"This is Polit Hall, the notorious dark wizard. He transformed a stronger undead creature, a mummy, on the basis of the Inferi. However, the people he used to make mummies were all Muggles, and he liked it best. The thing is to use magic to capture the target and then dry it alive into a mummy. He claims that the mummy created in this way is the most complete and possesses the most powerful dark power. A total of twenty Muggles and two wizards were murdered by him." Cirila pointed at the man who was frantically asking for water because of thirst.

"I see. No wonder you have to use the [Dehydration Technique]." Levin nodded, "Take the other way in return."

"Hey, hey," Cirilla stuck out her tongue sheepishly and continued to introduce:

"That one, Steinbeck Reginald, is also a murderer, but his strength is far inferior to that of the previous one."

Cirilla added a [False Life] to prevent him from actually dying due to suffocation and allowing him to continue to suffer. "This guy with low self-esteem lost his functions because of his psychological shadow towards witches, so he preyed on Muggles. He likes to kidnap He walked Muggle prostitutes around, tortured them, and eventually strangled them one by one and threw them into the Thames. The Muggles called him 'Jack the Stripper. They thought seven women were killed by his hand, but in fact the number was at least double that. Five times.”

No wonder they had to hang him up all the time and not let them die.

Levin nodded and looked to the next one.

"Salisbury Wakeman, he is not from the Yin Kingdom, but came from Germany." Speaking of this name, Cirila's expression became even more gloomy, "He teamed up with a man named Kurt - Werner Wakeman 02's squib cousin killed more than forty wizards and Muggles together. After being wanted by the German Ministry of Magic and the Muggle government at the same time, he decisively killed his cousin who could not cast spells. Fleeing to the Kingdom of Yin.”

"The last one, his name is Eric Ravenswood." Cirilla slowly read out the name of the only conscious prisoner in the room word by word.

Levin couldn't help but flinch when he saw Eric.

"This man never kills anyone himself, but he especially likes to use the [Imperius Curse] to play tricks on Muggles."

Cirilla snorted contemptuously,

"He used the [Imperius Curse] to control Muggles one after another to complete murders, letting them kill family members, friends, and strangers, and then observed how they couldn't believe everything and how they collapsed after discovering the facts. How did the stupid Muggle government pronounce sentences on these innocent people? This behavior made him feel like he was God! It is reported that he created at least fifty cases, and more than eighty people died indirectly because of him."

Levin glanced at these people, nodded and said: "I understand."

Through this series of descriptions, he probably figured out why Cirila did what she did.

This probably stems from the simple justice in her heart and her dissatisfaction with the magical punishment of the Yin Kingdom.

After all, her hometown is still in the civilization stage of the Middle Ages.

There, all kinds of murders, lynchings, and religious trials occurred in endlessly. That world was a feudal country, and most of the harsh punishments were implemented. There was no such thing as the stupid punishment method of killing so many people, but only being sentenced to life imprisonment.

After a girl comes into this world, it is normal for her to be dissatisfied with various overly "lenient" penalties.

To make matters worse, Levin saw in these people's crimes a major problem with the Ministry of Magic.

I believe girls feel the same way,

That is serious blood discrimination,

The Ministry of Magic does not have the death penalty, otherwise Peter Pettigrew would not have suffered the "Dementor's Kiss".

But obviously, the punishment of the Ministry of Magic in the Kingdom of Hades was influenced by the Muggle legal community's concept of killing sparingly and with caution, and very few people were actually executed.

Don't you see, there are so many extremely evil Death Eaters who are just being imprisoned in Azkaban, with the possibility of escaping.

And what about these people in front of me?

They are all notorious murderers, and none of them has killed less than double digits of Muggles.

According to the wizard's sentencing, these people deserved to be kissed two or three times by the dementors, but they have survived until now.

Especially Steinberg Reginald. He was captured in Azkaban more than 20 years ago, but he has been living well.

Why, isn't it because wizards generally look down on Muggles and don't think their deaths are a big deal.

But Cirilla was not a child who grew up in a wizarding society, and she did not have such prejudice against Muggles.

However, she has a temper that hates evil as much as hatred. After seeing these people, it is understandable that she would be angry for a while.

Facing Cirilla's anxious eyes, Levin did not offer any words of comfort, but waved his magic wand at the people in the prison.

Paulette Hall's body instantly shrank, withered, and quickly turned into a mummy. Then he slowly got up, but his eyes lost their original vitality and only revealed a sluggish aura.

He transformed into his favorite mummy.

The [False Life] on Steinbek Reginald was lifted, and his whole body immediately twitched, and after a while he became silent. Like the prostitutes who died in his hands, he was strangled to death.

Steinberg Reginald died the most comfortably. He was originally in a coma, and his whole body just trembled and then lost his life silently.

As for the final Eric Ravenswood,

The wizard who was good at the [Imperius Curse] was horrified to find that a force invaded his mind unbridled and controlled his body.

He was so weak that he had no resistance and could only watch helplessly as his hands were controlled to strangle his neck, strangling himself to death in despair.

Before his death, he finally felt the despair of the innocent Muggles he manipulated.

The four soul stones prepared by Levin were each filled.

After doing all this, Levin looked at Cirila,

Although he didn't say anything, Cirila completely felt his intention: Even so, I am willing to tolerate you and become your accomplice.

The girl's eyes were slightly moist, and she said hurriedly: "Thank you, thank you Levin."

"Don't do this next time." Levin sighed and asked gently: "Cirella, can you still cast the Patronus Charm?"

Cirila bit her red lips gently, and a white ball of air spurted out of her mouth instantly.

In the blink of an eye, a majestic silver-white lion soared into the sky.

It landed proudly on the ground and ran around Levin affectionately, as if declaring its loyalty to its owner.

Although this lion is much smaller than the one on the Hogwarts Express, its momentum is not reduced at all.

Levin was slightly relieved when he saw this.

"Cirella, you...

Cirila grabbed Levin's collar and kissed him passionately.

Levin felt the girl's tenderness and determination.

After a long time, Cirila put her hands on Levin's cheeks and stared into his eyes, "Don't worry, Levin. As long as you are by my side, I can guarantee that I will always be able to cast the Patronus Spell."

"Thank you for being able to tolerate me like this." Cirila's hands slid down, hugged Levin's neck, and said softly.

Levin was stunned for a moment when he heard this sentence.

Then, he put his hands on Xi Ruila's shoulders, asked her to look at him, and said seriously: "I am the one who should say thank you, thank you for being willing to do so much for me."

Levin really thinks so,

The original Cirilla eventually became a demon hunter, and her daily job was to slay demons for ordinary people.

This was the first job she tried to support herself after coming to this world.

However, after meeting Levin, the original demon hunter gradually became an Auror.

The objects of hunting have changed from wild beasts to the same kind.

Is this really what she wants to do? Levin doesn't think so.

When he thought that the other party was about to go to Albania and continue to work for such a job, Levin felt that he owed her something.

He sighed and said softly:

"But please don't do this next time. If you think a wizard deserves to die, just kill him. No matter what you do, I will support you. But torture others

It will only deepen the darkness within you and ultimately destroy yourself.

Cirila knew that Levin was doing it for her own good. She nodded obediently, slid into Levin's arms like a snake, and raised her head to look at him.

Levin found that her eyes were as bright as stars:

"Don't worry, Levin. As long as you say it, I will do it... But now, I need you to help me dispel the darkness in my heart and give me salvation.

.....…as you wish. "

Levin waved his hand, and the force field prison instantly turned from transparent to black, blocking the bloody scene.

Only the two of them and their breathing were left in this small space.

Most of the above are based on realistic prototypes.

In addition, there are four updates today and one update will be added tomorrow.

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