[Heroic Spirit Creation Ritual] mentioned that there are three elements that constitute a Heroic Spirit: the huge soul magic power as the spiritual base, the Heroic Spirit's soul as the core, and the Heroic Spirit's legend as the framework.

When the three are combined into one, a heroic spirit can be created.

Now, the most important part of creating a heroic spirit, the source of the heroic spirit's power, has been prepared.

Levin plans to officially launch Rowena's resurrection.

In fact, there are still certain flaws in creating heroic spirits in the Harry Potter world.

The problem lies in the third element, the legend of heroic spirits that forms the framework.

At the source of the Heroic Spirit Ceremony, outside the world of the Moon, there is an area called the Heroic Spirit Seat.

The Heroic Spirit Seat is independent of the timeline. It is a high-dimensional record tape that can record all the stories, legends, epics, written records and other information about a person in the long history to build the framework of the Heroic Spirit.

The so-called essence of the Heroic Seat is the legendary "Akashic Records" that record all information in the world.

The magician in the moon-shaped world summons "Five Six Three" to summon followers. The method they use is to connect to the Heroic Spirit Seat and download information about the heroic spirit from it - but most of them can only download a slice belonging to Ying - and then inject magic power to form Heroic spirit.

There is no Heroic Spirit Seat in the Harry Potter world, so there is no way to easily download information about Heroic Spirits.

But Levin also has his own way,

He knows very well that the Harry Potter world and the Xingyue world are both worlds where magic exists, and the Heroic Spirit Seat may not exist.

But there must be an "Akashic Record".

Otherwise, there would be no divination or prophecy spells.

The so-called prophecy spells are essentially spells that manipulate information and information.

His essence is to search Akasha records under limited conditions to obtain relevant information.

In [Language Mastery], various different languages ​​are the retrieved information;

In [Seeing Through Invisibility], the appearance of the invisible person is the retrieved information

In [Detection], objects being detected thousands of miles away and their status are retrieved;

In [Retrospective Vision], what happened in the past is the information retrieved;

In [Future Prediction], everything that may happen in the future is the retrieved information.

Since the emotional magic power, which is the source of spiritual energy, is inconvenient to transfer, Levin directly placed the place where the heroic spirit ritual was performed in the Holy Curium.

To this end, he invited the Gray Lady, Rowena's daughter, Helena Ravenclaw, from the castle.

At the same time, he also brought several books recording Ravenclaw's past deeds.

For example, "Hogwarts: A School History", "The Untold Ravenclaw", "Raven's Claw Marks", etc. are all Levin can find on the market. They are the most detailed and rich records about Rowena. book.

"So, as long as you complete the ritual, mother will reappear in this world?"

Helena looked at the boy in front of her and nodded seriously,

"I understand, and I will cooperate well."

So, Helena stood obediently in the magic circle prepared by Levin,

Placed in the magic circle are also the books about Ravenclaw, as well as Levin himself,

Or the Ravenclaw's crown on Levin's head,

As a relic that Rowena once used, the crown itself is something closely related to Rowena.

What's more, Rowena's soul lives inside.

"Then, all the elements are ready, and the [Spirit Vision] ceremony can begin."

[Spiritual Vision: 7th Ring Prophecy System. This spell is an advanced spell of [Legend Mastery]. It is faster and more laborious. Through spiritual vision, you can get information about someone, something or a certain place. You can also know the target of your spiritual vision. The more you master, the better the spiritual vision effect will be. If that person, thing, or place is nearby, your psychic vision will be greatly improved. 】

Levin lit the incense burner in the center of the array, the flames swayed, and the quiet and leisurely fragrance floated leisurely.

When the smoke completely filled the magic circle, Levin murmured to himself: "I call in my name; the wheel of time and space spins for me; the long river of history unfolds for me; the Akashic records show it to me. Everything about Rowena Ravenclaw——"

As the magic was completed, Levin felt that his spell relied on a large number of related things in the magic circle - especially Rowena's own soul, and successfully retrieved the relevant information in the Akasha Record.

The only concern is that the amount of information is too large.

It's no wonder, after all, this is not a history book of mankind. A few lines of words can describe the life of a hero.

Here are the Akashic Records,

It records not only all the experiences of Rowena's life, but also other people's impressions of her and records from others.

These people include her daughters, friends, students, and everyone who has heard of her name in future generations.

The more famous a person is, the more information about him or her exists.

Rowena·Ravenclaw is just one person. She only knew a few hundred people during her lifetime.

But as a famous figure in history, there are tens of millions of people who have heard of her name.

This is just because the division's population is much smaller than that of Muggles.

And it is precisely with this huge amount of information that

Only heroic spirits possess all kinds of powerful ability frameworks that are irrefutable.

The thoughts of so many people are enough to materialize the legendary things...

Therefore, as the initiator of [Spiritual Vision], Levin could feel a large amount of knowledge and information, enough to burst his mind, being delivered to him one after another.

But Levin was prepared for this.

He temporarily used magic power to maintain the information transmission channel, but prevented the information from being transmitted to his mind.

At the same time, on the other side, the [Heroic Spirit Creation Ceremony] was started.

"The core of the spiritual body begins to be constructed, Rowena, get in position.

"Okay, Levin, I'm ready." Rowena's soul signaled in the crown.

"Next, there is the spirit base of the heroic spirit..." Levin stretched out his hand and pointed at the huge and pure magic power in the seal,

Under Levin's guidance, this ownerless magic power was submissively injected into the prepared magic.

"Great, let's start injecting magic power... The Heroic Spirit Spirit Base is ready to be completed!"

"Next is the frame of the heroic spirit."

At this time, Levin finally opened up the information transmission of [Spirit Vision],

But the target was not his mind, but the spiritual base in front of him.

"Start information injection, compile and write into the framework structure... The Heroic Spirit Framework is completed..."

The huge amount of information was integrated by the ritual, and the setting of the heroic spirit was written into the spirit base.

"Load the relevant information and start building the heroic spirit model...the modeling is completed..."

The appearance of Rowena Ravenclaw in the information is combined, just like a 3D model, first the skeleton, then the internal organs, blood vessels, nervous system, and then the flesh and blood

Soon a female figure began to appear in front of her eyes.

"After that, the core of the spirit body is injected and the 4.7 soul body connection information is written..."

A small shining ball flew out of the crown and entered the body of the female humanoid.

"Finally, start to encapsulate the core of the spirit body and connect the virtual circuit - completed, the heroic spirit contract - completed!"

"Hereby I swear:"

"I am the one who has accomplished all the good deeds in this world,"

"I am the person who spreads all the evil in the world."

"In my name, from the Akasha records, O soul of the past

"Show your true form before me!"

As the light flashed, the originally ethereal woman finally turned into reality.

The woman in the black-haired robe knelt on one knee and swore: "The heroic spirit, Rowena Ravenclaw, appears here, and I swear here, you are my Master!"

Pictured is Rowena·Ravenclaw

In fact, I made a lot of pictures. Every character in the book has a lot of pictures that I want to share with everyone. Unfortunately, I can only put one picture in a chapter, and it is easy to swallow it.

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