The herbal medicine class is finally over,

Zhang Qiu left the greenhouse and walked towards the castle, with a confused look on his face.

In the class just now, her performance was very poor.

In this class, Professor Sprout asked them to transplant jumping bulbs. Due to their absent-mindedness, a jumping bulb twisted out of Zhang Qiu's hands and hit her hard on the face.

There was a flurry of excitement.

Later, Professor Sprout deducted points for answering a question incorrectly.

Obviously since drinking the permanent elixir, her grades have leapt to the top of her grade, and she has never performed so poorly.

But even after class, Zhang Qiu still did not recover from this state.

She did not return to the girls' dormitory or go to the auditorium, but wandered alone in Hogwarts Castle, thinking about the scene where she and Levin parted not long ago, and she couldn't help but feel a little upset.

When Levin asked that sentence, she knew she had misunderstood.

Levin didn't invite her for a long time, not because he didn't care about her, but because he was really busy and didn't think much about it.

However, when she thought that Levin had invited Hermione, she felt like she had swallowed a sour fruit. She felt very uncomfortable and couldn't help but provoke him.

After saying that, Zhang Qiu regretted it.

So she waited uneasily for a while, but unfortunately she didn't wait until Caiwen caught up with the 73 speed.

Zhang Qiu was thinking as he walked, and the more he thought about it, the more he blamed himself.

She began to think about every incident she had with Levin.

Levin even gave her such a precious attribute elixir to drink, and also gave her a fairy silver wand, and arcane magic was completely open to her.

Hermione and the others have it, and so does Zhang Qiu,

How could she think Levin didn't care about her?

After all, it was her inferiority complex that was at work.

He obviously swore not to cause any trouble to Levin, but now he is having a bad temper...

If Levin could hear Zhang Qiu's voice, he would be very moved.

Because this girl is so...

Saying "lick" is too unpleasant, so replacing it with "cherish" is just right.

Even if I lose my temper occasionally, I can't hold on for long. It's only been two days and I've already convinced myself.

Zhang Qiu blamed herself while walking. When she walked aimlessly to the lobby on the first floor, she suddenly heard someone calling her name.

Looking back, the girl saw a handsome face with thick eyebrows and big eyes, like a young boy.

It was Hufflepuff's prefect, Cedric Diggory.

"Zhang Qiu, can you be my dance partner at the Christmas dance?" Cedric Diggory quickly came to Zhang Qiu and handed (accb) a small pink box to her.

Zhang Qiu didn't take it. Just when he was about to refuse, Cedric spoke quickly: "Zhang Qiu, when we first met at the Quidditch match, I was deeply attracted by your beauty and elegance."

"Every time I sweat like rain on the Quidditch field, it's just to let you see my abilities. Every time I go to the library, it's just to see you and have more opportunities to interact with you. No one has ever let me So heartbroken, I really like you and hope you can give me a chance."

Cedric's long, thick eyebrows rarely wrinkled, and his lips trembled slightly. The look he looked at Zhang Qiu was not at all calm as usual. The pleading look in it made him look particularly fragile. He once again held the small pink box in his hand. Handed to Zhang Qiu, there was a beautiful necklace inside.

"This is the gift I picked out for you in Hogsmeade. I saved money for a year and spent my energy working for the Weasley twins. Finally, I bought this necklace and gave it to you."

Zhang Qiu was moved, but still planned to refuse. Just when he was hesitating how to speak, he was interrupted by Cedric again.

Cedric saw the hesitation on Zhang Qiu's face and said quickly before she could speak: "You're not waiting for Levin Green to invite you. Listen to me, he has an affair with many girls. Chu's relationship. Moreover, my friend in Gryffindor told me that he has made a choice and invited Hermione Granger. You should not wait for him any longer. You will only be hurt by his side."

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded behind him: "It's a pity that I have to disappoint you. With me, Zhang Qiu will not be harmed in any way, and it is not your turn to care about her."

A man stepped out from the shadows behind them—Levin Green.

"I didn't expect you, Cedric Diggory, to do this kind of thing when you slander your love rival behind his back." Levin glanced at Cedric contemptuously.

Zhang Qiu was already a little angry because of Cedric's words. When he saw Levin appearing, he immediately became anxious and hurriedly explained to him: "Don't get me wrong, Levin, if I hadn't been interrupted by him all the time, I would have rejected him long ago. .”

Then she turned to Cedric: "Sorry, Mr. Diggory, I cannot accept your invitation."

Levin didn't say much, he just gently took Zhang Qiu's hand,

His actions immediately turned the girl's worries into joy.

Levin led Zhang Qiu and strode out of the hall.

Halfway through, Levin suddenly turned around and said: "By the way, I invested in George and Fred's business. They told me that your alchemy skills are good, and the quality of the embryonic badges you made is excellent... Anyway, thank you. Make money for me.”

After that, they ignored Cedric, whose face was so gloomy that he could almost drip water, and walked away.

The two walked to a deserted corner, and Levin activated the [Mansion Technique] to send the two back to the tower.

"I'm sorry, Zhang Qiu." In the girl Zhang Qiu's warm bedroom, Levin gently held her hand and expressed his apology: "I was too obsessed with experiments before and ignored your feelings. This is mine. wrong."

Zhang Qiu felt the warmth of Levin's palm, his eyes were slightly moist, and he shook his head quickly: "No, I am also responsible. I was too willful. I shouldn't doubt you, let alone play a little temper when you are busy. I'm sorry, Levin ."

Levin shook his head slightly, indicating that he did not blame Zhang Qiu.

"Luna and I have already talked." Levin slowly stroked the girl's long hair. His movements were gentle and gentle, as if he were treating a precious treasure. "I never realized how much you have endured in your heart. You are under so much pressure. As a boyfriend, I should care more about you and understand you.

Zhang Qiu felt Levin's tenderness, and a warm current surged in her heart.

She raised her head slightly and looked into Levin's eyes, as if asking him what he was going to say next.

"Now, I want to tell you that you are unique to me." Levin's voice was full of sincerity and determination, "You don't have to care about Cirella, and you don't have to worry about Hermione. To me, you are both unique. Yes, everyone has an irreplaceable place in my heart. No one is more important than anyone else. You are all the most precious wings in my life."

Zhang Qiu was moved by Levin's words, and his moist eyes were full of affection.

The girl bit her lower lip gently, as if trying to control her emotions. Then she raised her head, looked into Levin's eyes, and said firmly: "I believe you, Levin."

"If you want," Levin suddenly leaned close to her ear, and his warm breath tickled her heart.

"I can prove it to you."

Levin had his own way of comforting Zhang Qiu, which the naive Luna had never thought of.

Although it was only broad daylight, Zhang Qiu warmly accepted Levin's apology.

The two of them continued to quarrel until two o'clock in the afternoon before returning to the castle.

At this time, Zhang Qiu had been injected with deep love and positive energy by Levin, and she no longer had any grudge against him. .

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