Three ferocious adult dragons that looked like fire dragons were imprisoned in a field surrounded by thick wooden boards. They were standing on their hind legs, roaring and snorting.

Balls of fire spurted from their open, fanged mouths and shot into the air.

They seemed to be trying to struggle away from the fence, but several long vines stretched out from the ground and tied their feet and wings tightly. A beautiful horsewoman was holding her hands on her chest, distressed. Look at these three guys.

Around them, there were at least ten wizards taking turns casting spells on them, trying to calm down the three fire dragons.

"What's going on, Charlie?"

Levin took the initiative to find the person in charge here and asked about the situation.

The other party is none other than the eldest brother of the Weasley family, Charlie Weasley, who works at a dragon farm in Romania.

The partner of this Triwizard Tournament is the Dragon Farm to which he belongs, and he is the person to connect with this project.

He looked at Levin, nodded friendly, and said half-jokingly: "Hello, Levin, are you here for an inspection?"

"And Harry and Hermione, what are you..."

"Both of them are Hogwarts warriors," Levin said with a smile, "I took them to see what they will face, so that they can be mentally prepared and write suicide notes in advance.

Harry's head was full of black lines after hearing this,

Hermione rolled her eyes at the boy.

How could this be such a joke?

"That's it...that's it." Charlie was not surprised by Levin's cheating behavior. He obviously understood the tradition of the Triwizard Tournament very well.

More than this, the fact that Harry and Hermione became warriors surprised him even more, "Look, Harry and Hermione, you have both become warriors. Little Ronald has a great eye for making friends...but I Guess he doesn't think so himself.

He is worthy of being Ronald's big brother. He understands his youngest brother very well.

After exchanging pleasantries, Charlie got down to business.

"Sorry, Levin, as per your request, we specially selected three wild and untamed fire dragons for the warriors to compete... But you see, they are a bit too wild and untamed. 11

Just then, the centaur saw Levin and jumped to his side.

"Levin, you're here." Her expression was very happy, and her rainbow-colored hair was very eye-catching.

"And Hermione, it turns out you are a Hogwarts warrior, hello." She said hello to Hermione again.

"Hello, Daisy." Hermione waved to her familiarly.

Hermione was familiar with this centaur who often visited the tower. She knew that the mushroom circle near the tower led to her home.

As the chairman of the Erudite Society, Hermione would occasionally ask her to help collect some of the society's "teaching aids"

"So you're here to help tie up the fire dragon, right?" Hermione asked after seeing the vines on the fire dragon's body.

"Yes, these three guys are too violent, and those wizards are too useless. They are far behind you." Speaking of this, Daisy couldn't help but complain. She looked at Levin: "When will you How can we get these three guys away? They have been yelling all day long, and the dragon breath they sprayed burned many trees, and the small animals in the Forbidden Forest were frightened.

"Don't worry Daisy," Levin immediately agreed, "the first game will start in a while. The three fire dragons will be taken away by then, and they won't stay here for too long.

"Le... Levin, you mean, we have to deal with the fire dragon in the first game?"

Only then did Harry react, his voice trembling when he spoke.

This is too foul. Haven't you seen that there are ten adult wizards dealing with each fire dragon now?

But Hermione is focused on another question: "There are obviously six warriors now, so why are we only given three dragons?"

Harry glanced at Hermione in horror, feeling that the little witch was a little too extreme.

He thinks two fire dragons are too scary. You still want to deal with one person alone... If that's the case, he'd better quit the game. Whoever wants to be the bad warrior can be the winner.

"In fact, Ludo and Crouch Sr. also proposed adding three more dragons, but I rejected it.

Levin explained,

"Actually, the three dragons can already meet the competition requirements, as long as we slightly change the competition method. After all, each school has two players this time, which can just add some teamwork elements to make the competition more exciting.

Then, he looked at Harry and added: "Don't worry, we don't expect the Warriors to defeat the Fire Dragon. Fire Dragon Lord is the ten obstacles for you to achieve the bid for the competition. 17

After hearing this, Harry's pale face became much better.

While they were discussing, those fire dragons were still making a fuss,

Charlie tried to direct his men to cast the [Stun Curse] on the fire dragon, but it always failed to work.

The fire dragon's magic resistance is really strong.

At this time, the sound of whistling wind suddenly came from the sky,

Everyone looked up to the sky and saw a gorgeous woman in luxurious clothes, flying down from the sky with a pair of dragon wings fanning behind her back.

After she landed, the dragon wings on her back disappeared.

"What's going on? I'm just absent for a short while, so you can't deal with these guys? Are you the moon-crazy beast? You're too useless."

As soon as the woman landed, the dragon trainers issued sharp criticisms.

Her words sounded a bit harsh to Harry, but these dragon trainers all bowed their heads obediently and accepted the punishment. Not only did they not dare to refute, they also criticized themselves.

"Sorry, we are useless."

"I disappoint you, Miss Presto.

"I'm really sorry."

"Your Majesty, please punish me!"

I always feel like there are strange people among the dragon trainers.

"Forget it, you all step aside and I'll handle it.

Harry saw the woman roll her eyes and then turn straight to the dragon in the fence.

"Hey, you idiots, shut up!"

Harry felt ridiculous for the woman's somewhat "innocent" behavior.

Who would think that with just one word in front of the fire dragon, he could make the fire dragon surrender and retreat without a fight?

Then he was slapped in the face.

Hearing the woman's scolding, the three fire dragons seemed to have turned into obedient dogs. They retracted their wings, lowered their bodies, and put their huge heads close to the ground.

It was like worshiping her.

" she?" Harry asked Charlie dumbfounded, "How could she make the dragon so obedient?"

"Ms. Katrana Prestor, Director of the Office of Beasts in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, is a famous dragon-training expert. She can make fire dragons obey with her power alone. She is called the Queen of Fire Dragons in the industry."

…0Please give me flowers…

Charlie introduced Katrana to Harry, looking at her with eyes full of obsession.

I really want to turn into a fire dragon and be scolded by her,

"In addition, she is also the second magical Animagus after Levin. Everyone thinks that her Animagus is a fire dragon, but no one has seen her complete transformation, but it is only Just the partial transformation skills are enough to go down in history."

"Those are all techniques Levin taught me." Katlana walked over and explained casually, "Whether it's the magic Animagus or partial transformation, he invented it.

"That's it!" Charlie nodded, looking at Levin with more admiration.

But Levin was not happy about it,

He stepped forward directly and roughly pulled Katrana to the corner next to her.

"What's the matter with you?" He asked the female black dragon, "I let you have the authority to partially transform, not to expose you to others.

"If you can't expose it to others, isn't that the same as restricting this authority?" Katrana or Onyxia explained with a smile, "It's not like you don't know

At the Ministry of Magic, I have to get along with outsiders all day long. If you don't let me use partial transformation in front of outsiders, it is basically equivalent to prohibiting transformation. "

Speaking of this, she stepped forward and hugged Levin's arm, burying his arm completely, and said in a coquettish tone,

"Besides, Hogwarts doesn't allow space to move. If you don't let me use my wings, commuting will be too troublesome. You don't want me to be exhausted... Anyway, you can't even use the magic Animag Now that Si has shown it, there is no need to hide this skill, just think of it as a convenience for me, okay, man."

Listening to the Black Dragon Princess acting coquettishly at him in a coquettish tone, Levin suddenly felt like his hair was standing on end.

This female dragon is really good at it.

No wonder in the WOW world line, she was able to control the government of the Kingdom of Storm for so long simply by relying on her status as a female noble.

Even the legendary warrior Bolvar Fordragon was under her control.

Especially when she was so angry just now, reprimanding all the dragon trainers like a queen, and now she went to Levin to humble herself and call him "master", this contrast...

You know, she is usually reluctant to say this word.

She was like this, so Levin decided to give her some face.

"Then... do what you want, but for now, don't expose any more things, including your dragon blood transformation... don't let me hear that you are using yourself colleagues as guinea pigs.

"No problem, hey hey, I knew it would be fine if I was trapped.

"No! Stinky Dalong, this is not your master, this is Aiwu's master!"

Seeing that the female black dragon was sticky with its master, Aiwu, who originally came to play with Onyxia, finally couldn't help it anymore and flew directly to Levin's head to declare his sovereignty.

After a fight between the two parties, Levin continued to leave Aiwu in the care of Onyxia, while he took Hermione and Harry back to the castle.

Before leaving, Levin reminded Hermione: "Remember to go home in the evening and see you if I need anything."

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