The warmth from Levin filled Cirila's body and dispelled the gloom in her heart.

With the souls provided by four death row inmates, Levin's transformation experiment can continue smoothly.

Time passed quickly, and in the last week before the holidays, the school became more and more lively and noisy day by day.

People are spreading rumors about the Yule Ball,

Even Levin, who was immersed in the study of plant elves, heard a lot of gossip while eating in the auditorium.

For example, Dumbledore bought eight hundred barrels of flavored mead from Rosmer Tower of the Three Broomsticks.

For example, he booked the popular magical group The Weird Sisters to perform a song...

Well, there are rumors about the Weird Sisters performing at Hogwarts almost every year, but none of them are true.

The little wizards' pursuit of their dance partners gradually reached a climax.

In the corridor, little wizards can be seen everywhere, constantly inviting and being invited.

Most of the time, it’s the boys who invite the girls

If you agree, everyone will naturally be happy;

But being rejected in public, especially if the girls are in groups, can be a public execution for a boy.

Of course, the latter situation is not common. Unless the boy pulls his hips too much, the girl always has to give him some face.

What more girls do is to shirk "I need to think about it" and then neither refuse nor agree.

————Just hang each other up like this!

Only by hanging a few more boys can we choose the best one among the many spare tires.

And the boys are not fools. They quickly realized the girls' scheme.

During the course of the Erudite Society, a young wizard asked Levin what to do.

Levin, who is recognized as a great love saint, said this: If you lick a witch at the same time, you are licking a dog.

But if you lick a hundred at the same time, then you are a wolf warrior.

This word gradually spread among the boys,

Everyone thinks that Ravenclaw is worthy of being a genius, and he speaks well.

The woman is about to become the king of the sea, so we must also learn to cast a wide net and focus on fishing.

So the common situation is: a boy invites a girl, and when he hears the other party saying that he wants to consider it, the boy will affectionately announce that he will wait for her on Christmas.

But the affection was just lip service. After bidding farewell to the girl, the boy turned around and went to find another witch.

Then there was another affectionate confession. Apart from the different names, even the lines remained unchanged.

Of course, there are those who take the initiative and those who accept passively.

For example, Harry Potter, he and Ronald still haven't found a dance partner.

During lunch, Ronald looked jealously at Levin, who was surrounded by girls, and complained softly: "Why do all the girls like that guy․々?"

"Because he's Levin Green!" Hermione said matter-of-factly.

After she made it clear to Levin, she no longer had much grudge against this situation.

After all, there are no itches when there are too many lice, and there are no worries when there are too many debts. Ever since she heard Levin invite her to be his "dance partner for the first song", Hermione completely understood the other party's plan.

Compared with the little witches in the Genius Club, these people are not a threat at all.

"Hermione is right, Levin hasn't been so popular since the first day." Although Harry was a little bitter, he still approved of Levin's treatment, but others didn't necessarily think so.

"That Krum, and his teammate Polyakov, why are they so popular? It's obvious that they didn't even get a golden egg." Harry felt a little aggrieved.

"That's because they are warriors." Seamus said sourly.

"I am also a warrior, why am I not treated like this!" Harry couldn't help blurting out.

"Don't worry Harry, you are a warrior, and you also won the golden egg. I dare say there will be a large group of girls lining up to dance with you." Ronald said with a bitter voice.

Ronald was right, because two minutes later, a curly-haired girl from the third year of Hufflepuff Academy took the initiative to invite Harry to the dance with her.

Before Harry could say anything, the girl walked away looking hurt.

"Why did she walk away!" Harry looked at the girl's figure and asked Hermione next to him in confusion.

"Because you didn't speak just now." Hermione sighed and asked: "Harry, you hesitated just now, right? Because you didn't want to go to the ball with her at all [I'm right!"

"Yes!" Harry said honestly.

In the next few minutes, two more girls came to invite him, one was in the second grade, and the other was in the fifth grade. The fifth grade girl was a head taller than Harry. Harry was a little frightened by what kind of fool he would make when dancing with a man's penis.

So he refused them all.

This kind of behavior of complaining that no one was invited while constantly rejecting others made Hermione look stupid.

So she ran to Ravenclaw's long table to find Levin, told Levin about this, and then asked: "You are all boys, can you tell me what Harry thinks about this?"

"It's up to you." Levin said with a playful expression, "Look, Harry will most likely not be able to find a female partner in the end, so he will have to choose one shamelessly."

Hermione was still a little confused: "Why? Harry is a warrior after all."

Levin shook his head, he knew this savior too well: "Harry is too thin-skinned. Unless he has no choice, it is impossible to take the initiative. How can he find his favorite dance partner like this?"

Levin's assessment is correct,

There was only one person Harry really wanted to invite, and that was Zhang Qiu.

But he hesitated to take action, as if he would not be rejected.

He had recently begun to daydream, imagining that Zhang Qiu would write to him and invite him to the dance.

This is not groundless, he has evidence to prove it!

Just yesterday when get out of class was over, he met Zhang Qiu unexpectedly in the corridor, and the other party actually smiled at him. Isn't this an obvious hint?!

It's a pity that Levin doesn't know these little things in Harry, otherwise he would definitely recommend him as a writer.

He could write a "Diary of a Dog Licker"... It's interesting to think about it. This book will definitely surpass Lockhart's works and become a bestseller in the wizarding world.

But having said that, Harry was indeed very thin-skinned, and he was fooled by Lee Jordan's theory.

Harry actually believed what Jordan said about invitations to be cautious, to pay attention to the atmosphere, and to pay attention to the time.

Maybe Jordan's statement just fit Harry's shy character, so he convinced himself.

Harry felt that the atmosphere during Christmas was the most romantic, so he decided to seize the opportunity and send an invitation to Qiu on the day before Christmas.

He had no idea that Zhang Qiu had already agreed to Levin and became his dance partner three times.

But even if Levin didn't do this, with Harry's operation on a deadline, how could the invitation be successful?

Poor Harry is still kept in the dark, trying hard to find the courage to invite.

Every time he meets Levin, he will ask him how to date a girl.

Harry was buying time, and Ronald wanted to invite the girl, but no one paid any attention to him.

Ronald wanted to invite a beautiful witch again,

In fact, he probably has a goal, but he has been embarrassed to say it.

This pair of troubled brothers are destined to suffer before the Christmas party. .

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