After falling out with Ronald, Harry felt more and more lonely.

Hermione Granger became his only good friend,

In addition, both of them are Hogwarts warriors,

He always has a feeling of sympathy for the other person,

This made Hermione a little embarrassed,

A year ago, she would have been happy to work with Harry and Ronald.

But after a whole school year of alienation, everything changed.

Now she is no longer a member of the trio of saviors, nor is she just a Gryffindor know-it-all.

She is also the president of the Erudite Society, a member of the Genius Club, and has developed her own small circle.

She has become accustomed to staying with Levin, made friends with Qiu Zhang and Luna, and her relationship with Ginny is getting better and better.

This group of girls made Hermione truly feel the friendship with the same sex,

The only thing to worry about is that once the topic involves a certain scumbag, there will always be a quarrel.

All in all, she seemed to have gotten used to life without Harry and Ronald.

Now that she is back to the past, the girl feels very awkward.

The two of them went all the way to the auditorium for breakfast,

Along the way, people greeted them from time to time.

Especially the little wizards of Gryffindor, they seem to regard them as heroes.

"Come on, Granger and Potter! Let the people of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang take a closer look. We, Hogwarts, are the most outstanding school!" a senior Gryffindor shouted at them.

"Thank you, I won't let you down!" Hermione responded with a smile.

The experience of the Boshi Society has really trained the girls in how to deal with others.

Harry on the other hand was very reserved. He was a little envious of Hermione's calm response, but also a little strange.

Hermione a year ago would never have been able to do this.

As for himself, whenever someone cheers for him, he always seems very flustered and doesn't know how to respond.

He was worried that he was not capable enough and was not worthy of these people's expectations.

When he arrived at the Great Hall, Harry realized that the situation was worse than he imagined.

Compared to the Gryffindor students who welcomed them exceptionally, the young wizards from the other three colleges had mixed reviews for them.

Fortunately for Hermione, although the registration method was suspected of being tricky, she cracked the age line with her wisdom and explained the specific method generously. What's more, she also has the support of a group of young wizards from the Erudite Society.

Harry was different. As soon as he stepped into the auditorium, he heard someone talking about him.

When passing by the Slytherin table, he even heard one student guessing that he forced Hermione to help him cheat in order to become a warrior.

These sounds made Harry feel very uncomfortable.

When they passed near Ravenclaw's long table, they were suddenly surrounded by a group of wizards.

Seeing this, Harry felt his fragile heart suddenly beating faster.

These people were from every house, and he knew many of them, such as Luna from Ravenclaw, Ginny from Gryffindor, the Padma sisters, Levin's roommates Steve and Kevin, and even a few Slytherin wizards. .

The leader of this group of people is Zhang Qiu,

This beautiful Chinese girl is walking towards them with a gentle smile and a cheerful face.

Harry subconsciously imagined that the other party was here to show his support.

But the reality is very skinny,

His goddess Zhang Qiu didn't even look at him and came straight to Hermione.

"Hey Hermione, we have something good to show you!"

As she spoke, she deliberately puffed out her chest and showed Hermione a large circular badge pinned to the front of her school uniform.

The badge is indeed not small, and it is very delicate. It is obviously made with exquisite craftsmanship.

The background of the badge is the "Intellect" emblem of the Erudite Society, and there is also a cartoon portrait of Hermione on it, in which Hermione is pulling out her wand gracefully.

"There are other changes to this badge."

After Zhang Qiu said that, he took out his wand and pointed at the badge.

Hermione's portrait on the badge immediately turned into a row of large red letters:

Support Hermione Granger!

The most important thing is that this kind of badge is not the only one worn by Zhang Qiu.

Nearly everyone behind her had one on their chest.

"Thank you...thank you for your support."

For a moment, Hermione's cheeks turned red as she was surrounded by dozens of badges.

I don't know if it was dyed red by the red letters shining on the badge, or because I felt too moved.

"How's it going? Not bad, right? Levin handed this out early in the morning, and everyone in the Literary Society has one!"

Zhang Qiu directly named the "culprit".

Hermione looked towards the Ravenclaw's long table. The boy was sitting on his seat, smiling at her.

Hermione felt a little moist at the corners of her eyes.

It was impossible for Harry not to envy Hermione for being so popular.

Krum and Fleur, who are both warriors, also receive the same treatment and are sought after by boys and girls in various colleges at Hogwarts.

He was the only one who was not well received. Except for the Gryffindor students, no one in the other colleges recognized his status as a warrior. He was tired of hearing the secret cynicism.

How he wished someone could wear a badge and support him.

And then he got his wish—in a way he didn't intend.

When he went to his torturous Potions class, he found the Slytherin students waiting outside the classroom, each with a large badge pinned to the front of their robes.

Harry didn't react for a moment. When he got closer, he saw clearly that his name was printed on the badges, but the rest of the wording was not so appropriate.

The badge was glowing green and read: "Potter stinks."

"Do you like it, Potter?" Seeing Harry approaching, Malfoy said loudly, "If you like it, I can help you distribute the badges to more supporters.

Harry couldn't help but clenched his fists.

Soon, Levin heard rumors about Harry and Malfoy's fight.

Without the help of Hermione and Ronald, Harry suffered a disastrous defeat this time.

In addition, the incident happened in front of the Potions classroom, so Snape did not hesitate to deduct fifty points from Harry when he arrived.

As for Malfoy, his punishment was one day of confinement on the weekend, and he was let off lightly.

This series of events gave Harry a huge blow.

Ronald had a falling out with him, Hermione had her own things to do, and Levin was even more confused.

In desperation, Harry had to go to Hagrid for comfort.

Then he saw Levin who couldn't find anyone at Hagrid's place.

But what attracted him most at this time was Hagrid's outfit.

He wore an ugly, wrinkled brown suit, and his hair was neatly combed and styled with a lot of grease.

But from the pungent smell in his hair, one could tell that “this grease is probably the lubricating oil from Hagrid’s motorcycle.

When Harry walked into the cabin, he immediately covered his nose.

Because he smelled a very strange smell,

Harry could smell the aroma of malt liquor, the sweet smell of latex fudge, the strong smell of cologne, and the pungent smell of machine oil.

The mixed smell made him scream,

No wonder Levin still had to sit by the window even though it was so windy outside.

"Are you going to meet someone?" Harry asked curiously.

"It's not that I'm meeting's just that I suddenly felt that I should pay attention to my appearance." Hagrid blushed.

Then he turned to Levin: "You know you think she...will like my outfit?"

"Who is he talking about?" Harry was even more confused.

"Of course it's Mrs. Maxim?" Levin gave the expected answer, "Hagrid is asking me for advice on how to chase girls."

When Harry found out about this, Hagrid was a little embarrassed. She kept rubbing her big hands and explained in a low voice (according to Hagrid's standards): "I was deeply fascinated by her when we first met. Her shoulders are so beautiful." The ground is wide and the legs are so strong..."

Harry felt that Hagrid's adjective was a bit strange.

But if you think about it carefully, such a tall Madame Maxime actually matches Hagrid quite well.

Then Harry discovered that he was also the redundant one with Hagrid.

Because he couldn't get a word in on this topic - growing up, the only girl he had ever liked was Zhang Qiu, and it was a one-sided crush. Let alone pursuing her, he could just say a few more words to her. Less than.

Therefore, he could only listen to Levin talk about everything from "Evolutionary Psychology" to "Thirty-six Strategies for Love" to "Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus". Both Hagrid and Harry were stunned. Stunned.

After listening, Hagrid looked at Levin with eyes full of admiration. No wonder he was so fascinated by the half-Veela.

Even Harry shouted that he was a loser.

It's a pity that Levin has two most crucial secrets, but he didn't reveal them.

The first is that I am handsome enough,

The second is to know what women are thinking.

With these two items, it is natural that one method can be applied to all methods. Various secrets will be available no matter how you play them, and they will work no matter how you try them.

If you don't master two of them, everything else is empty talk.

If they foolishly followed Levin's instructions, they would definitely fail.

Unaware that he had tricked someone, Levin returned to the castle with the satisfaction of helping others.

And Harry returned to the lounge with a head full of unnecessary knowledge.

In the end, he still couldn't find anyone to talk to. .

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