonous insects make it look like a ghostly death anniversary dinner.

Everything around me has also changed.

The clouds in the sky began to turn black, and the sunlight was blocked by thick dark clouds. Flowers quickly wither and fade, and grass becomes dry and hard as stone.

The masonry on the castle walls began to fall off, revealing the darkness and decay within.

The golden spire became dim, and the chandelier flickered, as if it would go out at any time.

The fountain in the courtyard also stopped flowing, and the water in the pool became black and turbid, exuding a strong stench.

He tried to escape, but he was surrounded by towering walls and thorny forests.

…Please give me flowers…

He shouted for help, but no one responded. Fear and helplessness enveloped her, and her heart beat so violently that it seemed to jump out of her chest.

Finally, the group of female monsters surrounded him, and Barnett wailed while struggling.

"Don't come here————"

In reality, Crouch and Tonks were surprised to find that Barnet's legs were suddenly trembling in front of them, and he was stumbling among the trees by the lake.

He had already thrown the wand aside, and his hands were still waving in the air crazily.

There was even a stream of yellow liquid flowing down his trousers.

Crouch frowned and waved his wand, trying to wake Barnett up, but it had no effect.

After reacting, Crouch suddenly looked at the people at the lakeside and shouted loudly: "Hermione Granger, I order you to stop quickly!"

The air near the lake seemed to be stagnant, and everyone looked at Crouch who suddenly appeared.


Levin immediately stood in front of Hermione and said stiffly: "Mr. Crouch, what are you going to do to the warriors of Hogwarts?"

The little wizards by the lake gathered around.

Being pushed back forcefully by Levin, Crouch finally realized that there was something wrong with his attitude.

Seeing that Barnet was still embarrassed, his tone immediately softened.

"Mr. Green, Miss Granger, I'm sorry, we didn't mean any harm. We used [Legilimency] on you, Miss Granger, just to confirm who the most important person in your mind is, so that we can use her as a hostage in the second game. Also Please remove the spell from him."

Crouch couldn't help it either.

He was specifically responsible for this matter, and he also invited Maxwell Barnett.

Now that it's like this, it's his face that dominates.

In order to stop the loss in time, Old Crouch was so anxious that he did not notice that he had revealed the secret of the game in public.

The little wizards around looked at Crouch and Levin excitedly. They seemed to know something they shouldn't know.

Crouch also realized his slip of the tongue and looked even more embarrassed.

On Levin's side, Hermione gave Levin a questioning look, and Levin nodded to her.

In front of everyone, Hermione had already embarrassed Crouch, so there was no need to embarrass him any more.

After all, the other party is still a Legilimency master and has his own network. For this kind of thing, a small punishment or a big warning will be enough. If it is too much, it will easily arouse the hatred of the other party.

So, Hermione nodded and resigned the spell.

Barnett stood there, his confused eyes gradually regaining clarity.

After figuring out what happened, the middle-aged man suddenly blushed.

He was so ashamed that he didn't even bother to deal with his wet pants and fled the lawn quickly without even having time to say a word to Mr. Crouch.

"Thank you." Mr. Crouch thanked stiffly, suppressing his dissatisfaction in his voice. .

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