My Understanding Is Incredible, I Built A Floating City In Hogwarts

Chapter 316 If You’Re Not Caught, It’S Not Cheating

After the examination, Ollivander reluctantly returned the metal wand to Hermione.

Karkaroff on the side suddenly stood up and asked:

"Wait a minute, Mr. Ollivander, you just said that this metal wand is more powerful than an ordinary wand. This seems unfair to other warriors. I think we should ban him from using this wand in the competition!"

"The Triwizard Cup doesn't stipulate that warriors cannot use improved wands, right? Karkaroff?" Dumbledore frowned and said dissatisfied.

"But the charter mentions that the use of super-standard magic props is prohibited. In my opinion, Miss Granger's wand should fall into this category!" Karkaroff argued.

When he heard that this wand was made by Levin, Karkaroff realized the problem.

This Levin Green seems to be very close to the Hogwarts warrior Hermione Granger.

This is not good.

In order to prevent Levin from participating, they had to tolerate him becoming one of the organizers and obtaining the position of judge. This choice was biased enough to favor Hogwarts.

Who knew that he stopped Levin, but did not stop him from pushing his own people to the position of warriors.

What if Levin was allowed to help this girl unscrupulously?

Madame Maxime also agreed with Karkaroff, but before she could express her agreement, Levin had already retorted tit-for-tat:

"The wand is just a magic prop used daily. What kind of power it can exert depends on the wizard's own ability. How can it be disabled casually just because its power is slightly beyond the norm?"

He looked at Karkaroff, then looked at Krum, and his tone became stern: "If we really want to ban Hermione's wand, then I would like to point out that broomsticks used in competitions like Firebolt are also magic that destroys the balance. Props, everyone can only use cornflowers in the competition."

Cornflower is a brand that specializes in household broomsticks. It has the characteristics of "safety" and "reliability" and also has a built-in anti-theft buzzer.

As for speed...

Let's put it this way, the difference between Firebolt and Cornflower is the difference between F1 racing and Lao Tou Le.

Then, Levin looked at Madame Maxime and Fleur again, and said sorry to the girl in his heart:

"In addition, I think Miss Fleur's bloodline is also beyond the norm. I may need to suggest that she cover her face during the competition, so as not to use Veela's ability to "affect the performance of other voters and the judges' scores!"

Karkaroff choked on Levin's words.

As a Warrior of Durmstrang, one of Krum's biggest advantages is his super flying skills as a Quidditch star. The specific events of the competition have not yet been announced, and he does not know whether he will use them by then. .

But if you can only use Cornflower, no matter how powerful your talent is, you won't be able to use it.

Madame Maxime on the side also shut up obediently. Fleur can choose a warrior. In addition to her own superb magic, the ability brought by her Veela blood is also a great supplement. Once she is banned, what will happen to Beauxbatons? It is a great loss.

Seeing that the three parties were about to quarrel, Ollivander had to stand up and say something fair:

"Gentlemen and ladies, please allow me to say a stone."

"Miss Granger's wand was made at least half a year ago. It seems that it was not specially prepared for this competition. I don't think it is worthy of vigilance. In addition, a convenient wand is particularly important for the warrior's strength. If you need to change it temporarily, A wand would be too unfair to Miss Granger!"

"That's right!" Levin immediately responded, "If Hermione's wand is really to be banned, then I suggest that all contestants ban their own wands and everyone uses the wands issued by the competition. What do you think?"

This reason completely refuted Karkaroff and Madam Maxim.

They had no choice but to accept the fact that Hermione could use a powerful wand in the competition.

But Karkaroff still said: "In this case, the wand matter is over, but you must ensure that you cannot provide Miss Granger with powerful magic items that will affect the game."

"Of course." Levin nodded.

Cheating Hermione through magic items was something he never thought about in the first place.

Otherwise, Gwen and Oriana are also magic items.

Levin wants to help Hermione, but the method is risky.

"Okay, now that the warriors' wands have been tested, what are we waiting for? (dadc) Come over and take photos!" Bagman saw that the atmosphere on the field was a bit awkward, and hurriedly stepped in to adjust it.

Under Bagman's enthusiastic urging, Karkaroff and Maxim reluctantly suppressed their dissatisfaction, and together with Dumbledore, took photos with several warriors.

After finally finishing the wand testing ceremony, Levin directly stopped Hermione and Harry and led them outside the castle.

"Levin, what is going on?" Hermione was a little surprised, "I still have to prepare for the next competition. You know, there are more Triwizard Tournaments in history than anything else. I need to make more plans. "

Harry also has the same problem. In order to perform better in the game, he is now working hard.

The "Potter stinks" badge was too irritating to him.

"It's not necessary," Levin shook his head, "As long as I'm here, you don't need to cast a wide net. The props for the first project just arrived today, and I asked you to go visit them.

Levin's tone was understated, as if it was as simple as brushing your teeth in the morning.

"Levin, aren't you cheating by doing this?"

Hermione couldn't help but said,

The upright little witch doesn't want to use such means to win.

Levin listened and couldn't help but shook his head: "Have you forgotten what I told you? Cheating is also a tradition of the Triwizard Tournament. As long as you are not caught, it doesn't count."

"Even if I don't tell them, the principals of several other schools will tell their warriors soon, so there's no need to think so much. You just know a few days before them."

Hearing what Levin said, Hermione felt that her outlook on life had collapsed.

I didn't expect that Dumbledore, with his thick eyebrows and big eyes, would actually do such a thing.

Seeing her like this, Levin couldn't help but shake his head.

This girl still hasn’t seen through the nature of society.

The so-called Western contract society is not just "I can do whatever is not prohibited by law", but "it's my fault not to be caught".

Everything from the tradition of doping in sports competitions to the most upright political donations, various human experiments and sterilizations targeting vulnerable groups are all products of this principle.

The same is corruption. In the moral society of the Dragon Kingdom, everyone still knows that this is wrong and can only do it in private while maintaining dignity on the surface.

However, in the so-called civilized society, this kind of thing is completely aboveboard and is not even acted out. As long as there is no evidence of benefit transfer, political donations are not called bribes.

This is what Levin admires about Hermione,

No matter how naive her little mind is, she is indeed a kind girl.

With Harry and Hermione, whose outlook on life was shattered, Guowen walked all the way to the Forbidden Forest King.

Hermione suddenly heard something,

First there were the shouts of several wizards, and then there was a deafening roar.

That roar was extremely familiar to her—by the way, "she had heard this sound at the World Cup.

After bypassing a thick bush, the two saw an incredible scene.

Fire dragon. .

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