The next day, while having breakfast, Levin received a notice that he needed to participate in the wand testing ceremony.

Dumbledore arranged a smaller classroom for wand testing, and most of the desks were pushed to the back of the classroom, leaving a large open space in the middle.

In the center of the classroom, three desks are lined up in front of the blackboard, covered with a long piece of velvet.

Behind the velvet-covered desk, there were six chairs, and on one of them sat Ludo Bagman.

"Oh! So it's not a warrior. Hello Levin, you were the first one to arrive!"

Ludo Bagman was still as enthusiastic. He took a few steps forward and took Levin's hand. "This is your first time to participate. Maybe you don't know that the purpose of convening everyone this time is to help the warriors perform a wand testing ceremony." That’s all.”

"Detection wand?"

Levin asked with some confusion.

"Just checking to see if your wands are working properly. This is a routine step in the Triwizard Tournament."

Bagman approached Levin and whispered, "As you know, the wand is the most important prop for the Warriors in the next game. We must ensure that no one tamperes with the wand. Of course, the expert who helps them test the wand is Ollivander is the old man who sells wands in Diagon Alley. He is one of our own from Hogwarts, so "you understand, right?"

Soon, Professor Karkaroff, Ms. Maxim, and Mr. Crouch all came to this small classroom, and sat behind the long velvet table under the guidance of Bagman.

The door creaked, and a blond witch wearing a magenta robe stepped in. She adjusted her jewel-encrusted glasses and raised a thick eyebrow when she saw Levin.

It was Levin's old acquaintance, Rita Skeeter.

Hermione slipped in from behind and stood next to Levin.

The young wizards from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons walked in behind Dumbledore, with Harry walking at the end.

"This is Estella Dumont." Fleur took the initiative to introduce Levin, "The girl from the Dumont family, her brother David is a famous genius in Beauxbatons. Of course, for you, it's not even close. ."

Beauxbatons does have some yin and yang, and the two warriors he selected in a row are both girls.

Levin's eyes swept over the other person,

Well, it looks okay, but it's far worse than Hibiscus.

Another warrior of Durmstrang is called Polyakov, a hook-nosed boy with a goatee who follows Karkaroff all day long and seems to be his assistant in managing students.

"Now, warriors, let the most charming blonde Rita Skeeter take you to the wider world. At the request of the Ministry of Magic, we will take photos and interviews for you, the unprecedented six warriors. We will finish taking photos in a moment. Please stay after the photo, we still need to conduct a one-person interview."

Rita shook her golden hair, "They made the right choice, I am the best reporter] My unruly quill has exposed many flashy false names——

"Well, I have to say, your article about the International Confederation of Wizards was really great," Dumbledore interrupted, his eyes sparkling. "I especially loved reading your description of me as a rigid old man. The crazy part.”

Rita Skeeter showed no sign of shame.

"I just wanted to point out that some of your views are a bit outdated, Dumbledore, and many wizards out there -

"I would love to hear your frank reasoning, Rita," said Dumbledore, smiling slightly and bowing politely, "but I'm afraid we will have to discuss this issue later. For now, let's start with the warriors. Let’s take a group photo.”

The photographer Rita had brought with her jumped up.

"Uh--Okay, let's take a group photo first," Rita Skeeter said, her eyes falling on Levin, "Maybe I'll take some solo photos later.

Levin rolled his eyes at her, "Don't even think about taking pictures of me this time, Rita, this time I'm not a player, but the organizer and referee.

"That's a pity." Rita sighed artificially.

Just before she was about to take the warriors into the hut one by one, Shiwen stopped her:

"Miss Skeeter, this is not the first time we have cooperated. The conditions this time are very simple. I don't want to see the scandal between Hermione and Fleur. As for the rest, you can do whatever you want.

"Of course, Mr. Green, I'll be happy to help you."

After waiting for a long time, after all the warriors were interviewed, the warriors were led back to the long velvet table.

"Please allow me to introduce Mr. Ollivander." Dumbledore said to the warriors after sitting down on the referee's bench, "He will check your wands to make sure they are in good condition before the game.

"Miss Delacour, you come first, okay?" Mr. Ollivander said, walking to the open space in the center of the room.

Fleur Delacour walked lightly to Mr. Ollivander and handed him her wand.

"Well..." he said.

He rotated the wand between his slender fingers like a baton, and the wand sprayed out many pink and gold sparks. Then he brought the wand closer to his eyes and studied it carefully.

"That's right," he said softly, "nine and a half inches... very strong... made of maple... containing... oh, my God. ..."

"Contains a Veela hair," said Fleur. "My grandmother's hair."

"Yes," said Mr. Ollivander. "Yes, of course, I have never used Veela hair myself. I think a wand made of Veela hair would be too sensitive and willful...but , everyone has their own hobbies, since it suits you...………….”

Mr. Ollivander ran his fingers over the wand, apparently checking it for scratches and bruises. Then, he whispered: "Orchids are blooming!" A bouquet of flowers bloomed on the broken wand.

Next came Estella, Krum, and Polyakov. Although some of them were not made by him, he could tell the material and length of the wands as soon as he started using them, and he also picked out some minor flaws.

Harry's wand received high praise from him, claiming that it was one of his proudest masterpieces.

Until he saw Hermione's wand.

"々`Fully metal wand, my God, I have never seen this kind of craftsmanship before!" Ollivander carefully took the wand and held it carefully in his hand, as if he had found a treasure.

"It is entirely made of fairy silver, eleven inches long, and the core of the wand is... some kind of material I have never seen before, but it must be very powerful. The magic patterns on it seem to strengthen magic and conduction.


The core of the metal wand is basically made of Aiwu's feathers, and of course Ollivander has never seen it before.

He looked at the wand again and again, and it took him a full five minutes before he reluctantly let it go and looked at the girl.

"Miss Granger, I have the impression that you bought your first wand from me.

"10 and 3/4 inches, vine wood wand, with a dragon heartstring core," Hermione said generously, "That wand once helped me a lot. As for the one you have, it was a gift from Levin." gift to me.

"It's amazing. You are definitely a true wand-making master." Ollivander looked at Levin with a burning gaze. "I wish I could directly communicate with him about the techniques of making wands."

This title made Levin sweat profusely.

He suddenly remembered that he had arranged for Ollivander behind his back like this (okay, okay),

Is this retribution after so many years?

At this time, everyone looked at Levin in surprise, including Dumbledore.

You know, although Ollivander's family is not the only one making wands in the world, there is only one German wand master Grigovitch who can be as famous as him.

But they all use traditional wooden wands and magic materials as wand cores, and no one has ever made a metal wand.

From Ollivander's description just now, everyone can tell that this metal wand is not just a gimmick, but it can actually be used, and it seems to be very powerful.

Homemade magic, magical animagus, potions, alchemy, Quidditch, making wands...what else does he not know how to do?

Karkaroff and Maxim are increasingly glad that excluding Levin from the contestants was the most correct choice they made.

Update [5/4], additional update [60/95 West]

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