Harry stood at the edge of the dance floor, watching Ronnie and Krum dance around and around.

Krum dances much better than Harry,

Even though Roni was a bad dancer, she still suddenly danced the man's steps from time to time.

Krum can still lead her back to rhythm,

As the dance music continued, the two began to get better,

Under Krum's guidance, Ronnie finally began to adapt to the female step and cooperate with others. She became more and more proficient in dancing, and the cooperation between the two became better and better.

This kind of tacit cooperation feels very good,

The two people's eyes met inadvertently, and both showed a smile.

And in Harry's eyes, it was really abominable that they could make eyebrows dance even when they danced.

Equally hateful are Levin and Zhang Qiu,

With the ability of [Psychic Connection] and excellent dance skills, no matter who he chooses as a dance partner, Levin can become the most dazzling couple on the dance floor with them.

The two of them became one, and the harmonious gesture that complemented each other was caught in Harry's eyes,

Even in his heart he couldn't help but think that these two people were a perfect match for each other.

Then, Harry slapped himself hard.

How can you think like that? Zhang Qiu cannot be a natural match for others.

Just like that, Harry's painful eyes wandered between Zhang Qiu and Luo Ni, and his silver teeth gritted until the song ended.

Then, he rushed forward menacingly,

In the direction of Krum.

He somehow knew that Zhang Qiu did not agree to his invitation, but Roni was clearly his dance partner.

Therefore, even if he finds Levin, he has nothing to say, but Krum's behavior of trying to gain leverage is clear!

As his dance partner, it was even more obvious that Roni had run away with another man.

Must hit hard!

Perhaps because she has not adapted to her identity as a girl, Ronnie is not aware of her current attraction to the opposite sex. She walked out of the dance floor talking and laughing with her idol, and then bumped into an angry Harry head-on.

Seeing her friend's angry face, Ronnie subconsciously felt panicked.

He suddenly realized what a mistake he had made - dancing with Krum and leaving Harry alone.

Just as he was about to face Harry's accusation, a figure stood between her and Harry.

It's Krum,

The Durmstrang warrior said to Harry gruffly: "Harry, what do you want with my dance partner?"

"Dance partner?" Harry felt funny when he heard the word: "This is not your dance partner, this is my dance partner!"

He shouted, "Go find your own dance partner!"

Then, the boy looked at Ronnie again: "Ronnie, didn't you say you didn't want to dance? Why are you getting together with Klum again?"

"I...I..." Roni, who knew she was in the wrong, hesitated and couldn't speak for a long time.

At this moment, Krum took a step forward:

"That's enough, Harry, it's not a man's business to embarrass a girl!"

Looking at the broad back in front of her, Roni felt a strong sense of security, which made her feel inexplicably...

No, no, how could I think that?!

Ronnie shook her head and put the strange thoughts out of her head.

At this moment, Harry retorted to Krum: "What does it have to do with you that I'm talking to my dance partner? Don't you have your own dance partner?"

Krum shook his head: "But it turns out that your dance partner didn't like dancing with you, so she abandoned you and chose me."

When saying this, Krum was very confident,

In his mind, Ronnie was completely different from Hermione.

Although she is not as beautiful or as good as Hermione, she is still very good.

And the most important thing is that she is her fan!

He is the youngest seeker in the World Cup and is famous all over the world. However, the boy in front of him has mediocre grades and is not famous. Although he showed some flying skills in the first game, he is definitely not as good as himself. What does he get? Compare yourself to yourself.

This wave, the advantage is mine!

After hearing this, Harry felt a little sad. He looked at Ronnie aggrievedly and asked pitifully: "Is what he said true?"

Roni, who was still immersed in the atmosphere of getting along with her idol and being protected by her idol, suddenly woke up when she saw Harry's expression.

It's like having a bucket of cold water poured over your head.

What am I doing?

How could I do this?

I am Harry's best friend. I drank the sex change potion to temporarily act as Harry's dance partner so that he would not be embarrassed.

Harry and I have been through so much together, and he even used the "Magic of Love Protection" for me.

And now, I'm actually on Krum's side... I'm such a bastard!

Thinking of this, she immediately got out from behind Krum and grabbed Harry's arm.

"Sorry, Harry, I don't dance with others without permission."

Then he turned back and looked directly at his idol: "I'm sorry, Krum, I had a great time dancing with you just now, but I am Harry's dance partner... You should find another dance partner.

Saying that, he pulled Harry, who was smiling through tears, and slowly left,

Krum was left staring at the backs of the two men, stretching out his hand in vain.


Ignoring the pain in his hand, he punched the wall hard.

It's like this again, it's like this again!

Be it Hermione or Ronnie,

Every girl he likes is unwilling to accept him, and every one of them has his own master!

Ronni is a fan of hers, and she actually followed others.

No, Roni didn't do this on purpose. She was obviously so happy when dancing with herself.

She must have been coerced. Maybe Harry had some leverage over her or something.

Otherwise, why was she so aggrieved when she left?

But...what's the use of knowing all this?

Could he expose Harry to his face even if he was stumped? That would only hurt Ronnie.

But how can he protect Roni...

If you can't even protect your fans and the women you like, what's the use of being an international star?

Just wait, Roni, I will definitely find a way to save you!

In just a moment, various thoughts flashed through Krum's mind.

No matter how he saw Roni's "grievance" from a simple back view,

But at this time, he has undoubtedly awakened the soul of the dog-licker and vowed to recover Roni...

So, he stopped dancing and found a corner to sit down, drinking wine while silently observing Harry and Ronnie.

Compared to Klum who regretted being a star, Harry was finally satisfied.

Not only did he successfully win back Ronnie, he was also able to dance with her,

This is his biggest victory today,

After entering the dance floor with Ronnie, it was the first time that he enjoyed dancing so much.

Even if I am still in a hurry, even if I still step on the other person's feet from time to time,

But being able to dance with Roni is such a beauty.

But Ronnie's feelings were just the opposite.

I saw her grinning, as if she was being tortured, and limping on her feet, looking like she had been severely stepped on.

After skipping it once with Krum, she was finally on the right track in this area.

Now she also wanted to lead Harry and correct his movements - at least not to step on her feet all the time.

But his own standards are insufficient, and he doesn’t have Levin’s spiritual connection:

At this time, Levin was dancing with a new partner. Luna's level was worse than Hermione's, but she still performed wonderful dance steps on Levin's hands.

But Roni can't do it,

In addition, Harry's movements were so bad that she almost fell down.

Soon, Ronnie gave up and danced in the middle of the dance floor with a lifeless expression, her face twitching regularly under Harry's trampling from time to time.

Suddenly, she found herself missing Krum,

Klum's dance steps are more steady, solemn and full of skill,

The most important thing is that she has a strong sense of strength, and every step jumps to the bottom of her heart.

This is where the gap becomes apparent.

Originally, it was her first time to dance with Harry, and she thought that Harry was not bad. At least most young wizards were at this level and could barely accept it.

After experiencing Krum and dancing with Harry, she felt an emptiness that could not be filled.

Harry's low level of skills could not satisfy her desire to have experienced high-level dance partners and broaden her horizons.

All I can say is that it was once difficult to find water in a vast sea.

Krum in the distance grasped this point keenly.

At this moment, he was even more convinced that Roni was being coerced and he must save her!

Just wait and see, Harry Potter!

Pictured is Ronnie Weasley.

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