Seeing that Hermione let Barnet go, Crouch was not happy about it.

He had no idea that Lady Proudmoore not only had a younger brother with extraordinary abilities,

The partners around her brother are not fuel-efficient either.

This Miss Granger was obviously a young wizard born as a Muggle. She was as young as Levin Green, but she was able to kill ten Legilimency masters.

When she grows up, she will probably become the new pillar of Jaina's family.

When he thought of this, he thought of his missing and useless son, and his mood didn't get better at all.

So, he asked Hermione in a questioning tone: "Miss Granger, why are you so fierce in your counterattack against [Legilimency]? Aren't you afraid of hurting your classmates?"

"Except for Levin, there are no Legilimency masters among my classmates." Hermione crossed her arms and retorted to Crouch, "And with Levin's level, he has never been afraid of my counterattack.

"A sharp-tongued girl, what should Barnett do? Does he deserve it?"

"It stumps him, doesn't it?"

Hermione pointedly pointed out:

"As everyone in "Zero Three Zero" knows, it is quite rude to use [Legilimency] to find out other people's thoughts without authorization. Everyone's thoughts are their own privacy, and it is never too much to protect one's privacy - ——I believe no one wants to make all their privacy and thoughts public."

Hermione's speech "unknowingly used her speaking skills - an ability she honed at the Erudite Society.

After she finished speaking, she looked around, and the little wizards around her all agreed.

"Miss Granger is right!"

"Using [Legilimency] without authorization is too much!"

"I don't want anyone to know what I'm thinking!"

Hermione nodded proudly and looked at Crouch: "You see, everyone thinks so. What's more, even if you have reasonable reasons, but I don't know about it in advance, how do I know that you are using [Photography] on me? Divine Mind], I thought it was a dark wizard from somewhere."

Speaking of this, Nanhai concluded:

"In the final analysis, this matter was originally your fault. I did nothing wrong by using [False Scene] to fight back."

[False Scene: 5th level illusion system, any spell that comes to view will get a false phantom]

It was the mental fantasy formed by this spell that made Barnett appear on the spot.


Hermione's words were not only reasonable and well-founded, but she also used "no prior knowledge" to explain herself away.

More importantly, she has successfully guided the direction of public opinion, and there is already a group of young wizards around her supporting her.

Crouch was speechless.

"What about the game? If you do this, we won't be able to choose hostages!"

Crouch thought for a moment and Tianba said.

But this time it was Levin who answered: "Didn't Bagman and I already express our opinions yesterday? Just ask the Warriors themselves."

.....Hmph, I understand."

Seeing this scene, Crouch also understood that it would do him no good to continue the stalemate.

So, he quickly left the lawn without replying to Levin.

Tonks gave Hermione a thumbs up and quickly followed.

"Let's all disperse!"

Levin also waved his hand, dispersed the crowd, and continued to practice magic with a few people.

And as this matter continues to ferment, it will soon be no longer a secret that the most important person in the Warriors will be selected as a hostage in the second game of the Triwizard Tournament.

Soon, the discussion about who is the most important warrior began to spread throughout Hogwarts.

At the same time, the referees also had one argument after another about how to determine the hostage. This time they did not consider whether the question would be leaked-because the question had already been leaked by Katsuki.

As a result, several principals also joined the discussion.

In the end, under the strong insistence of Madam Maxim and Karkaroff, they decided that the warriors themselves would decide who would serve as hostages.

Because they couldn't use Legilimency on Hermione and couldn't confirm Hermione's true inner thoughts. If they still followed the previous method, it would be too unfair to other warriors.

However, they also agreed that after determining the hostage candidate with the Warriors, they must not leak it out. The candidate can only be known to the person involved and the Triwizard Tournament Organizing Committee to avoid uncontrollable accidents.

Hermione was the first to be asked because she ranked first in points in the first game.

Because Crouch insisted on going his own way and messed up the matter, this time he was deprived of his status as executor.

And Ludo Bagman is responsible for the commentary work, and he doesn’t want to take care of another stall.

So the task was pushed to the head of security, Nymphadora Tonks.

Tonks did not have the right to vote. She was the lowest-ranking member of the Triwizard Tournament committee, but she was assigned tasks inexplicably.

He readily agreed, and then took the people to find Hermione first.

Since it was one of her own who was visiting, Hermione certainly would not waste their time and directly reported Ginny Weasley's name.

Besides Levin, Ginny was her best friend at Hogwarts.

When Tonks found Ginny and told her about this, the little girl was extremely excited. She valued her friendship with Hermione very much and readily agreed.

Fleur Delacour's reply did not surprise Tonks. She named her sister, Gabrielle Delacour.

Originally, she didn't dare to let her sister participate in it. After all, the Triwizard Tournament was not without casualties.

But with Levin's personal guarantee, Fleur felt a little relieved.

Such a smooth start greatly increased the confidence of Tonks and the staff.

They found Viktor Krum,

Under Karkaroff's sinister gaze, Krum announced Ronnie Weasley's name.

In fact, if conditions permit, he would like to report Hermione's name. He believes that this second treasure hunting project in the Black Lake is a natural place for "heroes to save beauties" and is very conducive to bringing the relationship between the warriors and the hostages closer. ..

It's a pity that Hermione is a warrior herself and doesn't need his rescue at all.

When Tonks heard this name, she was also confused.

"Who is Ronnie Weasley?" The staff said they did not know this person, and there was no such student in Hogwarts.

"I heard someone say that Ronnie Weasley is a distant relative of the Weasley family."

Krum ignored Karkaroff's dissatisfied look and asked in a deep voice: "Please allow me to invite her with you."

In order to avoid the news leaking, they did not contact the Weasley family rashly, but first found Ginny Weasley, who had already agreed to cooperate.

When she heard the name "Ronnie Weasley" again, Ginny showed a strange expression,

She really didn't expect that her brother would be so popular after becoming a girl, and that the rumors between him and Krum would come true in this way.

In this case, it would be difficult for Ginny to expose this matter.

But she didn't know where to conjure up Roni for them, so she had to evade: "Sister Roni has the best relationship with Harry, and he is the only one who knows where sister Roni is.

So Krum followed Tonks and they went straight to Harry.

"Hello, are you here to identify the hostages?" Harry greeted them.

Tonks kept interviewing every warrior in the castle today. This matter had spread, so he was naturally prepared.

Without waiting for them to ask questions, Harry took the initiative and said, "The hostage I chose is Luo..."

Before he could finish speaking, Krum hurriedly interrupted: "No, Ronnie was the hostage I chose first. Harry, you have to change someone."

"What? Krum, you chose Ronnie?"

Hearing this, Harry was confused. Where did Roni come from? The one he planned to choose was Ronald Weasley.

But when he saw Krum's serious look, Harry realized something was wrong.

He opened his mouth, wanting to tell Krum that there was no Roni, but Roni left. Unexpectedly, the other party said directly in a tough tone: "Harry, don't try to monopolize Roni Weasley and tie the girl to yourself by means of various means." , such behavior is in poor taste. Tell us where she is!"

"You chose Ronnie, what should I do?" Harry asked subconsciously.

"You?" Krum looked at him with a hint of contempt, "You can choose Ronald, anyway, you are good at that, right?"

Krum's accusations and the insult that he had a "good mouth" completely angered Harry.

He also realized that if he chose Ronald, the discussion about his taboo relationship with Ronald would become loud again.

So he secretly made up his mind and said loudly: "Give up, Krum, I won't tell you where Roni is."

Then he turned to Tonks and said to her: "The hostage I chose is Ronnie Weasley, but she is not in Hogwarts at the moment. I will arrange for her to appear before the game.

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