After a long ordeal, Ronnie finally ended her dance and limped off the dance floor with Harry.

At this time, Harry seemed very satisfied. For a moment, he felt that Zhang Qiu was just like that.

He looked at Roni beside him, a trace of happiness flashed in his eyes,

I should be content with Ronnie...even if it's just for one night.

However, he didn't understand one thing. There will always be many people competing for beautiful female companions.

"This...Miss Roni, can I dance with you?" Draco Malfoy, who had combed his hair meticulously, walked over and ignored Harry's angry expression. With an elegant gesture, he extended his hand to Roni.

Behind him, Pansy Parkinson was glaring at Ronnie from a distance, with an expression of extreme dissatisfaction, as if she wanted to eat her alive.

As if he was afraid that the other party would have concerns, Malfoy also added: "Don't worry, I practice often at the dance at home and I won't step on your feet.

He mentioned the family dance. Although he did not directly show his financial resources, he hinted that his family was a family that could afford a dance - not only had a big house, but also was in the upper class - and inadvertently showed off his wealth.

Pureblood old fashioned.

Malfoy thought that he could successfully win the beauty's favor, but little did he know that the person standing in front of him was not a strange girl, but an old enemy who had been at odds with him for four years.

"Oh, Malfoy," Ronnie showed a contemptuous expression, as if she had seen something disgusting, "just keep playing with your lion head. Even if I find a chimpanzee, I won't dance with you."

His criticism of Malfoy was straightforward and showed no mercy to him, which immediately made his face look ugly.

After saying that, Roni took Harry's hand and walked away without even looking at him.

Watching Ronnie's leaving figure, Draco Malfoy's face turned blue and white. He couldn't understand why the other party made such a was obviously the first time they met. 05

Yeah, it must be Harry Potter, and she's talking bad about me, damn Scarhead.

Malfoy didn't want to blame Ronnie, so he put all the blame on Harry, glared at him hatefully, and then turned to look for Pansy.

Unexpectedly, his performance of abandoning his dance partner just now also made Pansy very dissatisfied.

"Go find your red hair, Malfoy," the girl crossed her arms and said coldly, "I'm not a garbage collector. Even if I find a chimpanzee, I won't dance with you."

With that said, he also left.


Abandoned by both of them, Malfoy also suffered the same fate as Krum.

Levin didn't know yet that Ronnie, the character he created, had gained such popularity and staged so many bloody dramas.

He can't be like ordinary little wizards, who take a break when they get tired of dancing, and can dance whenever they want.

He doesn't have such good conditions,

He was very busy at this time, and he had to keep up with every performance, change his dance partner every time, and try his best to satisfy everyone's desire to dance.

Luna, Ginny, Astoria, and Gabrielle all wanted to come to the ball just to dance with him. He couldn't break his promise.

There are also Hermione, Zhang Qiu, and Furong. Although Levin can use his physical strength and difficult dance steps to tire them out and extend their rest time, they can't just dance to music for ten dances.

Fortunately, Levin invited Tonks to help him with some of the burden.

As a price, Levin also danced a song with her, fulfilling Tonks' wish.

As a result, in the following period, Guowen became the most jealous person in the room.

Every time he dances, he changes his partner,

And each of his dance partners was one of the most beautiful girls in the auditorium.

This made many boys jealous and separated, why they all wanted to have good-looking girls, but they all took the initiative to get close to Cai Wen.

The little wizards of Beauxbatons are even more sad. Their school beauty - if there is such a name - was also abducted by Levin!

It's a pity that no one understands Levin's pain,

In order to satisfy these girls, he almost danced the entire dance,

From the waltz at the beginning, to the tango and foxtrot in the middle, and finally when the weird sisters finally played their signature music, a group of demons danced like a disco dancer...

Even with Levin's strengthened physical strength, I can't bear it.

By the time he jumped to the end, he felt like he was about to break.

To bring happiness to everyone is not something that ordinary people can do.

It was around the time when the music of the eleventh or twelfth dance had come to an end, and Hermione walked off the dance floor with an expression on her face.

At this moment, both Furong and Zhang Qiu were satisfied and were sitting around a small table with Tonks, drinking drinks and chatting.

After Luna and the four little girls finished dancing with Astoria in Levin, they were already too sleepy and went back to sleep.

Looking at the exhausted but still excited Hermione next to him, Guowen couldn't help but suggest: "Let's go for a walk.

The two hit it off immediately, so they walked towards the foyer while the music was still going on.

The oak door was open, and they followed the steps to the rose garden that had been decorated long ago.

The fairy lights in the garden were still twinkling.

The cool breeze blew, and the young couple took a pleasant walk under the moonlight.

Surrounded by low bushes, ornately decorated winding paths and huge stone statues. You can hear the splashing sound of water, like a fountain.

He and Hermione followed a winding path through the rose bushes, but after walking a few steps, they heard an unpleasantly familiar voice.

———— Snape was actually having a tryst with Karkaroff.

Still in the rose garden!

No wonder I didn’t attend the dance, it turns out I’m here!

Professor Snape, have you finally embarked on this path of no return?

"...Don't understand what all the fuss is about, Igor."

"Severus, you can't pretend this didn't happen!" Karkaroff's voice sounded frightened and hoarse, as if he was afraid of being heard. "It has become more and more obvious over the past few months. I am very Worry, I can't deny——"

"Then run away," Snape's voice said impatiently. "Run away - I will excuse you. But I want to stay at Hogwarts."

Snape and Karkaroff turned a corner.

Snape held his wand in his hand and blew the rose bushes away.

He had a straight face and an ugly expression.

Screams came from many flowers, and several dark figures jumped out from them.

"Ten points from Ravenclaw, Fawcett!"

Snape said fiercely - a girl ran past him,

"Ten points deducted from Hufflepuff, Stebbins!"

Another boy chased the girl.

Looking at the retreating figures of the two little wizards, Karkaroff looked a little panicked. He reached uneasily to touch his goatee, then twisted it around his fingers.

"It seems like this is not a good place to talk." Snape glanced at Levin in the direction of Hermione, then strode away, his long black robes flowing behind him. Karkaroff also hurried away with Snape.

"Look at his last look, he found us!" Hermione whispered.

"Of course, but it won't be a problem if it's not exposed, right?" Levin comforted.

"Why is Karkaroff so worried?" Hermione asked quietly.

"He and Professor Snape are both Death Eaters - at least they used to be - remember what I said? The Dark Lord is coming back, they must have received the news."

Shan answered Hermione.

Hermione was slightly surprised,

He could barely accept the fact that Snape had been a Death Eater.

After all, throughout the first to third years, she felt that the Potions professor had evil intentions.

Who would have thought that Principal Karkaroff was the same?

"How is this possible? He is the principal..." Hermione was confused.

"But that's Durmstrang," Levin shrugged. "They already had a Dark Lord. It wouldn't be a big deal to find another Death Eater as headmaster."

Levin is talking about the original Dark Lord Grindelwald, who was a dropout from Durmstrang.

Many of the truly ruthless characters are dropouts.

"That's true." Hermione nodded, thinking of Karkaroff's shameless behavior when grading.

It's normal for such people to be Death Eaters.

"So, Karkaroff's plan is... to escape?" She saw the fierceness in the other party, so she came to this conclusion.

"It seems so." Levin analyzed: "He had no choice but to run away. After Voldemort's fall, Karkaroff gave out the names of many Death Eaters in order to get out of prison. He was the one who was most afraid of Voldemort's resurrection.

Hermione frowned and said, "But if he runs away, what will happen to Durmstrang?"

"That's a good question," Levin blinked and suddenly had an idea. He looked at Hermione: "Why did Dumbledore hold the Triwizard Tournament?"

Why is the Triwizard Tournament held? What is the problem?

Hermione thought for a moment and gave the answer: "In order to promote competition among young wizards, as well as cooperation and exchanges between the three schools.

"The standard answer," Levin nodded, "any more? Contact what happened recently."

"What happened recently..." Hermione pondered for a moment, then suddenly said: "He also plans to unite the three major universities to fight against the Dark Lord?"

"Smart." Levin touched the girl's head worriedly, "Don't underestimate Dumbledore. Many things he does have his own foresight." 560

This can be seen from many details in the original work.

Durmstrang is far away and is a school with a tradition of black magic. Let’s not mention it for now.

In the original book, Beauxbatons' headmasters and warriors all joined the fight against Voldemort after the Tournament:

Together with Hagrid, Madame Maxime made efforts to win over the giant,

Fleur even became the daughter-in-law of the Weasley family and joined the fight against Voldemort.

At this point, Hermione suddenly held Levin's hand excitedly: "I thought, Karkaroff's escape is our opportunity. We can send someone to replace him and become the principal of Durmstrang, just like Barty Crouch Jr. did that to Moody."

After saying that, she looked at Levin with burning eyes,

"Giving orders at will like this allows Durmstrang to fully join the fight against the Dark Lord, am I right?"

"Ah this........."

Levin hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"You're right."

In fact, he was also shocked by Hermione's sudden idea:

Good guy, where have your thoughts gone?

Levin's original plan was to show his own strength and control Durmstrang at the expense of protecting Karkaroff.

Who would have thought that Hermione could actually come up with such a solution and just use Polyjuice Potion instead.

Even Levin has to praise: You seem to be a little too extreme.

But if you think about it carefully, this method is much easier to use than Levin's method.

Karkaroff could betray the Dark Lord and provide a large number of Death Eaters to protect himself, but

Seeing that he is a man with both ends,

Coupled with his shameless character, trying to control him to make Durmstrang fight against Voldemort may not be very effective.

It would be better if Hermione's idea was more direct.

Levin even has a plan: he only needs to keep an eye on Karkaroff and arrest him directly after he takes the initiative to escape. In this way, [whether it is the ingredients of the market soup or the costume

The necessary memories and information for Karkaroff are in his hands.

Since it was Karkaroff who escaped on his own initiative, arresting him would not alert anyone at all.

Pictured is Hermione

Update【4/3】, additional update【67/99】

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