Hermione, under the spotlight, faced a Hungarian Horntail dragon alone. She calmly and calmly started a thrilling duel with the Horntail dragon, and finally achieved a near-killing result.

This scene shocked every audience present,

Their eyes widened and they looked at everything in front of them in disbelief.

This was also the first time Hermione showed her true strength in public.

Those little wizards who had always doubted her suddenly woke up. They finally understood that the choice of the Goblet of Fire was correct. Hermione usually only had good grades and was not showy in strength. Who would have thought that she could hide such a secret? great power.

She is indeed a know-it-all lady,

Everyone thinks that among the young wizards at Hogwarts, her wisdom and magical attainments are second only to Levin Green.

But even so, it would be an exaggeration to say that she really has the strength to slay dragons.

Among the magics she has mastered, not many can penetrate dragon scales and cause serious damage to them.

The reason why Hermione was able to hurt the fire dragon was entirely because of her Animagus transformation skills.

As a magical creature, Nekomata's minions attack contain the power of a curse and can damage the fire dragon's skin.

Coupled with the blessing of magic, this has the power to threaten the fire dragon.

But after all, whether "833" Hermione relied on magic Animagus or some other factors, Hermione's strength has been recognized by everyone.

Under Levin's careful guidance, her combat skills, magical attainments and psychological quality have all reached a very high level.

The only thing she lacks is magic power.

Hermione is an underage wizard after all. Even with the blessing of attribute elixirs, her magic power has not reached its peak and she lacks the power to break through dragon-slayer magic resistance.

The low magic power restricted her combat effectiveness.

But even so, she is no longer an ordinary little wizard, or even a normal adult wizard can compare.

Therefore, when the audience saw this scene, they all stood up excitedly and stared closely at the venue and the illusion live broadcast, "wanting to see more clearly. Whether Hermione could really kill the ball of fire."

However, the result was not as expected,

The vitality of the fire dragon is much stronger than people think.

Unless he directly cuts the fire dragon's aorta, it would be impossible for it to die immediately with that little loss.

But the small wounds all over the body undoubtedly brought great pain to the hornet dragon, causing it to roll on the ground and make a shocking roar.

After recovering a little strength,

The hornet dragon spread its wings again and flew up, trying to shake off the small bug on its back again.

However, halfway through the flight, Hermione saw the opportunity and nimbly jumped onto the right wing of the Horntail Dragon, then fiercely grabbed the wing membrane.

Compared with the thick back, the fire dragon's wing membrane is relatively fragile, and four or five long holes were pulled out in just one move.

The Horntail Dragon let out a cry of pain and could no longer maintain its flying movements.

At this time, the Swedish Brachysaurus was in front and right of its flight direction.

So, everyone saw an exciting scene:

The Horntail Dragon was heading crookedly towards the Swedish Brachynosaurus, as if a plane had crashed.

Krum, who lost his teammates, could only fight alone with the Swedish Brachysaurus.

He tried to use the [Eye Spell] to make the Swedish Brachynosaurus lose its sight and take the opportunity to steal the golden egg.

At this time, he was already halfway successful.

One eye of the Swedish Brachyrhinosaurus was unable to see, so Klum took the opportunity to run into its blind spot to avoid being attacked by the furious Brachyrhinosaurus.

At this moment, a roar came from above.

Both he and Polyakov looked up suddenly, stunned. It turned out to be a Hungarian Horntail flying across the sky.

The Swedish Brachysaurus on the ground also noticed something was wrong. It turned around and tried to spread its wings and fly high to avoid the incoming Horntail Dragon.

But the loss of vision on one side greatly reduces his judgment and motor abilities.

As soon as it took off, it collided with the Horntail Dragon.

The two fire dragons collided into a ball and fell to the ground.

The ground shook violently and cracked, tearing out a pattern that looked like a spider web.

The air suddenly froze,

Suffering from this unreasonable disaster, the Swedish Brachysaurus was furious and directly attacked the Horntail Dragon.

Poor that hornet dragon, it was first scratched with a scar by Hermione's sword, and then fell to the ground twice.

At this time, he was attacked by his companions again.

It was hit by a fierce shoulder collision and flew far away.

But it finally felt that the little bug on its back was gone, and it became ferocious for a while, and started biting each other with the Swedish Brachysaurus.

Polyakov also saw the two fire dragons fighting among themselves. He was originally frightened, but he immediately gained some courage.

He observed again and again, and after confirming that the two fire dragons were really fighting fiercely and that they would never notice him, he immediately ran towards the dragon's nest.

If we don’t pick up the leak now, when will we wait?

Sure enough, he saw two golden eggs in the dragon slip.

He ran over in a hurry and wanted to pick up the golden egg, but stopped immediately.

He saw a figure flash past, and a half-human, half-cat woman covered in blood appeared in front of him.

Hermione wiped the dragon's blood from her face, bent down and picked up two golden eggs, shrunk them and put them in her arms.

Just as he was about to leave, Polyakov finally couldn't bear it anymore and suddenly shouted: "Wait!"

Hermione turned her head, gently licked the blood from the corner of her mouth, and asked softly: "What's the matter?"

Polyakov's face turned red, and as if he had exhausted all his courage, he trembled: "That's...my golden egg!"

Hermione snorted, raised her round cat chin, and smiled: "Not anymore... Do you have any objections?"

Polyakov cried loudly: "No!"


Hermione tapped her toes, turned her body lightly, and leaped four to five meters away before disappearing in a few clicks.

Polyakov collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily.

It was only then that Krum came over,

He looked at Hermione's retreating back, silently.

Among the two eggs that were taken away, there was also one of his!

The battle between the two fire dragons also affected Heilu.

Before that, Fleur relied on charm magic to hypnotize the Welsh Green Dragon, and Estella used the [Disguise Curse] to steal the golden egg.

Different from the original timeline, since this time it is two against one, Fleur does not have to hypnotize the fire dragon and think of ways to steal the egg at the same time. Her concentration is more concentrated and the hypnotic effect is more reliable.

And Esdale's ability to use the [Disguise Curse] is naturally more hidden than Fleur in the original timeline.

Therefore, the entire egg-stealing plan was perfect, with no surprises like the original timeline.

This is how it should be...

Levin's newly designed competition rules do give the warriors an advantage in working together to deal with the fire dragon.

But they also have to face accidents caused by other aspects.

Just when Estella was about to successfully pick up the two golden eggs, the Swedish Brachynosaurus and the Hungarian Horntail Dragon were fighting while rushing towards them...0

Estella shouted bad luck, turned around and ran away without thinking! She didn't dare to pick up the golden egg at all.

I have to say that this girl's level may not be too high, but she is indeed very decisive.

Because as the fierce dragon roar and high-temperature dragon breath got closer and closer, the Welsh green dragon instantly woke up from the hypnotic state.

It looked around, then opened its brown eyes and sprayed dragon breath towards Hibiscus.

If Estella hadn't run away just now, she would have been the green dragon's first target.

"Why did you come here at this time!"

Fleur complained loudly,

When she discovered that the green dragon had broken free from hypnosis, she hurriedly hid behind a rock.

But it was still a step too late, and the corners of his clothes were burned by the dragon's breath, so he had to use the [Qingquan Curse] to put out the fire.

However, the green dragon refused to give up, and Sui wanted to follow to find Huang Rong's trouble.

Just then, Hermione suddenly took action,

I saw that she used [Force Claw] on herself - after learning the cat-man and cat-girl forms, she specifically asked Levin to learn many spells to strengthen natural weapon combat, including the previous Magic Fang Technique and [Sharp Teeth Technique]. ] was among them - and then he jumped up suddenly and fiercely grabbed the green dragon's chin.

The sharp cat claws immediately cut open the dragon scales on the green dragon's chin, and the [Force Field Claws] exploded with terrifying power.

The painful green dragon's head was almost knocked sideways, and the dragon's breath that was brewing was sprayed directly in other directions.

It is the direction where the Hungarian Horntail dragon and the Swedish Brachysaurus battled.

The two fighting fire dragons were furious and immediately targeted the green dragon.

Hermione took the opportunity to come to Fleur, grabbed her hand, and reminded: "Quickly go!"

While the three fire dragons were fighting, the two picked up the golden eggs and ran away.

They didn't stop until they reached the other end of the arena, where the melee between the three fire dragons couldn't reach them.

Fleur gasped and said to Hermione: "Thank you, Hermione, if it weren't for you, our Beauxbatons would be in great misfortune, and none of the two golden eggs would be left.

"Let each of us share one of these two golden eggs."

Hermione happily accepted the golden egg,

The secret eye faithfully recorded this harmonious scene

This scene spans 1.8 schools of cooperation and highlights the beautiful feelings of cooperation between the two schools.

It looks like this,

But seeing this scene, the referee and the audience all showed strange expressions.

Through the secret eye and illusion magic live broadcast that followed the whole process, they could see clearly.

The two fire dragons fought all the way to the Welsh Green Dragon. It was not Beauxbatons' bad luck at all, but it was intentional.

They clearly saw that this battle between two dragons was not the Hungarian Horntail dragon versus the Swedish Brachysaurus.

Instead, the Hungarian Horntail tried to hunt down Hermione who had angered it,

And Swedish Brachysaurus is chasing Horntail Dragon,

The extremely annoyed Horntail Dragon had to divert its energy to deal with its own kind, and then hunt down the little bug.

As the target of being chased by the Horntail Dragon, Hermione took two fire dragons and ran towards the third fire dragon.

In other words, the main culprit for Fleur's dangerous situation is Hermione.

Even though she was betrayed, she still wanted to say, "It's fate, thank you!"

Madame Maxime on the referee's bench couldn't help but cover her face.

Furong is usually very shrewd, why is she so smart at this time?

The picture shows the cat form.

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