In the guest seats, several strangely dressed wizards walked towards the stage. They all had very thick hair and wore black robes that were deliberately torn.

"It's the Weird Sisters!"

In the auditorium, people quickly recognized them and shouted excitedly. Others also applauded to welcome this most famous band in the magic world.

Although they are called sisters, they are not sister singers. They are both male and female, and they are a pop singer group.

These people all had afro hair and wore black robes that were deliberately torn and torn.

Levin admires their music, but is indifferent to their makeup.

Seeing them always reminds Levin of the loving family in his past life.

The weird sisters picked up their instruments as soon as they came on stage

The lanterns on the table were extinguished, and Hermione and the other six warriors and their dance partners stood up.

William stood up gracefully, bowed slightly, raised his hand and said with a smile:

"Can I dance with you tonight, Miss Granger?"

"Of course, I'd be happy to, Mr. Green!"

Hermione pursed her lips and smiled, placing her hand on Levin's outstretched forearm.

Levin stretched out his hand and led Hermione to the center of the stage. His free hand gently held the girl's slender waist.

Beside them, several principals also took their dancing partners.

Then, the band began to play, and melodious singing accompanied by a slightly sad waltz tune rang in the auditorium.

Harry stiffly hugged Ronald and entered the dance floor. The two of them had never danced together before, and their performance was abysmal. Ronald had never danced the women's steps, so he frequently stepped on each other's feet, and the two almost had a fight. .

Fleur and Tonks performed much better. Fleur from France was especially good at this. Although Tonks rarely danced, her body movements were very coordinated as an Auror, and she quickly got better under Fleur's guidance.

Dumbledore was waltzing with Madame Maxime. Compared with her, he was a dwarf, and the collar of his pointed hat just touched her chin.

However, for such a big woman, her dance steps are quite elegant.

Mad-Eye Moody awkwardly dances a two-step with Professor Sinistra, who teaches astronomy. Professor Sinistra is a black man and is nervously avoiding his wooden prosthetic leg.

On the dance floor, Levin and Hermione's eyes met, and a hazy, blushing and heart-pounding charm spread between them.

Even though Hermione had long been accustomed to Levin's touch through Animagus training,

But dancing in public is another story.

Hermione felt as if the boy's hand had magic power. Just the touch of his fingertips could bring about a certain tingling sensation. This made her head gradually become confused and her dance steps became a little messy. If she wasn't careful, she almost lost her temper. Step on Levin's feet.

She is really good at this,

Seeing this, Levin couldn't help but shake his head,

Then a thought came to my mind,

The psychic power was activated instantly, and Hermione suddenly felt that her heart was connected with the boy in front of her.

What you are thinking in your heart is completely displayed in front of the other person's eyes. Your current shyness, passion and love are completely known to the other person.

This made her cheeks suddenly fly,

What made her feel even more throbbing in her heart was the emotion coming from the other person, his love and infatuation for her, as well as the undetectable dark desires, all revealed.

This feeling made her extremely intoxicated.

Of course, along with the emotion, there are also the other party's subsequent movements and dance steps.

Hermione relaxed completely and gave all the initiative to Levin.

As a result, she felt that her body was light and dancing as Levin carried her around.

Although Levin hasn't danced either, his motor skills are much better than Hermione's.

While recalling the dance steps he had seen in the past, he used his incredible understanding and soon became on par with the best dancers, pulling Hermione around the dance floor to the beat of the music.

With the help of spiritual connection, the synchronization rate of the two increased rapidly, just like controlling a giant robot in Pacific Rim, their movements became more and more skillful, and their understanding became more and more tacit.

Soon, Levin began to try some more complicated dance steps.

Spins, jumps, heel raises, cross steps, weaving steps... various complex and gorgeous dance steps were performed one after another with the two people seemingly acting in the same way, and the hem of Hermione's blue skirt kept flying.

The starlight rotates like the Milky Way, forming a sharp contrast with the little wizards around who are just learning to dance.

At this moment, the whole world was revolving around the two of them.

Dazzled by the gorgeous dance steps, many people stopped involuntarily and looked over stupidly.

Watching their dance is a complete pleasure.

Then, more and more people subconsciously gave way,

The open space in the center of the dance floor (afba) has almost become their private domain.

Dumbledore waved his wand playfully, extinguishing the excess candlelight and focusing most of the light on Levin and Hermione.

The Weird Sisters even changed the tune, making the rhythm more intense and high, so that the two of them could dance more happily. As the tune became faster and faster, the rotation of the two's dance steps almost reached a climax.

After an unknown amount of time, Hermione's energy was almost exhausted, and beads of sweat could be faintly seen on her forehead, and the tenth dance gradually came to an end.

After hearing the last trembling note of the organ, Levin guided the female companion to slowly stop at the corner of the stage.

At the same time, thunderous applause erupted from the audience, and countless people applauded them and thanked them for bringing such a wonderful visual enjoyment.

Only then did Hermione notice that everyone in the auditorium was surrounding them, looking at them, and she suddenly felt extremely shy.

But she didn't have much strength anymore, so she could only lean on Levin softly.

After nodding to everyone, Levin hugged Hermione to the side and sat down, ready to let her take a rest.

"How long have you been practicing secretly? You are so good at dancing!"

Beside them, Fleur in a silver robe walked slowly with Tonks on her arm, looking at the two of them with envy.

Tonks also secretly gave Levin a thumbs up.

"We haven't practiced before, this is the first time!" Hermione said confidently, then picked up the sherbet on the table and drank it.

"You really only danced once?" Furong was very surprised. Based on her professional experience, if you want to complete the dance just now, you have to be the best dancer.

"Yes, we are very talented." Hermione put down the glass and said proudly.

Fleur didn't want to believe it at all. This statement was too ridiculous. If those dancers who practiced dancing heard this, they would be beaten to death.

But seeing Hermione panting and looking helpless, she was keenly aware of the opportunity.

"Hermione, are you going to dance next?"

"No, let me rest for a while." Hermione said and looked at the other party warily, "You plan to dance with Levin, right?"

"Hmm," Fleur shrugged, "I just don't know if you are willing to give up my love?"

"Take it, take it." The girl waved her hand pretending to be generous, then glanced at Levin with her hands on her hips:

"I finally understand. You deliberately arranged so many difficult movements for me, including jumping and reclining, just to make me unable to dance, so that you can exchange dance partners.

"Have you discovered this?! Then I'll dance the second song with you." Levin deliberately grabbed Hermione's wrist, scaring her and immediately taking two steps back - just kidding, if it was exposed, she would have to sit on the spot. It's underground.

This funny scene made Fleur and Tonks burst into laughter.

But in fact, Hermione was right,

This is Levin's true plan, the conspiracy he relies on to ride on several boats.

"You're such a philanderer. Hurry up and go with your Veela lady, otherwise you won't be able to catch up with the second song." Hermione couldn't help rolling her eyes. Although her heart was slightly sour, she still urged Levin to push towards Fleur.

"So, dear Miss Delacour, would I have the honor to dance with you?"

Levin took advantage of the situation and extended his hand to Fleur.

Fleur handed her hand to Levin with a smile on her face, and the two walked into the center of the dance floor.

Pictured is Hermione's dress.

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