My Understanding Is Incredible, I Built A Floating City In Hogwarts

Chapter 329 Press The Gourd And The Ladle Will Rise

Levin finally managed to appease Hermione, and he could finally concentrate on his own research.

During this time, Levin is focusing on the transformation of magic plants. He is not satisfied with the traditional method of [Enlightenment] to create tree men and the method of making plant Lacey.

The main reason is that Levin thinks they are too ugly. If his garden is taken care of by these crooked melons and jujubes, wouldn't it look like a loving father?

Levin's plan is to induce transformation so that the magical plants after enlightenment can mutate into a shape close to human beings - mainly the shape of a lady, just like the legendary monsters.

Compared to the wrinkled tree man and the weird Lacey, Levin still likes the tree demon lady.

It's not that he is obsessed with lust, the main thing is that if such beings can be mass-produced, Levin can completely develop them into an intelligent magical race as a supplement to his own power, and the humanoid appearance will help with the wizards get along.

Sometimes, whether you are outstanding in appearance directly determines whether you are regarded as a human being or a beast by others.

It's definitely not to satisfy your own XP.

However, this kind of operation that violates biology is too complicated and requires all kinds of side materials. Levin even asked Jaina and Cirilla for letters, hoping that they could get him some Azkaban death row prisoners. .

Wanting to create a humanoid race, Levin naturally thought of how to create Construct 02.

Thinking of this as an intelligent construct for making plant forms is indeed an idea.

However, making a construct that is intelligent and capable of casting spells requires the soul of a wizard.

At present, there is no new World Cup turmoil that allows him to refresh his soul.

It just so happened that Jaina's power had been expanded and she was able to intervene in Azkaban.

Those damn souls, instead of taking advantage of the dementors, they might as well take advantage of me.

With this idea in mind, Levin asked their team for help.

Of course, the reply from Gianna was that she agreed. This sister almost never refused Levin's request.

But it takes time to find the right target.

Prior to this, Guowen could only conduct program research in other directions.

In addition to various materials, research in this area consumed Mr. Levin's energy, causing him to have to indulge in the workshop all night long, focusing all his energy on research without paying any attention to his daily life.

Sometimes I even forget to eat dinner.

Fortunately, there is someone around Levin who cares about this for him.

Whenever he found that Levin did not appear in the auditorium during dinner time, Zhang Qiu would return to the tower after the meal and personally cook a Dragon Kingdom dinner for Levin.

This girl has always cared for Levin in this kind of detail.

However, on this day, after Levin worked until early in the morning, he suddenly discovered that the dinner that should have been served long ago never seemed to come.

Could it be that Zhang Qiu forgot?

The hungry Levin dug out some leftovers from the refrigerator, barely filled his stomach, and went to bed hastily.

Who would have thought that the same thing happened the next day.

Now Levin realized that something seemed to have happened to Zhang Qiu.

So on the morning of the third day, Levin ran to find Zhang Qiu after eating breakfast.

Relying on his sense of the other party's intellectual imprint, Guowen easily found Zhang Qiu in the corridor.

Levin quickly stepped forward,

Zhang Qiu seemed a little absent-minded, just walking forward blankly with his head lowered, and didn't seem to see him.

"Zhang Qiu!" Levin shouted from behind.

The girl who usually responded to him with a smile didn't respond at all this time.

He had no choice but to stop in front of the Chinese witch.

"Ah? Levin, what do you want from me?"

Zhang Qiu then raised his head, as if he had just noticed him.

Levin noticed that her eyes were a little red.

Sure enough, his wild guess was correct.

Through psychic powers, Levin could sense that the other party was feeling sad and aggrieved at this time, so he immediately said: "What happened, Zhang Qiu, can you tell me something?"

However, listening to his concerned words, the girl's face became even more ugly.

Those beautiful black eyes stared at the boy angrily for the first time. After a while, he hummed and said, "What happened, don't you know?"

Levin was confused. What happened in the past two days? Why did it have to do with himself?

Before he could figure it out, Zhang Qiu suddenly moved forward, bumped his shoulder hard, and then walked forward past him.

Levin wanted to catch up, but thought carefully and stopped.

For several days in a row, I just spent time in the workshop when I didn't have classes. I didn't know anything about the current situation of Hogwarts, and rushing to catch up would only make matters worse.

The most urgent task is to understand the situation first.

If you want to find out what happened to Zhang Qiu, there are two best candidates:

Marietta and Luna.

The former has been Zhang Qiu's best friend since the first grade. Before she fell in love with Levin, the two were almost inseparable.

The latter is the girl who has the best relationship with Zhang Qiu in the Genius Club. After all, they are from the same college. Luna has a confused and quirky personality, but she doesn't care about many things and has an appetite for growth.

At least when getting along with Luna, Qiu Zhang won't have as much pressure as when he was with Hermione and Cirilla.

For Levin, the first choice was of course Luna.

So he hurried again and found Luna in the garden of the castle atrium.

At this time, Luna was sitting under a tree, teasing a little thing.

The little guy is only the size of a hand, barely humanoid, with legs like a tangled vine, and a head like an airship with glasses and a mouth engraved on it.

It was Levin's original product when he made Lacey, the airship Ji Lacey.

Hearing footsteps, Luna raised her head and saw Levin coming.

"It's really rare that my boyfriend comes to see me at this time..." Luna said in a light voice.

Even though he knew her words were unemotional, Levin still felt guilty.

"I'm sorry, Luna, I've been too busy with research these two days. You know, I..." Levin explained apologetically.

"That's it... I understand.

Before Levin could finish speaking, Luna agreed with his explanation.

The girl stared at Levin intently with her silver eyes as clear as moonlight, and looked at him for a long time.

Just as he was about to ask about Zhang Qiu, Luna suddenly interrupted him 160: "Harassment Fly..."

"What?" Levin couldn't react for a moment and looked at Luna in confusion.

"There are so many harassing flies..." Luna said to herself, as if she was having a conversation with herself, "I think they must be around you, trying to float into your ears and mess up your brain. "

Levin was dumbfounded, watching Luna take out the wand from behind her ear while speaking, and began to wave it with a strange frequency, as if performing some mysterious ritual.

"Try this...[wind creation]!" Luna pointed the wand at Levin, and the breath of magic filled the air instantly.

Levin only felt a whirlwind surrounding him, gently wiping away the dust on the corners of his robe. He seemed to be surrounded by multiple blowers, and his whole body was about to float.

"How's it going? Are you feeling better?" Luna asked curiously after the spell stopped.

Levin said with a bit of laughter: "No, I think this spell may not have any effect on harassing flies!"

Luna actually said that this magic can drive away harassing flies. Obviously this magic was taught to her by Levin, but she didn’t know whether it could drive away Levin?

"But I think it's still somewhat useful..."

Luna said very seriously, her magic clearly blew away many harassing flies.

Levin was speechless. The little witch's wild ideas were always so unexpected.

Obviously as a psychic, she relied on her psychic powers to feel Levin's irritability, but she just said that she saw harassment.

However, Su Wen understood the girl's kindness. .

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