My Understanding Is Incredible, I Built A Floating City In Hogwarts

Chapter 321 Secret Eyes And Illusion Live Broadcast

Outside the tent, the auditorium was already full of people.

There were not only teachers and students from the four schools, but also some officials from the Ministry of Magic and the families of the students.

In front of the auditorium is the referee's seat, which is a row of raised golden chairs. The three principals, Levin and Crouch are sitting on it. The far left is vacant for Ludo.

From a distance, these people look like the dream mentors of a large-scale music talent show.

Ten minutes later, Ludo Bagman finally appeared at the venue and sat on the golden chair.

He was also the commentator of the game today. He began to introduce the rules of the game to everyone.

When they heard that six warriors had to fight three fire dragons at the same time, the audience at the scene exclaimed in surprise.

We do think the game should be a bit thrilling,

But this is too thrilling for you, right?

Three fire dragons come on stage at the same time. What if they cause trouble at the same time? Can the Ministry of Magic control it?

Just when the audience was frightened, Ludo announced loudly:

"For this competition, we are honored to invite colleagues from the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, the Director of the Office of Beasts, a talented dragon trainer, and the one known in the industry as the 'Queen of Fire Dragons' - Ms. Katlana Presto - —"

As soon as he finished speaking, a beautiful woman in gorgeous clothes stood up from the staff at the side of the venue and waved to the audience.

"Ms. Presto once helped the Ministry of Magic kill the largest black dragon in history," Ludo began to brag about Katrana's achievements. "In addition, she is also the person in charge of the mascot of the Yin national team in the World Cup. All the success of the national team’s mascot performances is due to Ms. Katlana.”

If you say this, everyone will be familiar with it.

So, Katlana showed her face in front of the audience.

This was also agreed with Ludo Bagman in advance, taking advantage of the opportunity of the game to increase the reputation of the 647 members of his faction.

"Speaking of the World Cup, in the World Cup that just passed, Yin Kingdom finally felt proud for once. It just so happened that this time the players and referees sat on the bench with the opponents of both sides of the final. It is really a wonderful fate."

Next, Ludo spent another three minutes praising Levin, and finally added:

"Mr. Levin Green not only participated deeply in the preparations for the Triwizard Tournament and provided us with exciting competition projects, but also provided an unprecedented live broadcast system for the competition."

"Mr. Green used his superb alchemy technology to create flying mystical eyes. These cute little guys are like flying eyeballs. They can go to any hidden corner, or follow our warriors closely, and display all their wonderful performances. record it."

After listening to Ludo's introduction, someone used a telescope to look into the arena, and sure enough, he could vaguely see small black dots flying around the arena.

"With Mr. Green's illusion playback system specially designed for competitions, any exciting scene can be presented in front of everyone's eyes, and various playbacks can be performed to ensure that you will not miss any details."

As soon as Ludo finished speaking, a large phantom appeared in front of each auditorium.

What is shown in the phantom is the warriors preparing nervously in the tent. This is a corner that the audience cannot see at all under normal circumstances.

This scene was an eye-opener for the audience present.

"What a pity. It would be great if the World Cup also had this technology. In that case, the Quidditch game would be even more exciting." After a brief advertisement for Levin's live broadcast system, Ludo returned to the topic:

"Before the game, everyone was looking forward to who would eventually win the championship." Ludo still made preparations, daeg) showed his professionalism and said: "But we can first look at a set of historical data comparisons. According to historical records, The Triwizard Tournament has been held since 1294 AD and has been held for 125 times.

"So far, Hogwarts has achieved 63 victories, while Beauxbatons is close behind with 62. As for Durmstrang, their wins are... Zero times, I hope they can achieve zero breakthrough this time!"

Talking about this, Karkaroff's face suddenly turned ugly. His expression seemed to want the fire dragon to bite Ludo to death on the spot.

"Oh, look, the fire dragon has entered the field!" Under Katlana's command, three fire dragons were sent to the center of the field. "These three fire dragons are the Welsh Green Dragon and the Swedish Brachysaurus.

And the most ferocious - the Hungarian Horntail!"

As the name suggests, the Welsh Green Dragon is green in color, has a relatively docile temperament, and has a unique cry that is even somewhat melodious to some extent.

The scales of the Swedish Brachysaurus are silvery blue, and the flames it emits are also dazzling blue.

The Hungarian Treetopsaurus is covered with black scales, has yellow eyes and bronze horns, and the sharp spines on its tail make it very lethal. It is also one of the fire dragons with the furthest fire breath, with a distance of up to 15 meters.

Under the guidance of the dragon trainers, the three dragons entered the designated area in the venue and each guarded their own nest of eggs.

"Next, the warriors enter!"

With a whistle, six warriors from three schools entered the arena from three directions, each direction corresponding to a fire dragon.

The Beauxbatons warriors were the luckiest. Fleur and Estella faced the relatively docile Welsh Green Dragon.

Krum and Polyakov were up against the Swedish Brachyrhinosaurus.

As for Hermione, her luck was a little worse. The one she was assigned to meet in the direction she met was the Hungarian Tree Peak Dragon.

There was an accident right at the beginning of the game.

After seeing the fire dragon, Polyakov's face turned pale as if struck by lightning, and his whole body began to tremble violently involuntarily, apparently frightened.

"Are you kidding me?" he murmured, "who can resist this?!"

For the next time, he kept holding on to the door of the venue and refused to leave no matter how much Krum urged.

"What, how long has it been since the start...Durmstrang's warriors want to give up the game!?" Ludo said in surprise.

For a moment, the whole audience was in an uproar, and Karkaroff's face became even darker.

He shouldn't believe Polyakov, this cheater.

Hermione and Harry were slowly approaching the Horntail Dragon. It was crouching low, staring at her with its vicious yellow eyes, violently twisting its spiked tail on the hard ground. It left traces of pits several meters long.

Hermione and Harry looked at each other,

Harry suddenly waved his wand and shouted: "[Firebolt is coming]!"

This is the way of the game that he learned through Professor Moody's tips.

The next moment, the sound of piercing the air came from a distance, and Harry's Firebolt flew into the field and suddenly stopped in mid-air beside him, waiting for him to step on it.

Harry did not rush to ride on the broomstick, but waved his wand, pointed it at the Horntail Dragon and recited a spell.

Several red lights hit the hornet dragon's nose,

Due to the fire dragon's magic resistance, Harry's spell did not harm it at all.

But the hornet dragon was obviously enraged and rushed directly towards Harry.

At this time, Hermione had already run to another corner and was not affected.

Seeing that the Horntail Dragon was successfully lured, Harry quickly stepped onto the broom, kicked off the ground, and flew into the air.

As the whole person reached the air, he found that the fear in his heart had also reduced a lot, and he returned to the place where he felt like a fish in water.

Qiqi is a tough Bludger than the Horntail Dragon Diao Guo...

Harry rode the Firebolt and kept flying higher, faster and faster [The Horntail Dragon followed closely behind.

"Beautiful way to lure the tiger away from the mountain!" Ludo exclaimed loudly, "The Hogwarts warriors completed exquisite coordination and made full use of the aggressive characteristics of the Hungarian Horntail Dragon. Harry rode his broomstick to lure it away—— You see, Krum, he's flying great."

Of course Krum saw this scene, and his expression became even more ugly.

So, following an unreliable pig teammate, he found that he had made a huge mistake.

He is the best at flying among the warriors, but it was the little wizard from Hogwarts who came up with the plan to use a broomstick.

He once again fell into a misunderstanding and blamed himself for his stupidity.

It is true that only magic wands can be used in the competition, but the use of [Flying Curse] is not prohibited.

Anyway, flying broomsticks are not considered "powerful alchemical products" and are not illegal.

The feeling at this time was like seeing Hermione throw her name into the Goblet of Fire: I didn't think of such a simple method.

But at this time, it was too late for him to summon his broomstick.

His broom had long been locked in the box and could not be summoned.

Secondly, this kind of targeted ultra-long-distance summoning requires training in advance. Harry asked Hermione to help him practice for a long time before he played this trick.

"The Hungarian Horntail Dragon couldn't catch up with Harry Potter riding the Firebolt. This top-notch broomstick, after shining in the World Cup, showed its superior performance in the Triwizard Tournament,"

Ludo took the opportunity to advertise Firebolt, and he couldn't afford to pay for the advertising fee.

"While Harry lured away the Hungarian Horntail Dragon, Hermione came to the dragon's nest and took away two golden eggs without harming other dragon eggs in the nest."

According to the rules, in addition to the two golden eggs, there are also several other prop eggs in the dragon's nest.

These prop eggs cannot be taken away. Once destroyed, the warrior's points will be deducted.

"Beautiful [Shrinking Spell]. Although the use of space expansion spell props is prohibited in the competition, Hermione still successfully prevented the impact of holding the golden egg on her mobility through the [Shrinking Spell]. It seems that she knows very well that the key to the competition is not only It’s to get the golden egg, and to ‘persist for thirty minutes’. Even if you get the golden egg through trickery, as long as the warrior can’t keep the golden egg from the fire dragon’s pursuit, it’s still a failure.”

"Look, at this time, the Hungarian Horntail Dragon has discovered that its eggs have been stolen. It has given up chasing Mr. Potter. No matter how provocative it is, this Fire Dragon only has one goal in its eyes, and that is to steal its eggs. The culprit, Miss Granger, is in danger, how will she deal with it?"

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