When Levin took Fleur onto the stage again, many people were surprised.

They didn't expect that the two warriors could share a dance partner.

What is this operation?

However, Levin looked as if no one else was watching and didn't care at all about the envy coming from others.

As the music of the second dance sounded, the wizards on the dance floor danced again,

In the middle of the dance floor, the two Levins once again became the focus.

"So this is how you dance. No wonder Miss Granger dances so well." Feeling the same feeling as the boy she likes [the half-blood Veela felt excited.

Veela blood has given her naturally powerful psychic abilities, but the existing magic system has not been fully developed.

[Psychic Connection] This kind of spell mixed with the characteristics of the magic control system and the power of psychic powers acted on her, stimulating her hidden potential and making her feel comfortable from the bottom of her heart.

So, she became more and more addicted to it,

Unlike Hermione who was passive and victorious throughout the whole process, Fleur's dancing foundation was better.

It happened that the second song was a tango tune, so during the dance, she frequently took the initiative, sometimes rubbing against each other, and sometimes retreating away from her. This flirtatious and distant attitude made her more like a cat than Hermione.

To outsiders, their dance seemed almost like flirting.

At this time, Ronald was lazily leaning on his seat, opening a bottle of butterbeer, taking a sip while staring at the two people on the dance floor, his eyes as angry as fire.

The bad experience of the first dance also made him lose interest in dancing and returned to his seat early.

The scene where Levin danced with Hermione just now made him very angry, and now the other party actually turned around and danced like this with Fleur,

Ronald's inner jealousy could even eat Levin alive.

Why can you dance like this with two beautiful girls? Why should I stay here as a woman?

It hurts, it hurts!

But compared to Ronald's disgust, Harry was unforgettable about what he had just experienced.

Although the feeling of dancing was very bad, being in such close contact with Ron in front of him, no, it should be said that it was Ronnie now, made the boy who had just begun to have a love affair feel throbbing in his heart. He was extremely eager to feel that kind of feeling again. Subtle feeling.

"How about one more song——Ronnie——This song is very nice!" He grabbed the other person's arm and whispered.

"No, I don't like it." Ronnie shook her head perfunctorily, "I don't want to step on your feet again."

"Why can't you try again?" Harry persuaded, "If you practice more..."

"Harry, why don't you go find someone else?" Ronnie interrupted, pointing to the crowd, where there were so many people waiting for an invitation to dance. "

Following her hand, she saw Lavender and Seamus having a big quarrel because Seamus almost trampled on her dress.

Lavender stepped on Seamus hard and walked away.


Harry wanted to explain something, but Ronnie had already turned her head.

"But I just want to dance with you alone." He thought in his heart.

Since Roni was unwilling, he could only leave in despair.

Soon, the second dance was over, and Levin walked off the dance floor with Fleur in his arms.

Zhang Qiu appeared at the right time and handed over the baton to her.

This was all arranged by Levin.

At this moment, Harry also saw Zhang Qiu,

This oriental beauty is even more beautiful now,

She wore a sapphire blue cheongsam dress. The tight cut highlighted her graceful figure, and the slit skirt showed off her slender legs.

The girl's face is delicate and picturesque, with a pair of pure and charming almond eyes outlined by eyebrow pencil and pink. Her smooth black hair is twisted into a gentle hairpin with two golden steps on it. As Pingping curls up, The steps are slightly swaying, looking lively and elegant.

Harry was almost stunned,

The best thing is that she just doesn't have a dance partner at this time,

It seems that she lied when she said she was invited.

But it doesn’t matter, girls with secrets are cute too,

So Harry stepped forward quickly, wanting to take the opportunity to invite her.

Then he noticed that the girl suddenly showed a surprised look in her eyes, her originally elegant steps immediately became messy, and then she ran quickly towards a man.

That person is... Levin Green?!

How can it be?

It was Levin Green who invited Zhang Qiu to dance?!

Harry couldn't believe it, but actually told him that everything was true.

He watched the two chatting for a while from a distance, and the girl covered her mouth and let out bursts of chuckles: she had never smiled like this at herself.

Then, Levin stretched out his hand to him, and under Harry's disbelieving gaze, the girl put her hand on Levin's arm.

The two of them just walked towards the dance floor!

It hurts! It hurts so much!

Harry suddenly felt the same as Ronnie.

That's the despair of the girl you like but is in someone else's arms.

Harry walked to his seat dejectedly.

At this time, his heart was not only filled with anger, but also despair.

If it were someone else, that would be fine. He would definitely step forward bravely and compete with him for his goddess.

But that's Levin Green.

Levin's genius and power are well known, and Levin's attraction to girls is unrivaled.

In the entire Hogwarts, there is absolutely no wizard who can resist Levin's gentle blow, and there is absolutely no witch who can resist his slight smile.

Competing with Levin in this regard is simply overestimating one's capabilities.

Even if Levin is suspected of being in a relationship with Hermione,

But earlier, Levin had a close relationship with Senior Sister Cirilla who had graduated, and he had just danced openly with Fleur. Did Hermione say anything?

Harry returned to his seat and was about to drink some wine and cry to Ronnie.

But they found that Ronnie, who had said she didn't want to dance before, was not in her seat at this time.

Harry quickly started looking for traces of Ronnie.

But when his eyes swept across the dance floor, his pupils suddenly shook.

It turned out that, like Ronnie, Klum, as a warrior, lost interest in the next dance after dancing with Estella, and stayed in his seat drinking out of boredom.

Then he discovered that his biggest love rival, Levin Green, was dancing with Fleur at this time, this playboy.

However, this means

Sure enough, after the first dance, the lovely Hermione Granger was kept aside by Levin. He could only watch his partner dance with others in aggrieved manner (in his eyes).

0…Please give me flowers…

Doesn’t this mean that I have a chance?

He immediately plucked up the courage and walked over to Hermione. His nervous tone was completely inconsistent with his identity: "Hermi...can I invite you to dance?"

Hermione's face was full of astonishment, then she shook her head and said, "Sorry, I'm very tired tonight and don't want to dance anymore."

Her tone was gentle but decisive.

Krum seemed to have suffered a huge blow and left miserably.

At this moment, Ronnie also discovered Krum.

He is obviously a fan of Klum,

Hearing that Krum came to Hogwarts, he was more excited than anyone else, hoping to get his signature.

However, due to the "kissing" incident at the World Cup, Krum has been avoiding him since arriving at Hogwarts, trying to avoid being in the same room with him, as if doing so would make him pregnant.

Therefore, the matter of getting the signature has not been done for a long time.

But at this moment, Ronnie realized that she was not Ronald now, but Ronnie.

It's impossible for Krum to recognize his identity.

So she stepped forward excitedly and said loudly to Klum: "Krum, I am your fan, can you give me your autograph?"

At this time, Krum, who had just been rejected by Hermione and whose self-esteem was frustrated, was drinking alone.

Suddenly, a beautiful girl appeared and claimed to be his fan, which immediately lit up his eyes, and his self-esteem, which had been shattered to pieces, immediately came back to life with full blood.

He quickly took out a pen and paper, and wrote a beautiful signature for Ronnie with unprecedented speed and seriousness, and even added a short message - this is what almost 99% of fans would like. No treatment.

This made Ronnie very happy,

Just when she was about to return with a full load, Krum stared at the girl in front of him.

Beautiful face, amazing body, long fiery red hair,

Although overall it's not as good as Hermione's, it's still in his taste.

Since you Hermione don't like me, how about I

Krum suddenly had an idea in his heart.

So he grabbed Ronni's wrist and said with a magnetic voice: "Miss, can you be my dance partner?"

Ronnie: "Gah?!"

Suddenly being invited to dance by her idol, Ronnie refused in her heart.

If not Harry, who would pretend to be a girl and dance with the boys.

But Klum is an idol after all, and he just gave her an autograph with a complimentary message.

Ronnie couldn't refuse.

Klum saw the other party's hesitation, and immediately struck while the iron was hot, pulling Ronnie to the dance floor regardless.

So, as Harry saw now, Ronnie half-heartedly started dancing with Krum.

Seeing this scene, Harry immediately wanted to turn into a watermelon stick and complain loudly about his unfortunate experience:

My family doesn’t understand. I went out to pick up a girl, but she didn’t pick up her. When I got home, she was robbed.

Now the person I like No. 1 and the person I like No. 2 are dancing together on the dance floor.

And the dance partner... was not him.

It hurts! It hurts so much!

The picture shows Zhang Youqiu.

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