On the second day of Christmas, in the tower,

Levin was sitting alone on the sofa, reading a book absentmindedly, and looking toward the stairwell while reading.

Soon, he saw the girl yawning and walking down,

At this time, Hermione was back to her usual appearance, with disheveled hair and wearing the Hogwarts uniform.

"Hermione, why don't you put on makeup and fix your hair? You looked so beautiful yesterday..." Levin asked curiously.

He also hoped to appreciate it more when he didn't have to go to school during the holidays.

"No matter how well you take care of it, it's still a mess for you." The girl gave her a hard roll of her eyes when she heard this.

But Levin didn't care. Instead, he followed the stick and said, "So you think I still have a chance to mess up your hair."

As he spoke, he whistled: "How about tonight~?"

"not so good!"

"Why?" Levin asked strangely, "Didn't you tell me yesterday that you were looking forward to it?"

"That's because I don't know anything about it!" Speaking of this, Hermione's face turned crimson again and she stumbled: "Obviously I have learned about that matter from my parents' books... ...I also read some information secretly. I thought I would be able to accept any tricks, who knows...who knows..."

She hesitated for a long time, but still didn't say anything, and finally asked Levin loudly: "I can't figure out whether all wizards are so weird, or you are the only one who is weird.

"Is it weird?" Levin tilted his head weirdly, "Everyone is an Animagus, I think it's normal."

"It's normal!" Hermione finally couldn't help it and complained loudly:

"Don't use Animagus as an excuse. There is no time to transform into Animagus!"

"It's okay to let me transform into a cat girl state. After all, cat girls are... also cute, but what the hell is transforming into a cat person!"

"It's okay to let me transform into a cat-man. After all, I'm still barely human...but...but..."

At this point, she was too embarrassed to continue talking. After all, she couldn't resist Levin from doing such a thing.

But it's not over yet, Hermione's complaints are not over yet:

"It's okay if I change, why do you have to change yourself too...?"

"It's okay if you just change, Tian Ma turned into a snake..."

At this point, the girl couldn't continue talking at all, and returned to Hogwarts in a flash.

Levin was left alone, looking at the girl's back sadly: "Are girls nowadays so thin-skinned... They were so excited last night.

After saying that, he shook his head:

"It's a pity that there are so many wilderness transformations and there are still many gameplays that I haven't tried yet... I can only do it step by step. In this regard, Cirila is still a little more liberal, but she is not an Animag. Si, why not urge her on this aspect."

Last night, under the leadership of Levin, Hermione finally took the final step and opened the door to a new world.

But obviously, what Levin showed her behind the gate of the new world was a bit too complicated.

Hermione was born into a family of dentists and is quite familiar with physiological knowledge. She is not a little girl who knows nothing.

But she was still frightened by Levin.

All I can say is that the little girl is still pure.

Seeing Hermione leaving first, Levin also put down his book and returned to Hogwarts for breakfast.

After a noisy night, everyone got up very late, and Hogwarts was immersed in tranquility, as if all the vitality had been completely released that night.

In the corridor in the early morning, there was less noise and more contention. If it weren't for the fact that there were a few more couples walking together on campus, there would still be people discussing yesterday's Christmas dance from time to time.

Wen almost thought that everything that happened yesterday was just a dream.

At Levin's insistence, Hermione sat with him at Ravenclaw's long table and shared breakfast with Zhang Qiu, Luna, Fleur and others.

It's just that she didn't look at Levin or talk to him the whole time, even if he intentionally took away the fried eggs on her plate.

Even on the first morning after Christmas, the owl delivering newspapers arrived as promised.

Hermione put down her knife and fork and unhooked the newspaper from the owl's leg.

Seeing this, the others came over curiously, wanting to know what news made Hermione so upset.

Their eyes widened and they stared at the eye-catching headlines on the newspaper:

"My boyfriend moved on and dated his old flame, and star Klum secretly spied on me and was filled with resentment."

"Famous football star Viktor Klum's sexual orientation remains a mystery"

There was a big photo in the newspaper.

In the photo, Ronald and Harry were lying on the ground and kissing, seeming to be doing something strange, while Klum was hiding behind a flower bush and watching, with a very ugly expression on his face.

The same newspaper also fell into the hands of other little wizards,

"What is surprising is that Viktor Krum actually established a strong and close friendship with a boy named Ronald Weasley during the World Cup. It is worth mentioning that this boy once had a relationship with Harry. Potter had been together day and night for three years. However, Krum's appearance was like a haze, causing their relationship to take a turn for the worse.

A little wizard was reading the information in the newspaper with great interest, while other people around him laughed happily.

"However, in the Triwizard Tournament, Harry Potter defeated Krum with his outstanding performance and also regained his former close friend from the opponent. Ronald Weasley undoubtedly has charming charm, whether it is the world star Vector Krum Harry Potter, his mother or the savior, is fascinated by him, but the author believes that he needs to properly manage this charm - for this, Albus Dumbledore undoubtedly shoulders a great responsibility. As the principal, he should ensure that Harry Potter and his classmates We are clearly aware of gender differences.

The auditorium, which was originally a little deserted during the holidays, suddenly became lively and even less noisy than usual:

"It's Vector Krum, Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley!"

"There is such a relationship between them!"

"Ahhh! Ronald betrayed Krum!"

"Why not Harry x Krum, why not Harry x Krum!"

"Can Huck and Roark fight to the death? Roha obviously won in the end!"

"It's so disgusting, I almost tasted everything I just ate!"

Fleur only glanced briefly, then made a disgusted vomiting motion. She frowned and said: "I never thought that Ronan Wesley (he didn't remember Ronald's name) would actually do such a thing, and Harry... Potter and Krum...didn't you say those were all rumors?"

Fleur looked at Levin, who shrugged helplessly.

He also didn't expect that Rita was so lucky.

Fleur looked at her sister Gabrielle again and quickly took the newspaper away from her: "Children are not allowed to read this, otherwise they will have nightmares at night.

0......Please give me flowers......

However, Gabrielle had already caught a glimpse of those contents, and she asked with interest: "Does Harry Potter only like boys?"

After hearing this, Zhang Qiu suddenly realized: "So, the reason why Potter rejected so many girls' invitations is because he likes people of the same sex?!"

When a lie is repeated a hundred times, people will accept it as the truth.

Since the end of the World Cup, the story about Ronald, Harry and Klum has been told many times.

Although there is a photo of Ronald and Klum kissing as evidence, many people are still skeptical.

However, the "Daily Prophet" once again reported the latest development of this matter, and there were pictures and truth, which made most people begin to believe that this was probably the truth!

Beside Luna, Ginny covered her face in shame,

Although she is a fun-loving person, the premise is that this fun is exclusive to her.

After all, he is her brother and his best friend.

It's another thing for everyone to know about such fun.


She could already hear people pointing at her and saying, "That's Ronald's sister."

"Don't worry, I think Potter and your brother might have been teased, and Krum just happened to be passing by and was captured!" Luna consoled her in a singing tone.

As expected of Luna, she told the truth inadvertently.

When Ronald and Harry walked into the auditorium together, the originally lively auditorium suddenly fell into silence, as if even the air had solidified.

However, this tranquility did not last long. In an instant, all kinds of discussions started to sound like drizzle, which was louder than the previous noise.

Even Ronald's brother, the twin brother of the Weasley family, was looking at the two of them in a wrong way.

They recalled that Ronald's favorite toy when he was a child was a doll.

They thought about the overly close friendship between Ronald and Harry,

They remembered Ronald's crazy admiration for Krum,

Thinking of Ronald's awkward demeanor in the World Cup,

The twin brothers looked at each other in horror. They really felt that Ronald might really have something to do with Harry and Krum.

"Would you like to write a letter to mother?" George asked hesitantly.

"Sometimes ignorance is better." Fred shook his head quickly, thinking that the issue of sexual orientation was not a serious matter.

Ronald has never realized as much as he does now that being in the spotlight can be painful.

Harry was even more depressed to the extreme, almost ready to die.

For the whole day, they locked themselves in the lounge and did not dare to stay together.

Because as long as they are in the corridor, there will be a group of little wizards surrounding them excitedly asking this and that, repeatedly asking if all this is true? How does it feel to be in a relationship with Krum?

Waiting for all kinds of weird questions...

There was also a group of strange girls who screamed loudly when they saw the two of them standing together, shouting "They are together!!"

Faced with everyone’s questions and ridicule, what else can they say?

There is only three consecutive denials: "I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense."

Trivia: The snake has a double-headed stem. .

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