Luna had grown accustomed to the ineffectiveness of her attempts to harass Busy.

She directly ignored the matter of harassing the horsefly and asked. "So, has your boyfriend encountered any trouble again?"

"It's about Zhang Qiu." Levin thought for a while and did not ask directly. Instead, he recounted what happened before to the girl.

In fact, when he walked all the way to Luna, Levin already had a vague guess about why Zhang Qiu was like this.

If it were another girl standing in front of him, even Cirila, Levin would not say these words.

Talking about your emotional problems with another girl in front of a girl who likes you is something that only a fool would do.

But Luna is an exception,

In front of this girl, Levin felt that he could talk to him about anything and it didn't matter what he said.

Maybe it's because this girl doesn't care about many things,

Maybe it's because she has a rich imagination and won't be surprised when she hears things no matter how outrageous they are.

In short, in Levin's eyes, Luna has always been a magical girl.

Luna seemed very interested in Levin's love life and pretended to listen carefully.

Levin didn't hide it,

The two began to walk around in the courtyard,

As the two of them walked, Levin briefly explained the causes and consequences of Zhang Qiu's failure to deliver the meal, including his own speculation.

“I think maybe I’ve been neglecting her too much lately, and the Christmas party is just around the corner, and it seems like I’ve made her sad by doing this.

Levin analyzed it on his own,

He turned his head and looked at Luna, hoping to get some advice from the little witch.

But unexpectedly, Luna lagged behind. She tilted her head as if deep in thought and failed to keep up with him.

Levin was about to ask, but Luna's voice reached his ears in advance.

"It must be your boyfriend who is too tall!"


Levin frowned, he didn't understand what Luna wanted to express.

Maybe it was just Luna's whim,

Maybe it has some deep meaning,

Her thoughts are always so jumping and elusive.

While he was thinking, Luna suddenly came over, gently leaned in front of him, and put her hands on his shoulders.

Levin felt the touch of the girl's slender fingers,

Although Luna always playfully calls him "boyfriend"

But there wasn't much close contact between them.

For girls who are still young, Levin is relatively restrained.

Now, facing Luna's active approach, Levin just opened his hand and gently hugged her waist without making any further reaction.

He felt Luna's hands on his shoulders exerting slight force, as if she was trying to convey something.

That subtle touch made Levin feel a strange feeling in his heart.

Out of curiosity, Levin did not resist, but followed Luna's guidance, slowly squatted down, and finally sat on the ground.

"This is much better`||!" Luna's voice was full of satisfaction.

She stretched out her hand, compared the height difference between her and Levin, and then suddenly hugged Levin.

Levin was a little surprised by Luna's hug,

He felt Luna's soft body pressed against his arms, exuding a faint fragrance.

Although Luna looks thin and frail, that wasn't always the case.

In the courtyard, two small lotuses grow on the calm lake in early summer. Their petals are small but their growth is astonishing.

Leaning gently against Luna, Levin felt an inexplicable warmth.

The girl's hair gently brushed against his neck, causing a tingling sensation.

"I think you are as tall as the oak tree in the yard." Luna hugged Levin tightly, her voice a little muffled.

Levin could feel her gentle breathing, like feathers gently brushing against his neck, causing bursts of itching.

She hugged him so hard that Ye Wen felt that her petite body was trying to integrate herself into his body.

This kind of intimate embrace has gone beyond the boundaries between friends, but Levin is not disgusted with it, but rather enjoys it.

"The oak tree is tall and beautiful. Its roots are connected to the surrounding trees, and its branches and leaves protect everything around it. It gathers the power of nature and transmits it, nourishing the entire forest. It is everything A miracle of plants, every Lacey would love to take care of it."

Luna's voice is very ethereal, like singing.

Levin seemed to understand the other party's metaphor.

"Are you trying to say that there were so many 'Lacies' around me that she finally couldn't bear it?" Levin asked hesitantly.

Luna didn't answer, she seemed to be immersed in her own world.

Levin did not disturb Luna and hugged the girl silently.

"It's not you that's causing this problem, it's someone else."

Luna's ethereal voice sounded again, seeming to be speaking for Zhang Qiu, but also seemed to be telling herself.

"There are many creatures who are willing to take care of this oak tree, including strong tree men, clever dryads, and exotic water elves. But she thinks she is just a Lacey, inconspicuous at all."

Levin probably heard it,

The tree man probably refers to Cirilla,

The dryad is Hermione,

The exotic water fairy is obviously Hibiscus.

"Zhang Qiu and I both know that your boyfriend has a very great dream. Everything you create is unprecedented and can create an era. And each of them is excellent and each has unique talents. They can become men. A friend's right hand," Luna whispered softly. And we are just ordinary girls. "

"No, it's not!" Levin refuted Luna's words and said seriously. "Whether it's you or Zhang Qiu, you are not ordinary girls. You are both special girls to me and have unique meaning to me!"

Levin gently wrapped his arms around Luna's slender waist, feeling her like a budding peony, quietly pressed against his chest.

The faint fragrance exuding from her body is like the breeze in the early morning in early summer, with a hint of sweetness and coolness.

The newly bloomed lotus gently pressed against Levin's chest, and the softness made Levin feel a little dazed. The distance between them was so close that he could hear each other's heartbeats, and Levin could even feel the warmth of Luna's gentle breath.

"`Thank you, boyfriend!" Luna's voice was like the spring breeze blowing over the strings, with joy and satisfaction. She narrowed her eyes and said lightly in a singing tone: "Then Zhang Qiu must also hope you." Be able to tell her that she is special to you and that she is one of a kind Lacey.

Levin looked at Luna with gentle but firm eyes: "You are right, I will tell Zhang Qiu that she is unique in my heart and will never be replaced.

He hugged Luna tightly, as if he wanted to imprint her figure in his heart.

Luna did not refuse Levin's hug. She raised her hand and gently stroked his hair, as if to comfort him.

Her voice was soft and ethereal, "If she also thinks you are the most special and unique, then she will definitely do the same.

Levin suddenly thought of another thing,

He asked Luna curiously: "By the way, are you going to attend this year's Christmas ball?"

A gentle breath caressed Luna's body.

Luna's face turned slightly red, and she said quietly: "But who would invite me to be a dance partner?"

There was a hint of helplessness and regret in her voice.

Levin then remembered that Luna was only in third grade.

According to the rules, she cannot attend the dance unless someone invites her.

But Levin was a little surprised. A beautiful girl like Luna (Qian Zhao) should have many suitors.

If Luna goes to a party, she will most likely put on those fancy outfits, such as the silver starlight dress full of sequins, and then wear a butterbeer bottle cork necklace, carrot earrings, or a headband made of airship Lee, and become the whole party in one fell swoop. Focus.

However, not everyone can withstand the strange looks from everyone like Luna.

Seeing Luna's disappointed expression, Levin felt a strong desire to protect her.

He stared into Luna's beautiful silver eyes and said seriously: "So, beautiful Miss Luna, in return for my answer to you, are you willing to dance with me on Christmas?"

Luna's eyes widened in surprise at first, then gradually showed a happy smile. She nodded and said, "It's a great honor for me to dance with you, Levin."

Levin also smiled. Looking at Luna's bright smiling face, he felt a warm feeling in his heart.

Update【5/4】, additional update【63/97】

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