"Hermione, I have to say, your idea is really bold and smart." Levin praised.

Unknowingly, this girl has gradually grown up.

Hermione blinked and said proudly: "Of course, you said that I am the smartest witch in Hogwarts. Right, Mr. Green."

"Yes, Mrs. Green. Levin held Hermione's little hand and squeezed it subconsciously.

Levin looked at Hermione's slightly opened lips in shock, and then immediately blushed, as if she was very surprised by this title.

The two continued to move forward, and the more they walked, the more their figures overlapped.

At this time, they came to a large stone reindeer. They looked past the stone deer and saw a high fountain with splashing water and sparkling water.

Two huge, vague figures sat on a stone bench, looking at the spring water under the moonlight. Then, Hagrid's voice sounded.

"Is it your mother or your father?" he said in a very strange hoarse voice.

It seemed that they had broken into someone else's dating place, but if this continued, the date might have to come to an end.

Levin looked around, then looked back at the path, pulling Hermione, who was still a little stunned, to hide in a nearby rose bush.

"I--I don't know what you mean, Hagrid..."

Ms. Maxim said softly, with a hoho sound in her deep voice.

Hagrid was about to open his mouth to explain, but suddenly a familiar voice sounded in his mind, interrupting his words: "Don't mention your damn giant blood."

"What?" Hagrid said in surprise and looked around.

"What?" Madame Maxime glared at Hagrid reproachfully, not knowing why he was so startled.

At the same time, Hagrid heard the voice in his head explaining: "Don't make a fuss, I'm Levin Green, I'm on the rose bush over there, and I'm using magic to talk to your heart now, and I want this date to continue. Just listen to me."

Hagrid looked in the direction Levin pointed out, and sure enough he saw a familiar face.

"Okay," Hagrid muttered, agreeing with Levin's suggestion.

He greatly admired Levin's ability to pick up girls, and had previously consulted Levin on how to pursue Madame Maxime.

Now that someone is willing to provide on-site guidance, he is naturally happy to accept it.

"Don't talk, just think in your heart." Levin reminded again, "Listen, Hagrid, if I were you, I wouldn't mention the giant bloodline at this time. Not everyone is as optimistic as you, wizard. Their blood discrimination is deep in their bones. People like Madame Maxime care about face very much. She will not tolerate others mentioning this matter in person.

"Oh, oh," Hagrid suddenly realized, and suddenly asked: "How do you know that I am a hybrid giant.

The voice in his head fell silent briefly, apparently speechless by this stupid question.

Nonsense, do you really think your height of three meters is common among wizards?

After a moment, Levin said feebly: "...Because my grades in Magical Creatures are very good...Anyway, don't dwell on this issue. 17

"Oh oh oh!" Hagrid smiled and touched the back of his head, and then asked, "If you can't talk about blood, how should I continue talking to her?"

"Whatever you want, talk about your life." This was the answer given by Levin. "In fact, you should be well aware of the matter of giant hybrids. If she is willing to date you, it is completely acceptable. You, so you can talk to her about anything except taboo topics. As the principal of Beauxbatons, Madam Maxime is much more thoughtful than you. For this kind of person, sincerity is the last resort."~

After listening to Levin talk so much, Hagrid thought for a while, but still had no clue.

"Say what you have to say...Say what you have to say..."

He scratched the back of his head with his big hand, turned to Mrs. Maxim and said: "Uh, um, are you still living with your parents now? I live alone in Hogwarts, and I have a younger brother. If I can find him , I hope to bring him to live with me in the Forbidden Forest... I have some savings in Gringotts, about thirty thousand Galleons..."

Hagrid didn't know what to say, so he just revealed his family fortune incoherently.

Ms. Maxim made a snort that was not consistent with her body shape, but she seemed quite satisfied.

After successfully saving Hagrid's first date, Levin focused his attention on Hermione in his arms.

The watery moonlight shone on Hermione's face, and her fair skin looked even more smooth and beautiful under the hazy moonlight.

Even among the rose bushes, the scent of Hermione's softened hair, soap and body was like a small brush sweeping over his heart, and he couldn't help but gradually lower his head and get closer to Hermione.

Hermione felt something, raised her head, her curled eyelashes brushed across Levin's cheek, and her soft red lips just brushed against Levin's lips.

Hermione's face burned up, and she quickly lowered her head, revealing a piece of white and delicate back of her neck. Levin reached out his hand as if fascinated and gently rubbed the snow-white skin.

Levin's palms were hot, as if they were filled with magic, and he felt the heat spread throughout his body like a flame.

Just when Levin's body was burning hot, he suddenly stopped what he was doing and became interested in a beetle lying on the petals of a flower.

"Listen, I don't want others to know what happened here." Levin looked at the beetle without blinking and said in a tone that would not be disobeyed.

"Levin, who are you talking to?" Hermione gently broke away from Levin's arms and asked softly.

"This beetle, she is Rita Skeeter's Animagus." Levin raised his chin and answered Hermione gently.

The beetle shook its body, spread its wings, and flew away quickly.

"She's an illegal Animagus! So that's how she obtained the news material!" Hermione suddenly realized, and then she understood why this notorious female reporter could always find explosive information, "Eavesdropping is shameful, we won't report her ?"

Apparently, the girl disliked both Rita Skeeter and the transgression.

"This crime is not serious, and she is now our collaborator. If we report her, we will lose influence on the Daily Prophet."

Levin explained patiently.

"So, the illegal animagus is her leverage, right?"

Hermione grasped it quickly and immediately grasped the context.

"That's it, when you encounter this kind of person, instead of reporting her and sending her to jail, I might as well use this as a deterrent and let her be used by me, so that she can restrain herself.

Analyze this carefully.

"Well, I hope she can really restrain herself." Although she still had some opinions, Hermione still accepted this statement.

Unfortunately, Rita's appearance interrupted Levin and Hermione's interest, and also proved that these trees were not completely undisturbed.

On a whim, Levin took the initiative to release his psychic powers.

Then I saw a wonderful scene nearby.

It was Harry who was pulling the barefoot Ronnie. They were running in the garden in a panic, not even realizing that they had dropped their shoes. The first priority was to find a place to change clothes.

They fully expected that the effect of the potion would last until zero o'clock, so they stayed on the dance floor having fun.

In the pas de deux that emphasized coordination, Harry's lameness made Ronnie miserable.

But as the Weird Sisters turned on disco mode, they were finally able to enjoy the dance party.

Isn't it just swinging? Who is not a good swinger?

Who would have thought that when they were shaking well, they would reach a climax?

Roni suddenly felt that everything in her body was changing.

Only then did she recall that she had not followed the doctor's advice and drank the potion at six o'clock in the evening, but had taken it more than an hour earlier.

It's like Cinderella. As the bell rings, Cinderella, who is the focus of the ball, will turn back into the ash-swept underworld person, and Ronnie, the beauty who is pursued by everyone, will also turn back into the ordinary Ronald.

This scene cannot be seen by others.

So under everyone's surprised gazes, Harry pulled Ronnie and quickly left the auditorium and ran straight into the garden, "I wanted to find a place where no one could see me so I could change my identity.

Soon, the two found a suitable bush and got into it.

A minute later, Malfoy appeared in the same position, holding one of Ronnie's dropped high heels in his hand.

Obviously, he followed the two of them, but unfortunately he lost them.

After another minute, Malfoy left, and Krum appeared again, also with a high heel in his hand.

This is interesting,

There is only one Cinderella, but there are exactly one prince vying for her.

What a steal, Ronnie.

After another minute, Ronald finally put on his clothes, stood up slowly, and was about to leave with Harry.

Who knows, Malfoy, who was searching for Roni nearby, happened to be behind them.

Although Roni was not found, it was a surprise to see Harry and Ronald.

Looking at the two people in front of him, and thinking of the scene where he was rejected by Roni and lost Pansy, Malfoy became very timid.

"`"[Whole body petrified]!"

Malfoy chanted a spell and started sucking their heads on the two of them.

The two were horrified to find that they seemed to be bound by invisible chains, and even small movements became so difficult.

They squinted and looked around for the culprit who attacked them.

Then, he found Malfoy swaggering in front of them with the same victorious rooster, looking at him with a malicious look.

"Potter, aren't you very arrogant?" Malfoy laughed darkly, "Pansy and I had a fight. It's all your fault, so you have to pay the price.

Harry and Ronald's hearts sank, and they knew that what was going to happen next would definitely not be a good thing.

I saw Malfoy putting the two stiff people together like puppets, moving their arms, letting them hug each other, and their lips were as close as possible, just like a couple rolling in the flowers.

"It's done, perfect!" Malfoy clapped his hands, very satisfied with his results, "By the way, you also like Miss Roni, right, but if she knows all this, I don't know what she will think."

"What would Miss Luo Ni think? Miss Luo Ni already knows all this and wants to blow up your (Wang Qian Zhao Dogou) right now!"

Ronald screamed crazily in his heart, but he was completely restrained and couldn't even speak.

After Malfoy watched with satisfaction, he walked away.

Soon, the second division discovered them.

It was Krum. Like Malfoy, he was holding a high-heeled shoe and looking for Roni stupidly.

Now, seeing the strange scene in front of him, a trace of surprise and confusion flashed across his face: "It turns out that they really have this relationship... So Ronald is really..."

He thought again of the accident that happened in the World Cup final,

He couldn't help but feel a chill when he thought that Ronald really liked men. He was already surrounded by rumors and didn't want to be seen having anything to do with them.

What's more, Harry and he still have a "hate for seizing his wife".

"If Ronnie sees this scene, she will definitely recognize your true face.

Leave this behind viciously

In a word, Krum hurriedly left this place without doing anything.

"Don't leave, at least help us break the curse! 11

"I am Ronnie, the real Ronnie, Krum, can't you save me?"

Harry and Ronald were crying. They thought the savior was coming, but unexpectedly it was Krum who came, and the other party ignored them at all.

Fortunately, Malfoy's magical power is limited.

With his strength, the confinement of the two people only lasted for about ten minutes and then automatically expired.

Harry and Ronald were finally free before being discovered, avoiding further social deaths.

Little did he know, a beetle was nearby and watched the entire scene. .

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