Dumbledore took out his wand and waved it widely.

Immediately, except for the candles in the jack-o-lantern, all the other candles were extinguished, and the auditorium suddenly fell into a state of semi-darkness.

The Goblet of Fire now emits a dazzling light, brighter than anything in the entire auditorium, and the blue-white flames bursting with sparks are simply dazzling.

Everyone was watching and waiting... A few well-off Slytherins kept taking out their pocket watches to tell the time.

The flame in the goblet suddenly turned red again, and crackling sparks burst out.

Then, a tongue of fire jumped into the air, and a piece of burnt parchment flew out from it——Everyone in the auditorium held their breath.

Dumbledore caught the parchment and picked it up. This way he could see the words clearly by the light of the flames. The flames now returned to blue-white color.

"The champion of Durmstrang," he said clearly and forcefully, "is Viktor Krum."

There was polite applause in the auditorium - if Krum had caught the Golden Snitch in the world, there would have been more applause.

This result was not surprising at all. Karkaroff clapped his hands hard and said with a smile on his face: "Well done Viktor, I knew it was you!"

Viktor Krum stood up from the Slytherin table and walked listlessly towards Dumbledore.

He's been like this ever since he learned that Levin became the organizer, not the player.

In the World Cup, he lost to Levin in an almost humiliating way and was quite unconvinced.

Ever since he heard that the Triwizard Tournament was about to be held, he had been holding his breath, wanting to defeat Levin and prove himself.

I also want to show Hermione and let her know that I, Vector Krum, am no worse than that scumbag.

However, Levin suddenly changed his identity and became one of the organizers, with a status equivalent to that of several principals.

In this case, what if he wins the Triwizard Tournament?

Let Levin, as the organizer, give him the award?

That would be an even greater humiliation for him.

Under the guidance of a Gryffindor, the unhappy Krum turned to the right, walked forward along the staff table, and entered the next room 573 through the door.

The auditorium quickly returned to silence. Everyone wanted to know who the next warrior would be, and all eyes were focused on the Goblet of Fire.

After a few seconds, the flames turned red again. The second piece of parchment squatted out of the cup, driven by the flames.

"The Champion of Beauxbatons," said Dumbledore, "is Fleur Delacour!"

Fleur stood up gracefully amidst the vigorous slaps from the boys, shook her silver hair, and walked lightly between the tables of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff.

When she passed Levin, she generously gave him a hug.

When Fleur Delacour also entered the next room, the auditorium became quiet again,

This time the silence was filled with excitement so intense that you could almost taste it. Now it’s the turn of the Hogwarts Warriors...

Levin did not participate in the competition, which made this session suspenseful.

Everyone hopes that the Warriors can come from their own academy.

Cedric Diggory has a warm smile on his face. This upright and cheerful young man looks extremely calm, but only if you ignore his hands that hold the knife and fork backwards and show the veins in his hands.

Gryffindor's Angelina put her hands on the long table, her eyes fixed on the Goblet of Fire, and she mumbled something in her mouth.

Ravenclaw's Roger Davis stretched his neck and looked at the Goblet of Fire with eyes filled with anticipation.

Not to mention Slytherin, many senior students believed that they had to get the spot and almost started a fight before the results came out.

The third piece of parchment flew out quickly.

"The Warriors of Hogwarts -" Dumbledore said loudly, his face showing just the right amount of surprise, his gaze turned to Gryffindor's long table, and he spoke every word of the corridor.


"Hermione Granger!"

Under the gaze of everyone, Hermione stood up calmly.

Harry and Ronald were both shocked. They had no idea that Hermione had obtained the status of a warrior without telling them.

The noisy auditorium suddenly became silent, and the young wizards present stared at Hermione with wonder, questioning, and admiration. (chbc)

Although not as famous as Levin, Hermione has always been second only to Levin in academics.

Although the title "Miss Know-It-All" was a contemptuous one at first, as Hermione continued to prove herself, it gradually became an honorific title.

In addition, the young wizards of the Erudite Society unanimously supported Hermione.

They knew Hermione's abilities best.

After actually joining the Erudite Society, the little wizards also saw another side of Levin's genius.

For example, he often skips a certain class because he is busy with work and experiments.

As the current actual person in charge of the society, Hermione not only has to be responsible for management work, but also has to wipe the butt of her unscrupulous boss and help him teach.

Over time, Hermione gradually gained quite a reputation within the society.

Even the senior wizards within the society recognized Hermione's selection as a warrior.

But compared to the young wizards at Hogwarts, the wizards from the other two schools reacted much more violently.

Fleur and Krum, who had not yet walked out of the auditorium, also stopped and turned around.

The former showed an expression that was indeed the case, while the latter was extremely surprised.

Krum had no idea that he wanted to prove himself in front of Hermione through the Triwizard Tournament.

Who would have thought that Hermione would become his rival.

This made him a little at a loss.

Karkaroff slapped the table and stood up from his seat, looked at Hermione, and then glared at Dumbledore.

"Albus, if I remember correctly, according to the regulations, the candidate for the warrior should be an adult wizard over seventeen years old, not a fifteen-year-old brat!"

"Be patient, Karkaroff, you remember correctly. As for why this is happening, you have to ask Miss Granger!" Dumbledore said with interest.

In fact, it was beyond his expectation that Hermione would become a warrior, but when he thought about it carefully, it made sense.

You know, this little witch was once considered by him to be the savior's helper, and she has been paying attention to her since the first grade.

He knew all too well about Hermione's abilities and potential,

Hermione didn't show any panic on her face when everyone asked her.

On the contrary, the girl looked calm and had expected such a scene: "I wrote my name and school on the parchment as required, and threw it into the Goblet of Fire at the specified time. Obviously, the Goblet of Fire chose me to become the Huo The Warriors of Gwartz.”

Hermione's answer seemed to say everything, but in fact it was just nonsense that was always correct.

"Miss Granger, what we want to know is how you broke through that age limit!" Karkaroff frowned and pressed forward step by step.

He even suspected that Dumbledore secretly opened the back door for Hermione so that she could compete.

The little wizards in the great hall also stared at Hermione curiously, waiting for her answer.

Hermione shook her head and said firmly: "No, you misunderstood. I can't break Professor Dumbledore's magic!"

There was an uproar on the field,

Not only Karkaroff, but also Madame Maxime stood up and questioned whether Hermione had cheated to get the warrior spot.

At the same time, many young wizards who failed to win the election also clamored and demanded that Hermione's warrior status be revoked.

But Hermione was not swayed by these doubts. She calmly pointed to the Goblet of Fire on the high platform and said, "Who said you have to crack the age line before you can put your name in? Just let a student who meets the conditions put it in. Can’t we just take out the Goblet of Fire?”

"According to the rules of the Goblet of Fire, just write the name and school on a piece of parchment and put it into the Goblet of Fire, and I've already done that."

Hermione explained.

Can it still be like this?

The little wizards felt a little ridiculous when they heard this explanation.

They thought about it for a whole day and tried various methods but could not break through the age line.

However, Hermione used such a simple method to get around this problem.

George and Fred even beat their chests and regretted that they had not thought of this method.

Although Karkaroff and Maxim found it difficult to accept this fact, they had to admit that Hermione's method could indeed circumvent restrictions.

They even suspected that this was a loophole left by Dumbledore specifically for Hermione to compete.

However, when they looked at Dumbledore, they found that the centenarian's face was also full of shock, and it didn't look like he was pretending.

It took a while for Dumbledore to react and admit with a wry smile: "This is indeed my negligence..."

"Professor, my magic level is far inferior to yours, so I have to be clever!" Hermione replied sheepishly.

Here, she did not mention Levin and took the credit herself.

This was agreed upon in advance.

After all, Levin is already the organizer and will be a judge in the future. He needs to maintain impartiality and not let others know that he is partial to someone - at least on the surface.

The Triwizard Tournament does have a tradition of cheating, but this does not mean that it can be done unscrupulously.

The prerequisite for cheating is that you cannot be caught by others. As long as you are not caught, you are not cheating.

But this time, Hermione's statement was accepted by everyone.

After all, even the most ordinary little wizard can think of such a tricky plan.

But Dumbledore still praised the girl:

"This is nothing to be ashamed of, Miss Granger! For wizards, wisdom and strength are equally important. This time, you have taught us all a lesson.

He paused and looked around to make sure that every little wizard was listening to him attentively: "Sometimes, the strength of strength is not the key to victory or defeat. Miss Granger used her intelligence and unique problem-solving skills to This method successfully bypassed the seemingly insurmountable age limit. This is exactly one of the spirits that the main competition wants to emphasize.

Karkaroff and Maxim looked at the exchanges between the two, and they always felt that they were singing along as if they were acting, and they were very angry.

But no matter how unhappy he is, he can only hold it in his heart.

Because this method is very simple, everyone is likely to think that the little wizards in their academy failed to break through this loophole, and they can only blame themselves for not being smart enough.

What's more, choosing a warrior in the Goblet of Fire means signing a magical contract, which cannot be changed once it is confirmed.

They know this rule very clearly, and it is meaningless no matter how much they refute it.


Just when everyone was silent, a burst of applause came from the Ravenclaw table. Hermione turned her head and was surprised to find that the ones applauding were Zhang Qiu and Luna.

Although there were some conflicts with each other because of Levin, they showed amazing unity at critical moments.

Then, applause also broke out from Gryffindor and Slytherin,

It was Ginny and Astoria, who also had the courage to support Hermione, and Harry also joined them.

After that, it’s Padma and others

The backbone of the Boshu Society and the members of the Boshu Society also began to support their chairman.

Like a contagion, the applause in the auditorium became louder and louder, more and more people applauded, and finally everyone applauded.

Most of the young wizards put aside their prejudices and recognized Hermione's identity as a warrior, and many people began to cheer and shout.

"Awesome, Granger, I knew that age line wouldn't be a problem for you!"

"The Champion of Hogwarts, the Hero of Gryffindor!"

After a while of noise, Dumbledore coughed a few times, interrupting the harmonious atmosphere, and said loudly.

"Okay, it's not too late to celebrate later. Now that our three warriors have been selected, please come according to the previous arrangements...

Before Dumbledore finished speaking, the Goblet of Fire next to him suddenly moved again. Long tongues of fire shot up half a meter high, and a piece of parchment with burnt corners slowly rose from the air.

The middle fell down.

Dumbledore seemed to subconsciously stretch out a slender hand and grab the parchment.

He held it far away and stared at the name written on it. After a long silence, Dumbledore glared at the note in his hand. Everyone in the auditorium stared at Dumbledore.

Then, Dumbledore cleared his throat and read loudly——

"Harry Potter."

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