The Horntail Dragon spread its wings and swooped in. As its height continued to decrease, its speed also increased under the acceleration of gravity.

Accompanied by the terrifying dragon roar, this Hungarian Horntail Dragon is like a Stuka dive bomber, exuding terrifying power.

This fire dragon has a body length of 15 meters and a wingspan of 13 to 14 meters. Its dark scales are strong and ferocious, and the bronze spikes on its tail are thick, long and sharp. Just standing there makes people tremble with fear.

What's more, flying at full speed is such a terrifying power.

Countless spectators screamed.

The dragon trainers are even more ready to enter the arena at any time... to save the seemingly frightened witch.

Hermione just stood there quietly, even putting away her wand, staring blankly at the swooping Horntail Dragon.

But no one noticed that her eyes had turned into a pair of golden cat pupils.

Soon, one person and one dragon were less than ten meters apart, and the air flow driven by the fire dragon had already blown Hermione's bangs into a mess.

She smoothed her bangs and finally made a move,

She suddenly turned into a big brown and white cat, stared at the fire dragon fiercely, then jumped away suddenly, and left the place in a few seconds.

The Hungarian Horntail dragon, on the other hand, seemed to be dumbfounded by that look, and actually forgot to slow down.

Of course, this is not because the Horntail Dragon is distracted, but because Nekomata's magic has come into play.

So the huge fire dragon hit the ground without any buffer, hitting the spot where Hermione had just been.

The Horntail Dragon, which weighed several tons, reached its speed again. Under the influence of huge inertia, it slid forward on the ground, crushing a gully several meters long.

"I really didn't expect that Miss Granger was actually an Animagus," Ludo said in admiration. "She acted so calmly and calmly. She only transformed at the moment before the Horntail Dragon caught her. Dodge. But her plan was successful, successfully using the hornet dragon's weight to severely injure itself.

"Wait a minute, what did I see? Miss Granger's transformed cat has two tails - that's not an ordinary cat, but a Nekomata. This is a powerful magical creature in the Far East. It's amazing. Miss Granger is actually a cat. A magical animagus! No wonder she displays agility far beyond that of an ordinary cat."

Ludo's discovery caused bursts of exclamations from the audience,

Sure enough, through the secret eyes following the contestants, the audience could see the two tails swaying behind the big cat's butt.

It was outrageous enough to become an Animagus at such a young age. Who would have thought that Hermione was also a magical Animagus.

The only magical Animagus everyone knows today is sitting at the referee's table.

"This is unfair!" Karkaroff on the referee's bench shouted loudly, "I protested, but the referee actually gave the players a little trouble in private!

"That's fair." Levin said calmly, "Learning the magical Animagus is actually not fundamentally different from learning the [Fluorescent Curse]. It's just that this spell is more complex and more powerful. But as long as you learn it, then It’s just the player’s ability, you can’t accuse the player of being too strong in learning.”

Levin's words choked Karkaroff speechless, and he could only stare at the boy fiercely.

On the playing field, Hermione, who transformed into Nekomata, directly fought with the Horntail Dragon.

She is so agile when she transforms into Nekomata. She can leap several meters away with just a slight jump. Her strong reflexes and sharp skills allow her to perform various complex operations.

No matter how much the Horntail Dragon breathed fire or swept its tail, it couldn't hurt her at all.

Soon, the irritable Horntail Dragon fell into exhaustion in the entanglement.

"Miss Granger used Animagus transformation to consume the fire dragon's physical strength. Her plan was very successful. This hornet dragon looks tired. She just needs to hold on for a while... Wait, she's going to do it. What?" Seeing Hermione's behavior, Ludo couldn't help but exclaimed.

Seeing that the Hungarian Horntail dragon's attack slowed down, Hermione not only did not retreat, but directly stepped forward and jumped behind the fire dragon in twos and twos.

Then she changed from her original Nekomata form into a half-cat, half-human cat-man form, and cast magic on herself with her wand.

[Advanced Magic Fang: 4-level transformation system, all natural weapons (fangs and claws) you own are considered advanced magic weapons,]

[Sharp Tooth Technique: 4th level transformation system, your claws emit a mysterious yellow light, your muscles become stronger, your teeth become sharper, and the damage caused by your natural weapons is greatly increased. 】

Suddenly, the claws and claws of Hermione in her cat-like state shone with magical light.

Then, she jumped up and landed lightly on the back of the Horntail Dragon like the best acrobat.

Immediately afterwards, the catman swung his sharp claws, and the sharp claws broke through the scales on the back of the fire dragon like a hot knife cutting into butter, causing blood to spatter on the back of the fire dragon.

That crazy fighting style seemed to be Xi Ruizhi's upper body.

The audience was in uproar one after another,

Not only for this strange half-cat, half-human Animagus transformation, but also for her unusual fighting style.

"Why did Miss Granger become like this? She looks like a werewolf fighting... except that the element of transformation is no longer a wolf, but a cat."

Ludo was also very curious, and he quickly got the answer: "Wait, the information from the referee's bench, this is a transformation technique called partial Animagus, which can make Animagus only It plays a partial role in allowing the shape-shifter to have the characteristics of both humans and animals. The inventor of this technique is also the most skilled wizard in Animagus today, Mr. Levin Green.

…0Please give me flowers…………

In fact, Hermione's decision at this time may seem crazy, but it is undoubtedly the right one.

The Hungarian Horntail Dragon is known for its breath. In the previous battle, the dragon's breath was the biggest threat to Hermione.

Only fools, other than truly strong men like Dumbledore, Voldemort, and Levin, would engage in long-range bombardment with it.

On the contrary, after getting closer, the Horntail Dragon will show the clumsiness that its huge body should have.

In addition, even if you take the initiative, it is unrealistic to rely on magic to defeat the Horntail Dragon.

Hermione's magic power is not strong enough to break through the magic resistance of the Horntail Dragon.

On the contrary, by strengthening the fangs and claws, using melee combat methods can hurt the opponent even more.

At this time, Hermione, as if wearing a three-dimensional mobile device, jumped up and down on the back of the Horntail Dragon with amazing agility.


No matter how it rolls, struggles, or flaps its wings,

Hermione could always land on the opponent's weak spot again, her multi-reinforced sharp claws kept swinging, leaving a trail of blood.

Each blood mark does not look deep, leaving only a small amount of blood.

But the little things add up, and soon the fire dragon is scarred.

In this process, Hermione herself was not unscathed.

The hornet dragon's stinging long tail was swung like a whip, leaving a bloody mark on her chest.

But she didn't care, she just used the wand to heal her wounds slightly and then struck again.

Finally, the hornet dragon realized the trouble of this little guy,

It roared, spread its wings and flew high, then twisted in mid-air while spitting flames wantonly in an attempt to throw the person on its back off.

But Hermione didn't give in. She stretched out her claws with all her strength, clawed deeply into the hornet dragon's flesh, and dug deeper and deeper.

The sharp claws were like barbs, firmly fixing her on the fire dragon's back, refusing to let go no matter what.

The gurgling blood continued to flow out from the wound,

The hornet dragon felt himself getting weaker and weaker.

Finally, it couldn't bear the constant damage at all, and fell weakly, crashing onto the ground.

With it as the center, circles of dust stirred up all around.

The audience was completely silent, and Ludo Bagman opened his mouth wide, forgetting to explain.

But the referee did not urge them because they were also in a state of absent-mindedness, with different expressions and extremely exciting expressions.

Only Levin calmly poured himself a glass of fruit wine and raised it in the direction of the fire dragon.

Seemingly celebrating Hermione's victory.

The picture shows the cat corpse man.

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