My Understanding Is Incredible, I Built A Floating City In Hogwarts

Chapter 351 Christmas Gifts And Christmas Gifts

While Harry and Harry were in a panic, Levin and Hermione had already left the scene.

It was so difficult to find a quiet, undisturbed place in the garden. No matter where they went, Levin could find several lovers hiding in the bushes.

Levin couldn't bear it anymore, so he transformed into a chimera, let Hermione lie on his back, and then flew her all the way to the Forbidden Forest.

The figure of the Chimera flew over the dark forest, and soon came to the depths of the forbidden forest covered with giant trees.

Soon, Levin began to dive and land, flying into a giant tree. What appeared in front of him was an open space surrounded by giant trees.

In the center of the open space is a lake. The moonlight shines on the lake through the gaps between the giant trees, making it look sparkling.

There is a small island in the center of the lake, bathed in the silver moonlight, which looks particularly dreamy. The island is covered with various wonderful plants, and the branches of several dwarf trees grow together to form a beautiful natural arch.

"Wow, it's incredible that there is such a place in the Forbidden Forest." Hermione couldn't help but exclaimed when she saw this unique scenery, "How did you know this place?"

The Chimera landed on the small island in the lake, put the girl down, and then introduced: "This is Lari's hometown. They lived here before moving to the demiplane.

Then, he took the girl for a walk on the island. As he walked, he introduced: "In fact, the demiplane has always been connected to this place, in order to prevent them from getting homesick."

I arranged this here specifically.

Levin said, showing the girl the mushroom circle on the island.

"This is the berry bush on the island. In addition to grass and leaves, unicorns also like to eat berries. They often used these to entertain us. If you want to eat, you can pick some yourself.

There are dots of berries growing in the low trees, and each one is plump.

"This is the most beautiful and soft grass in the center of the island, and there are arches that can protect you from wind and rain. This is where the unicorns usually rest. Let's sit here for a while."

Levin activated his druid ability and waved his hand, and the trees forming the arch immediately grew into a large lounge chair, covered with grass and leaves, making the lounge chair look very soft.

Levin sat on the lounge chair and used magic to light a floating fireball, providing a steady stream of warm air.

It is still very cold in the Yin Kingdom in December.

Hermione hid in his arms, hugging him tightly, pressing against his warm chest, as if she wanted to rub herself into his body.

Levin stroked Hermione's back and whispered: "Hermione, let go, you are strangling me so hard that I can't breathe."

"No, there's no one else here (aibd) anyway." She said coquettishly.

"Besides, it's all your fault. I was so tired from dancing. My legs still hurt and I can't walk. You have to hold me all the time."

After hearing this, Levin had no choice but to hug the girl obediently and said in a low voice: "Sorry, it's my fault. I obviously want to dance with different girls one after another, but I don't want to see you dancing with other boys, so I can only show up." This is the next best thing.”

"Boys are like this," Hermione expressed her understanding, "Actually... I don't want to see you dancing with anyone else, forget about Zhang Qiu and Luna, others are too much, those Veela sisters, There are also Ginny and Astoria, all of them are sticking to you... I want to eat you."

"Why is Ginny included?" Levin was a little surprised, "Isn't she your good friend?"

Hermione curled up in Levin's arms like a kitten, and said quietly: "That's right, I can share anything with her, and the same goes for Zhang Qiu and Luna, but you and I are the only ones who don't want to share... ..

After saying that, she shook her head: "Unfortunately, this is just a thought."

"I'm sorry that you met such a greedy man like me." Levin stroked the girl's back and whispered.

"No, you don't need to apologize. This is my choice." Hermione looked at Levin with deep attachment in her eyes.

The two of them chatted affectionately for a while,

Suddenly, Levin looked at the girl: "Where is my Christmas gift this year?"

Speaking of this, the girl was a little shy. She hesitated for a long time before emphasizing: "First of all, you have to say that you are not allowed to laugh at me.

"Don't worry, I won't laugh." Levin assured loudly.

So the girl opened her handbag and took out a large piece of thick drawing paper.

No, not paper... but a painting, a portrait of Levin.

In fact, judging from Levin's aesthetics, the painting skills of this painting are not good, and can only be said to be just for beginners.

But there are many details that can be noticed in the painting:

In the painting, Levin is holding a magic wand and standing on the ruins of a tent. There are men in black robes escaping hastily nearby, and many ordinary people are looking at him with admiration.

This is clearly a depiction of World Cup night.

Levin in the painting is tall, handsome, with extraordinary bearing, a resolute face, and even a slight glow behind his outline.

At first glance, he doesn't look like a wise mage, but like a great and righteous Paladin.

It can be seen that the painter is very immature and wants to try his best to express his admiration and love for the characters in the painting.

"What do you think?" Hermione asked expectantly.

"The technique is only acceptable, but he is definitely very attentive." Levin pondered for a while and analyzed, "It can be seen that the painter must like the characters in the painting very much.

After that, he looked at the girl's red face and couldn't help but guess: "Did you draw this by yourself?"

Hermione nodded shyly and whispered. "Actually, I started learning it during the summer vacation, but my skills are not as good as yours."

She did not continue talking, but looked at Ivan expectantly and a little uneasily.

She hesitated for a long time about choosing Christmas gifts this year.

Originally, she wanted to give Levin a book or something like she did in the past, but I always felt that this would not be of much help to Levin. After all, Levin could buy all the books she could buy.

And she wanted her gift to be more meaningful, so she drew a picture with her own hands. The food in the picture was the greatest moment of the other person in her mind.

Although Levin did have selfish motives in what happened that night,

But it is an indisputable fact that Levin saved many people.

"This is the best Christmas gift I have received this year." Levin gave a positive evaluation, formally mounted the painting in a frame, put it in his bag, and then looked at the giggling girl in front of him.

"Actually, I was expecting another Christmas present."

"Another Christmas present? What is that?" Hermione looked confused, not understanding what Levin was saying.

Until the boy's hand reached into her waist at some point,

The girl was trembling all over, trying to raise her head and looking at Levin with blurred eyes.

Her face suddenly turned crimson,

The two people's eyes met, and Nan Wen leaned forward and pressed her lips tightly.

The two figures overlapped, and the silvery afterglow of the moonlight filled their shoulders.

After an unknown amount of time, Hermione pushed Levin away, gasping softly before the boy attacked again: "No...not here, go back to the tower..."

The light from the boundary gate suddenly lit up, and in the blink of an eye [the native disappeared on the small island in the middle of the lake. .

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