Name: Rowena·Ravenclaw9

Race: Human/Heroic Spirit

Level: LV19 Heroic Spirit (restricted by the contractor)

Alignment: Lawful Neutral


Strength: 10 (Strength: E), Constitution: 12 (Durability: D), Agility: 16 (Agility: C), Intelligence: 28 (Magic A++), Perception: 19, Charisma: 19

Job agency adaptation: Caster, Berserker

Expertise: Luck B, Noble Phantasm A, Position Creation A, Item Creation A, Madness B, Wand Casting A, Innate Wisdom A, Magic Guidance A++, Soul of Quest B, Heroic Spirit Body

Position creation A: A characteristic possessed by the Caster class, which is the ability to create positions to collect magic power. She personally designed Hogwarts and can create a "fortress" that is larger than a "workshop".

Item Creation A: Another skill given to the Caster class. You can make magical tools, and you can create a wide variety of items at will, from props for combat to daily necessities.

Madness B: All ability levels increase to 08, but most of the rationality will be taken away. For Rowena, she focuses on the pursuit of wisdom and does not care about worldly affairs.

Wand Spellcasting A: A unique spellcasting method in the world of Harry Potter. Rowena Ravenclaw was one of the most powerful wizards thousands of years ago.

Innate Wisdom A: Derived from innate wisdom, it shows its unparalleled wise skills. Many skills other than physical loads (divine nature, etc.) and things unique to the hero can be used with A-level proficiency.

Magic Guidance A+: The greatest achievement in life is not the results of magic research, but the creation of the famous school Hogwarts for thousands of years, which has taught generations of wizards and is an educator who will be praised by future generations. Ravenclaw values ​​​​a sharp, intelligent, and creative mind. Therefore, students taught by her will receive huge improvements in intelligence and perception.

Soul of Quest B: Ravenclaw often says that "wisdom is the greatest wealth of mankind", and she is also the greatest magic researcher among the four giants. She is good at all kinds of spells, black magic, magic text, alchemy, soul magic, etc. Many spells.

Noble Phantasm:

The Crown of Thousands of Wisdom:


Type: Anti-personnel Noble Phantasm

The crystallization of Ravenclaw's lifetime wisdom, after wearing it, it can greatly increase wisdom and magic power. When the Noble Phantasm is activated, it will greatly overclock the carrier's thinking speed, causing them to have the illusion of almost stopping time in a short period of time.

Raven Familiar:


Type: Anti-personnel Noble Phantasm

The original meaning of Ravenclaw is the claw marks of raven. Rowena can summon raven to help her complete some simple tasks.

The ever-changing fortress, the warthog by the lake:


Type: Labyrinth Noble Phantasm

Legend has it that the location and name of Hogwarts were chosen by Ravenclaw when she dreamed of a warthog taking her to a cliff by a lake. Ravenclaw was also the designer of Hogwarts and designed the castle. Ever-changing floor plans were conceived.

Once the great magic that is similar to the inherent barrier is activated, it will summon the Hogwarts that exists in the fantasy, trapping the enemy in it. The roads in Hogwarts are ever-changing, making it almost impossible to find a way out, and everyone in the castle Every stone sculpture, every piece of armor, and every ghost will launch successive attacks on visitors.

The effect lasts until Rowena destroys all enemies or dies itself, and it can be rebuilt in a short time even if it disappears.

Levin wants to resurrect Rowena Ravenclaw as a heroic spirit, so naturally he will not make wedding clothes for others in vain.

During the process of creating the heroic spirit, Levin had already signed a contract with the heroic spirit.

In this way, as long as the heroic spirit successfully appears in the world, it will always obey Levin's will, as if he has infinite command spells.

Rowena knew this immediately when she was reborn,

She is completely able to accept this and is willing to serve Levin.

After all, Levin couldn't help her in vain, could he?

It is better to be able to survive in the world as a heroic spirit than to stay in the crown every day as a soul that may dissipate at any time.

Of course, this kind of contract also comes with a price.

That is, Rowena's strength will be limited by Levin's own strength.

Her intensity never exceeds that of Levin herself.

The moment the heroic spirit was successfully summoned, Rowena's information was implanted into Levin's mind along with the contract.

After reading it, he knew that the other party was definitely a legendary and powerful wizard during his lifetime.

In other words, I have another top-level combat force here,

And as long as one's own strength breaks through the legend, then the other party will immediately reach that stage.

Looking at the beautiful woman in front of him who was wearing a blue robe, with black hair, and whose appearance had returned to her youth, Levin nodded slightly and helped her up from the ground:

"Ms. Rowena Ravenclaw, welcome back to this world."

"Thank you, little master." Rowena stood up and smiled gently at Levin.

As expected of the wise Ravenclaw, he not only accepted the reality immediately, but also immediately expressed his attitude.

After she stood up, Levin realized how tall this woman was—a head taller than Levin.

Levin had to look up at her,

Of course this was because she wore high heels, but even if she didn't wear them, she was still the tallest woman Levin knew.

"This figure can definitely carry a model."

Levin thought secretly.

Unexpectedly, the other party seemed to see through his thoughts and said directly: "Are you attracted to this body? Yes, after all, this is the body created by you, my little master. If the little master wants, Rowena can serve you at any time."

Wow, were all people of your era so open-minded? Or did they only become so open-minded after living a long time?

Levin's face turned red and he turned his head away, "I'm not that bad." Also, there is no need to call me little master, just call me by my name. "

"Okay, Master Levin, the master is a good man," Rowena bowed lightly, her tone a little arrogant, "But what I said is true. If you want, you can always do it."

"Okay, okay, you'd better go see your daughter." Levin couldn't stand being teased by this old antique. He didn't want to ruin his image in front of the pure Larry and the equally pure Helena, so he waved Waved and walked to the side.

"Thank you, Master Levin."

After Rowena finished speaking, she looked at Helena beside her.

"Helena, my baby, we meet again."


Among the ghosts at Hogwarts, Helena is the calmest one. She does not have the enthusiasm of Nearly Headless Nico, nor the ferocity of Bloody Barrow, nor the self-pity like Myrtle.

She is taciturn and has no mood swings.

But at this moment, she was more affectionate and excited than anyone else, and her entire ghost fell into Rowena's arms.

Since heroic spirits are entities between entities and spirits, the two can touch each other.

The hug was so intense that it lasted for ten minutes without letting go.

"Mom, I finally...finally see you again. This time, you won't leave again, right?"

"Don't worry, my Helena. Thanks to Master Levin's efforts, this time I have really returned to this world. We will never be separated again."

Pictured is Ravenclaw.

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