Sure enough, the next day, Barty Crouch Sr. came to Hogwarts again,

This time it was no longer Percy Weasley who followed him, but Tonks, who was in charge of security.

There is also a man in his fifties, wearing glasses and looking like a scholar.

Through the windows of the castle, they saw at the lakeside, Levin was urging Hermione and Fleur to cast spells in the water, and Harry Potter was practicing the "Head Bubble Charm" near them.

"Now Mr. Barnett and I are going to secretly use Legilimency on the three people next to Levin Green to see who they treasure the most.'

After Crouch finished explaining, he waved impatiently to Tonks beside him.

"There is no danger at Hogwarts, and you don't need to stay with us anymore.

However, Tonks shook her head and insisted: "Mr. Crouch, it is my duty to protect you, please don't make it difficult for me."

He paused and then added: "What's more, using [Legilimency] on others in private is a hostile act. I can't guarantee that doing so will not cause accidents."

"What kind of accident can happen to a young man who knows nothing?"

Crouch complained, then looked at the scholar-looking man beside him, and introduced to Tonks, "This Mr. Maxwell Barnett is our collaborator in the Ministry of Magic, the famous Legilimency and Occlumency Master. , the author of "High-end Occlumency Guide", if he takes action, no one will find out."

Maxwell Barnet pushed up his glasses and nodded to Tonks in good time.

However, Tonks still did her part.

Crouch stared at Tonks for a long time, and seeing that she showed no sign of weakness, he could only snort, stop talking, and take the lead.

Tonks narrowed her eyes and glanced at Crouch and Barnet in front of her, thinking calmly as she followed them. "You have no idea what kind of anti-Legilimency training Levin has given them. If he wants to get Hermione's inner thoughts, he may even use up all his magic power to achieve it."

Soon, they came to the edge of the Black Lake, behind a tree about dozens of meters away from the location of Levin and others.

"Is this distance enough?" Crouch asked in a low voice.

"That's enough, it'll be over soon." Barnett's gentle voice sounded.

Tonks wrapped her arms around her chest and leaned against the tree beside her, watching their actions with a smile.

Crouch casually glanced at the young wizards by the lake. A master of Legilimency could take action and deal with a few young wizards who had not yet graduated. There would be no problem at all.

Maxwell Barnett shook his hair easily, took out his wand, and pointed it at the three of them.

"Let's start with this boy."

Barnet rubbed his hands and seemed very excited. This attitude made Tonks frown.

At this moment, Levin on the lakeside suddenly looked in the direction of Crouch and the others without leaving any trace.

When Barnett picked up the wand and prepared to cast [Legilimency], the power of the mind that was churning before casting the spell was immediately sensed by Levin's psychic power detection.

Levin had long known what the Legilimency master thought was a secret move.

But he didn't react at all, just looked on coldly,

No matter how powerful his [Legilimency] is, can he overcome the mental difficulties of Levin?

And Hermione's skills against [Legilimency] were trained by him personally. Levin knew how strong she was.

As for the level of this Legilimency master, Levin had already judged it with his move just now.

Now he is ready to watch the show and take advantage of the other party's overturning.

On Tonks' side, she saw Barnet closing his eyes slightly, and the power of his mind turned into a probe, beginning to penetrate into Harry Potter's mind in the distance,

At the same time, he murmured: "Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, let me see...who is your most important person...let me see... .”

After a pause, he read out the name in a dreamy voice: "Zhang Qiu...seems to be a beautiful girl from the Dragon Kingdom...this is the person he has a crush on...but It seems that she is not interested in Harry. Ah... I guess this won't work..."

"Ronald Weasley... best friend...but we've been having troubles lately...well, this is an option..."

"Ronnie Weasley... another Weasley... once danced with him... she is one of them..."

In just a few moments, this Maxwell Barnett had obtained a list of candidates for Harry Potter's competition hostage.

Its technology is evident.

"Ronald Weasley, Ronnie Weasley...the two Weasleys." Crouch looked at the two names in front of him and felt a little fond of Harry.

He also has a Weasley under him, who works hard at the work he arranges (bdfd) and is even willing to help him with some trivial matters in life. He is a very serious and diligent young man.

The other person seems to be Ronald's brother.

Crouch thought so,

He had no idea that the reason why the young man he considered to be a serious and diligent man would work so hard and pay attention to his trivial matters was purely to better expose his "conspiracy".

Next, Barnet looked at Fleur again.

"Next, there is Miss Fleur Delacour. Hey, a young mixed-race Veela. The Veela seems to have a special talent in psychic spells... Let's take a look at what's inside her. idea..……"

Tonks looked at the excited middle-aged man speechlessly,

At this time, Barnett no longer had the scholarly temperament he had just now.

This Legilimency master seems to be quite excited about peering into other people's minds.

If you have interest as your driving force, no wonder you can become a master.

"Hey, I didn't expect this Levin Green to be quite popular..."

Hearing Barnet suddenly mention this name, Tonks couldn't help but pricked up her ears.

...Mr. Potter just now regarded him as an important friend, and this one is even more her favorite person...Yoha, the love rival in her heart Quite a lot...

Speaking of this, Barnett suddenly started gossiping,

"I heard that the famous 'Dark Wizard' among the Aurors and Levin Green were partners on the Quidditch field for three years, and even kissed passionately on the spot after winning the World Cup... That one Miss Granger seems to be regarded as a love rival by Miss Fleur. Yes, Mr. Green's love life is rich enough.

Speaking of this, Barnett's face turned red and he looked excited.

Tonks' face was full of black lines. What kind of master are these? They are just gossips. She felt that Mr. Maxwell Barnett must have something in common with Miss Rita Skeeter from the Daily Prophet. .

Fortunately, what [Legilimency] can access are relatively superficial thoughts and emotions, and he cannot see whatever he wants. Otherwise, he can form a pair with Miss Skeeter.

"Otherwise, how about we let Mr. Levin Green serve as one of the Warriors' hostages," Barnett suddenly suggested excitedly, looking at Levin, who was not far away and guiding the two girls closely. Miss Granger [Legilimency], but I guess all three of them are willing to snatch this hostage, which will definitely make the game very exciting.

"Don't even think about it, Mr. Barnet," Tonks categorically rejected this proposal in order to prevent chaos in the world. "Levin is the referee of the Triwizard Tournament. He has his own tasks to do."

"It's a pity, it's a pity," Barnett sighed with regret, and then said: "Since Mr. Green can't be chosen, then the little hostage Delacour should choose...

Miss Gabrielle Delacour, her favorite sister. "

In the blink of an eye, the most important person in the top ten positions was also identified by him.

His eyes then turned to Hermione Granger.

"...Hey, in Miss Delacour's mind, Miss Granger is both her friend and her love rival. Let me see if Miss Granger also likes Mr. Green in her heart."

After Barnett finished speaking, he closed his eyes again,

The tentacles of thought began to reach out to Hermione.

Pictured is Hermione in swimsuit.

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