When Hermione returned to the tower after dinner, she found that Levin had been waiting for a long time.

Also staying in the tower with him were Zhang Qiu and Luna.

"So, why did you call me here?"

Hermione curiously guessed,

"Are you going to teach me how to deal with the fire dragon?"

"No, it's not." Levin shook his head, "But after tonight, you don't need to learn the spells to deal with fire dragons. You can defeat those fire dragons by yourself.

After that, he no longer pretended, but took out a test tube filled with bright red liquid.

"I have found the magical Animagus material suitable for you. It was sent from Neon two days ago.

"Magical Animagus?" Hermione heard this and was a little eager to try, "What kind of animal's blood is that?"

"It's Nekomata," Levin explained to her. "This is a magical creature that is widely found in Dragon Kingdom and Neon. It looks almost exactly like an ordinary cat, but it has two tails."

"Cats have extraordinary agility and powerful magic power, and can transform into humans they have seen. They often use this ability to easily travel between markets, and ordinary people cannot find their traces."

"Nekomata is not usually hostile to humans, but that does not mean that they are not threatening. Nekomata's fangs and claws carry a fatal curse, which can make those harmed by it sick. Legend has it that Nekomata was killed by Nekomata People will become inferi that obey Nekomata.

Hearing Levin's description, Hermione's expression was wonderful,

She had long heard Levin say that magical Animagus, like ordinary Animagus, needed to consider adaptability, and not just any animal could change at will.

However, the magical animagus can be screened and tested to identify species with high adaptability, which can avoid the lottery situation like traditional transformation, and there is a high probability that it will be selected.

But how could “Nekomata” be the one that suits me best?

When she thinks that her Animagus will be a cat-like creature, she will think of the nightmare she had when she transformed into half human and half cat.

Even though Levin later helped her transform back into a human form, he left her with a tail and a pair of cat ears and forced her to masturbate for a month.

Now I was told that the magical Animagus that suits me is Nekomata.

It was hard for Hermione not to suspect that this was all out of Levin's bad taste.

But on the other hand, she really hopes to become a magical Animagus soon.

If successful, she will be the second truly magical Animagus after Levin.

In this way, not only can she help Levin better, but she can also deal with the Triwizard Tournament more easily.

"Really...can I really just become Nekomata?"

Hermione glanced at Levin and felt that he had a bad smile on his face.

But considering that Zhang Qiu and Luna were nearby, it was hard for her to mention her dark history, so she had no choice but to say: "Well...that's fine."

So, Levin dug out the crystal bottle belonging to Hermione from under the oak tree. It also contained her saliva and a teaspoon of dew. The potion had already absorbed the essence of the moon and turned red.

Levin then began to prepare a transformation potion suitable for Hermione, and while preparing it, he reminded her of the things she needed to pay attention to when she transformed for the first time.

In most cases, stress and fear come from the unknown,

If you fully understand the details, you will not be afraid, and a stable mental state will help increase the chance of transformation.

Several people came under the oak tree, and the bright moon was hanging high at this time.

After Levin's modifications, the new Animagus ritual does not need to wait for stormy weather at all. Instead, like a real wilderness ritual, it needs to choose a moonlit night.

This makes this ritual much more convenient than the original version.

Levin handed the prepared potion to Hermione, put his hand on Hermione's shoulder, and said firmly: "Don't worry, I'm here.

Hermione looked at Levin and nodded vigorously, taking the potion.

She looked at Levin in front of her, hesitated for a moment, and drank the potion in one gulp.

Hermione wiped the remaining potion from the corner of her mouth and suddenly frowned.

She felt her internal organs begin to churn, as if she had just swallowed several live snakes.

She bent down, recalling the experience that Levin had just taught her, began to use Animagus transformation and tried to feel the power of the potion...

Suddenly, a burning feeling spread rapidly from her stomach throughout her body, reaching to her fingers and toes.

Then there was a terrible melting feeling, as if the skin all over his body was bubbling like hot wax, causing him to lie on the ground panting.

An unpredictable force enveloped her whole body. She became sensitive and jealous, wanting to run, want to play pranks, and want to explore the world.

Hermione shook her head desperately to keep herself calm,

She is unwilling to lose her composure in front of Levin. She hopes to always maintain a good image in front of Levin.

However, this new magic still tried to transform her thinking,

Compared with ordinary animals, magical Animagus not only has to fight against wild nature, but also insists on not being affected by supernatural nature - you know, many magical creatures are born with personality biases, and all of this is closely related to its power. .0

For example, the Chimera is inherently evil and its body is full of dark magic.

The feathered serpent is just the opposite. This kind of creature is kind in nature and can naturally use positive magic.

As for Nekomata, this creature is also called a cat demon, and naturally it has a unique personality.

Just when Hermione felt that she was about to be swallowed up by this power, a familiar aura filled her heart, helping her to firmly resist the influence of external forces.

"This is...Levin's power!"

Although it was just a feeling in her heart, Hermione still instinctively recognized the source of the power.

The two have been together day and night for several years, and she is very familiar with this aura.

"Sorry to trouble you again."

Aid from Levin's psychic power gave Hermione new courage,

She calmed down and faced Nekomata's power head-on again.

Only by withstanding the influence of this power can she truly master Nekomata's magic.

Synchronous with the spiritual confrontation is physical pain,

Hermione felt pain from the bone marrow all over her body, and watched her hands and legs getting thinner.

Then her whole body began to shrink, as if she had been stuffed into a narrow suitcase, which made him unbearably painful;

Torn coccyx—a 5.9-degree pain told her that something was shooting out from behind her butt;

As her figure shrunk, her robe merged with her body, and brown and white cat hair grew from the beginning,

She wanted to move her body and change direction, but what she got was four cat claws dancing wildly.

From walking on two legs to walking on four legs,

Hermione, who was completely unadapted, failed to control the balance of her new body and fell to the ground.

While she fell down and did not make any big movements, Levin and the others had the opportunity to carefully observe Hermione's magical Animagus form.

She is now a large cat with a length of two meters. The two tails that swing back and forth are 80 centimeters long. Her fur is brown and white. The entire head and back are covered with brown hair that is the same color as her hair. There are some black stripes, while the belly and muzzle are white, and the sun has bright golden eyes.

It was a Nekomata. .

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