My Understanding Is Incredible, I Built A Floating City In Hogwarts

Chapter 360 How About We Overthrow Dumbledore?

A heroic spirit and a ghost, the two chatted like this for a long time,

Levin took advantage of this time to teach Larry about the druid's abilities.

Compared to Daisy, Larry, as a beast, has a much lower learning ability.

Levin spent a lot of effort before she could get started and be able to actively use the power of nature to complete some small spells.

That is to say, it has reached the level of LV1.

Then, Levin taught her three more tricks: [Create Water], [Detect Magic], and [Detect Poison].

Until this time, the reunion between mother and daughter is over.

However, this is just that they have finished chatting for the time being.

Next, Helena followed Rowena like this, even when they returned to the tower with her.

In the tower, Guowen introduced the current situation to Rowena.

"...The development of modern magic is slower than I thought."

After fully understanding this era, Rowena commented,

This witch who pursues wisdom is very dissatisfied when she sees the isolation and indifference of contemporary wizards.

But the look in her eyes when she looked at Levin was full of relief... No, it should be enthusiasm:

"Sure enough, the luckiest thing for me, the luckiest thing in this era, is your appearance... So many novel magics, a more complete magic system... You alone can change this World!"

In Levin, Rowena sees endless possibilities - following him, she has no worries that her pursuit of a wise wife will come to an end.

She felt again that she had indeed chosen the right person.

When Levin talked about Hogwarts today, Rowena's dissatisfaction reached its peak:

"The principals of this era are really irresponsible," the heroic spirit shook his head. "You can't just block the growth path of other students just because of one or two mouse droppings, put all the knowledge into your own office and let it become dusty. Do you still expect Qian Rang to be some kind of so-called savior to save the world?”

She paused and talked about her past experience:

"The purpose of establishing a magic academy, setting up a library, and setting up a restricted book area is to allow young wizards with different talents to find their own path forward. In doing so, he completely prevents anyone from learning this knowledge. Opportunities, even inferior to those of pure-blood families who cling to their own knowledge, really go against the original intention of establishing our school.

After saying that, Rowena looked at Levin with stern eyes: "Otherwise, let's overthrow that guy from Bullide!"

"I have sensed this before. Even if I become a Heroic Spirit, I am still the founder of Hogwarts. I can take back the authority that belongs to the principal at any time. What do you think? Do you want to do it or not?"

Her excited attitude shocked Levin.

Levin also has a lot of dissatisfaction with Dumbledore. He feels that he has too much control and his attitude is too conservative in many fields. This is not the attitude of education.

Levin originally thought that his thoughts were a bit extreme?

Did I use my past experiences and thoughts to mechanically enter Hogwarts? Will the people in Da Yin just follow Dumbledore's example?

As a result, now he knows that there is someone more extreme than him - "Not even a pure-blood family!" can say such words.

Levin was a little surprised to hear Rowena say that she could take back the authority of Hogwarts at any time.

In this way, even if he and Dumbledore fall out in the future, he will have full confidence.

However, after hearing her suggestion to overturn Dumbledore, Levin thought for a moment and shook his head: "No, it's not the time yet."

"Why?" Rowena was a little strange.

She could tell that Levin was also unhappy with Dumbledore. The boy had his own ideas about the future of Hogwarts.

Now the opportunity to practice all this is right in front of you, why give up?

Levin could only smile bitterly at Rowena's question.

Sure enough, she is a typical scholar. Although she is smart, she is still too naive about politics and human nature.

He explained carefully: "The conflict between Dumbledore and I is not a personal grudge, but a conflict over ideas."

"If it's a personal grudge, we can use our strength to decide the outcome. I can just find a way to kill him, or as you said, I can use my authority to overthrow him."

"But this is a battle of ideas between us, so we have to decide the outcome in the way of ideas. I need to prove that compared to his method, my ideas are more beneficial to Hogwarts and the wizarding world."

"I want to prove that Russia can protect Hogwarts that he cannot protect!"

"He can't deal with the Dark Lord, I can!"

"He can't bring the entire magical world to a more glorious future, I can!"

"I can do what Dumbledore can do, and I can do what Dumbledore can't!"

"My purpose is not to defeat Dumbledore, but to get more people to stop recognizing Dumbledore's shortcomings and support me. It's like a political struggle. Physically destroying the opponent is never the real end, only proving the other party is wrong. That’s the real end.”

This is why in some cases, political opponents are not exterminated but criticized; why those who are doing good deeds can be saved from death as long as they are willing to reflect.

Murder is not the logic of modern politics, but the logic of feudal politics.

Killing the heart is the logic of modern politics.

"Is this politics? It's so boring."

Hearing Levin talk about this, Rowena looked bored,

But she still understood that Levin's decision was the right one.

"Anyway, you are the young master. It is entirely up to you to consider such matters. If necessary, I can hand over the authority of Hogwarts to you at any time."

After that, she thought of something else, glanced at Helena, and then turned to Levin: "Well... Master Levin, I have an unkind request, can Helena become like me? "

After that, she was afraid that Levin would misunderstand, so she quickly added: "I don't want Helena to have any powerful power, I just want to see if she can regain her normal senses and emotions, and be able to enjoy human beings like me. Life."

Levin understood what Rowena was worried about.

The existence of ghosts stems from obsession, so their thinking will also be trapped in obsession and they cannot think like normal people.

This is why the ghosts in the castle are more extreme than the last.

Compared to Nick, who loves to collect treasures, and Barrow, who is everywhere scary, Helena, who is emotionally indifferent, is even normal.

In addition, since ghosts cannot normally touch entities, they lack the joy of living compared to humans.

If they want to taste it, they actually have to find rotten food. The reason is that this kind of food has the strongest taste and can give their weak senses a little taste.

It can be said that living in the form of a ghost for a long time is not a kind of happiness.

The mother naturally feels sorry for her daughter.

After hearing this question, Levin thought about it and gave the answer: "Yes, but not for the time being." "

"In fact, my only concern now is the source of magic power."

"In order to create you, I spent a huge amount of magic power accumulated by the ancient magic guardians who spent a lot of energy to create your spiritual base."

"Now let me create a new heroic spirit. I don't even know where the spiritual base is accumulated. However, I believe that as we continue to explore magic, this problem can always be solved.

"Well, I believe you, thank you, Master Levin."

After hearing Levin's words, Rowena breathed a sigh of relief.

Anyway, Helena has been waiting for a thousand years to come here, so naturally it will take a few years.

"Since you don't need me to subvert Hogwarts, what can I do for you now?"

After understanding the modern situation, Rowena asked curiously.

"You can help me manage this tower, or even the entire demiplane." Levin said, "We signed a contract, and you are the person I trust most. Your wisdom and your ability as a heroic spirit mean that you are The best person for the job.”

"Of course, I'm happy to help you." Upon hearing this, Rowena bowed to Levin.

"In addition, I have another idea." Thinking of the upcoming second game of the Triwizard Tournament, Levin had another idea. "As the founder of Hogwarts, are you interested in helping us?" What’s more, it’s better than Hei’s contribution?”

"Appreciate further details?"

Rowena stepped forward and listened to Levin's plan.

"I see, do you want to create new legends to study the methods of heroic spirits further? It is indeed a good idea.

Rowena was full of praise for Levin's plan and expressed her willingness to participate.

After saying all this, Levin looked at the clock. It was almost four o'clock in the morning.

He quickly got up and walked to the bedroom, saying as he walked:

"You two, mother and daughter, can talk among yourselves. I'll go to bed first."

However, Rowena did not let him go alone. Instead, she personally made Levin's bed and quilt, arranged everything, and tucked him in... These things were usually the work of Gwen and Oriana. .

Before leaving, she asked unwillingly: "Master Levin, do you really don't need me to be patient?"

Levin answered him harshly: "Let's go! I don't need it!"

Looking at Rowena's graceful back gradually leaving, Levin couldn't help but sigh.

An old guy who has lived for a thousand years just likes to tease young people.

If he didn't feel that it was not good to do it in front of his daughter, he would not show mercy.

Pictured is Rowena.

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