As the brilliance of magic flashed, a clear illusion immediately appeared in front of Levin.

[Advanced Detection] was cast successfully.

The first thing that comes into view is a luxurious restaurant. Its decoration style is full of the charm of British classical art. The walls are covered with Baroque paintings, white reliefs and exquisite ceilings.

Obviously, this is a luxurious English-style manor.

In the center of the restaurant is a large wooden dining table. Although it is a bit old, the cups and saucers on it are extremely exquisite and engraved with complicated patterns. There were leftover roasts and Yorkshire puddings on the dinner plate, exuding an enticing aroma.

These details all revealed that Voldemort was in England at this time.

In a corner of the restaurant, a tall man with a pockmarked face and greasy hair sat boredly on a chair. His expression was indifferent, as if he was annoyed by everything around him.

Another "770" man with a gloomy face and a slightly cruel look sat next to him. The solemn robe on his body was completely inconsistent with his fierce temperament.

There were some Death Eaters scattered around, standing or sitting, waiting for something.

Before Levin could investigate clearly, a cold voice suddenly sounded: "Shut up and let me out, someone is spying on us.

The sound echoed in the room, making people shudder.

Then there was a burst of unbridled and crazy laughter, "There are people who dare to spy on my great master!"

"Is there nothing here?" The pockmarked man raised his head and looked around in confusion.


Suddenly, there was a crisp sound, and his neck was struck by a shiny black whip.


There was another muffled sound, and the pockmarked man was thrown out violently and hit the far wall.

A tall woman with a wide chin and thick eyelids rushed over, leaned over and hissed at the man: "Shut up, you idiot. Don't let me hear you question the master again."

The woman came forward and hugged a bundle on the large armchair in the middle.

Her skin had an unhealthy pallor from not seeing the sun for so long.

Although the long prison life made this man look very haggard, he could still vaguely see his good looks when he was young.

"Okay master, I will help you realize all your wishes." She said in a particularly soft voice.

The moment she untied the bundle, a creepy image came into view.

It was a slimy, ugly creature without eyes. Its appearance was inconsistent with any known creature, as if it were a terrifying creature from another world.

The thing she picked up looked like a curled-up baby, but it had no hair, seemed to have scales on its body, and its skin was dark and red like injured tender flesh.

Its arms and legs were thin and soft, as if they had no bones and were only covered with a thin layer of skin.

And its face—no living child had such a face—was a flat, snakelike face with shining red eyes. Those eyes were like two seal stones, shining with evil light.

The creature raised its thin arms and caught the woman's neck.

At this moment, Levin happened to raise his head and faced his slender eyes that glowed with evil red light.

Levin was deeply impressed by the extreme viciousness in those eyes.

Levin continued to observe the environment calmly, and Voldemort could only vaguely detect prying eyes, but could not perceive more, at least he couldn't do it now.

After discovering that he could not collect more information, Levin voluntarily quit the spell, the phantom disappeared, and the observatory returned to calm.

Levin pondered for a long time, recalling the scene he just saw,

Even in this state, Voldemort was keenly aware of his detection, albeit briefly.

The reason why it cannot be confirmed is because many parts of Levin's arcane magic are different from the magic system of this world, and Voldemort is not familiar with it.

From this point of view, the current self might be able to barely draw a tie against the resurrected Voldemort, but there is absolutely no possibility of victory.

Next, Levin used illusion magic to transcribe everything he just saw into a magic crystal, and attached a copy of the text.

Then he thought, and his hair immediately turned into dense red feathers.

He pulled one out casually and put it together with the note and crystal.

There was a flash of fire, and the feathers and two items disappeared from the table and appeared in Jaina Chen.

When Levin returned to the tower hall, Cirilla and the prisoners had already arrived, but they were not here, but in the bondage room underground in the tower.

The restraint room in the tower was originally used to study powerful living creatures. It contains various magic restraint devices and force field prisons.

Now it just happens to be used to imprison these prisoners...

As soon as Levin entered the restraint room, he heard the man's painful moans coming from inside.

The almost inhuman scream of pain was mixed with Cirella's sneer.

After walking a few steps, Levin saw a man in the force field prison holding his throat and screaming in a harsh voice: "Water...Give me water!"

While Cirilla looked at him, she played with the wand in her hand, with a happy smile on her face.

Sensing Levin's footsteps, she turned back alertly. When she saw Levin, his eyes flickered, and she put away the wand in her hand with a guilty conscience.

Levin didn't speak, but called the four criminals in the four force field prisons.

The person in front of me has been holding her throat and shouting for water. Judging from the magic aura, it seems that she has been affected by the [Dehydration Technique].

Another person was hung from the ceiling by a rope, with his mouth wide open, his eyes wide open, and his tongue sticking out, looking like he was hanging.

Of course, he was not dead yet. Cirilla used [False Life] on him, allowing him to linger in pain and constantly feel the pain of being strangled.

The third man fell to the ground unconscious. The horrific wounds all over his body showed that he had suffered a series of tortures. However, his chest was rising and falling slightly, indicating that he was obviously still alive.

The last one looks the best,

But Levin noticed that every time Cirila glanced at him, the man 4.7 would tremble subconsciously, obviously frightened.

Levin never imagined that he would see such a scene.

What did Cirilla do to them to make them what they are now?

Levin looked at the girl beside him curiously.

"Sorry... Levin, I can't help it when I think of these heinous guys still surviving in the world. Faced with Levin's questioning eyes, Cirila explained hesitantly.

The current situation of Cirila does make Levin feel a little strange.

But when he thought that the other party was taking the risk to arrest someone from Azkaban, Bo Wen couldn't bear to criticize him harshly.

Seeing the other party's panic, Levin smiled reassuringly and asked, "Tell me, I'm also curious about the four heinous wizards you captured."

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