Levin's statement was exaggerated, but Zhang Qiu and Furong were both a little skeptical.

Even just now they were still admiring Levin's ultimate magic method.

"You said that you can crack it with your powerful magic level, but you actually said that there is a way that ordinary wizards can do it. This is impossible, right?

Zhang Qiu couldn't help but ask.

Even Hermione was skeptical.

Levin did not answer directly, but simply asked: "Through the attempt just now, Miss Granger, have you discovered the rules of the Goblet of Fire and the age line?"

"Of course." Hermione said immediately, "The Goblet of Fire is enchanted, so it is difficult to be affected by simple [Flying Curse] and other magics. At the same time, the Goblet of Fire and the age line require that only wizards over 17 years old can participate. Name, and it can only take effect if the name is input by the person himself. Neither name-checking nor finding someone to do it can be done.

After Hermione finished speaking, she looked at Levin confidently, as if to say, look how well I summarized it.

But the boy just shook his head.

"No, you weren't specific enough.

"Not specific enough?" Hermione was confused and stumbled, "But...but I've tried my best to tell you all the rules, and I can't think of any other rules.

Upon seeing this, Levin announced the answer himself: "In fact, the correct rule is that the age line will restrict the entry of all young wizards under the age of 17, as well as non-wizard animals. The Goblet of Fire can only take effect if you put your name in it yourself. .”

"Is there... what's the difference?" Zhang Qiu and Furong looked at each other in confusion, "Aren't you talking about the same thing?"

But Hermione had grasped the key.

"You mean, the Goblet of Fire and the age line are two different things." She looked at Levin with stern eyes, full of admiration, "The Goblet of Fire is the Goblet of Fire, and the age line is the age line."

"The rule of the Goblet of Fire is that anyone can put their name in, but they must put their own name in person.

"As for the age line, it just ensures that people who don't meet the requirements can't cross the line, but if you vote in your name without crossing the line, it doesn't care - so I can use the paper machine to put the note in.

"Good understanding."

Levin was pleased with Hermione's sensitivity.

"But...what's the use of knowing this?" Hermione got stuck again here. "I still can't cross the age line and put my name into it myself."

"Since you can't cross three or four meters and put your name into the Goblet of Fire, then let the Goblet of Fire come to you," Levin said, as if he was talking about eating when you are hungry.

"But [Flying Curse]...wait!" Hermione suddenly thought of something and looked at Mo Rong.

"Can you please do me one more favor? Can you?" she asked eagerly.

"What's the deal this time?" Fleur still couldn't understand the conversation between the two Riddlers, "Didn't I fail to vote on your behalf before?"

"I don't need you to vote for me this time." Hermione shook her head and pointed to the Goblet of Fire on the table, "This time you just need to bring that cup in front of me."

She asked herself to... take out the Goblet of Fire!

"Is this okay?" Furong couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Won't you know if you try it?" Hermione pointed to the Goblet of Fire on the table and said.

As for Levin's idea, she thinks there's a 80% chance it will work.

After all, apart from this age line, she didn't see Dumbledore perform any other magic.

"Then let me give it a try!" Fleur nodded, quickly ran to the side of the Goblet of Fire, and carefully stretched out her hand.

As a result, she picked up the Goblet of Fire very smoothly.

"This, this, this, this is so easy!" Fleur crossed the age line holding the huge goblet, her voice trembling with excitement. "I can't believe we broke Dumbledore's magic just like that."

The girl looked at Levin with admiration, not disdainful of this method just because it was simple.

You know, there were so many young wizards who tried it before them, but no one had ever thought of this method.

"It's just a misunderstanding. Everyone is imperfect sometimes." Levin smiled and didn't care.

Hermione looked at the Goblet of Fire in front of her and put the parchment in her hand tremblingly.

one second

two seconds,

three seconds,

After waiting for a full minute, the blue-white flame still did not throw the paper out. She watched helplessly as the parchment completely turned into ashes.

She succeeded!

She actually became a candidate for the Warriors so easily.

Hermione gave Levin a hug excitedly, and even kissed him on her own initiative, and they even locked lips with him.

The teeth of Zhang Qiu and Furong next to them were almost broken.

They were fighting over each other here, but they didn't expect Hermione to steal her home.

Aren't you usually very slow?

In fact, even Levin was surprised,

This wasn't the first time Hermione had kissed him impulsively,

But this was the first time she had gone so deep.

Even if the movements are a bit jerky and stumbling, they have indeed taken steps towards growth.

It seemed like the pressure from Fleur really pushed her.

Two minutes later, Hermione ran away shyly.

Levin didn't chase her, just let her calm down at this time.

As for himself, he, together with Zhang Qiu, took Fleur and Gabrielle to visit Hogwarts.

Time soon came to night,

In order to welcome Halloween, the entire auditorium was decorated in a spooky way.

A large group of black bats were wandering around in mid-air with jack-o'-lanterns in their mouths, and the bright candlelight became much dimmer. Ghosts that were rarely encountered appeared one after another to greet the passing little wizards.

When Levin brought Sister Fleur to the auditorium according to dinner time, the long tables of the four major colleges were already full of people, and the Goblet of Fire, which was originally placed in the center of the high platform, was moved to not far from the teacher's seat.

A delicious Halloween dinner couldn't quell the restlessness emanating from the students.

The little wizards in the audience were all restless, whispering to each other, and their eyes kept turning to Dumbledore who was sitting on the teacher's bench, anxiously waiting for the moment when the candidates for the warriors would be announced.

"I really hope it's Angelina." Fred said expectantly at the long table of Gryffindor.

George snorted coldly, changed from his usual habit, and did not continue to speak.

It looks like the two of them had a big argument today.

Hermione didn't comment, but her breathing quickened involuntarily: "Ah, we'll find out soon!"

Although the food carefully prepared by the house elves was very rich, the little masters were not thinking about the dinner.


They kept looking away, with anxious expressions on every face. They all wanted to know who was chosen as the warrior.

When the last pumpkin dessert disappeared and the golden plate returned to its original spotless state, the voices in the auditorium suddenly became much louder.

Immediately, Dumbledore stood up, and the auditorium suddenly became silent.

"Well, the result you have been waiting for is about to come out." Dumbledore said, "The Goblet of Fire is about to make a decision.

The atmosphere in the auditorium became tense,

Even Karkaroff and Madam Maxime were watching Dumbledore's movements closely, looking as nervous and expectant as the other little wizards.

Ludo Bagman was smiling and winking at the students from various schools.

Mr. Crouch looked uninterested, almost bored.

As for Tonks, she still showed her Auror attitude and sat up straight at the table.

But the difference from yesterday was that not only did she not take the initiative to look at Levin, but she avoided his eyes and did not dare to make eye contact with him at all.

However, Dumbledore took the initiative to wave to Levin, indicating that he, a member of the organizer, should sit with the other organizers at this time.

So the boy immediately walked up to the teacher's desk and deliberately sat next to Tonks, his body close to her.

Levin felt that the moment she was touched by him, the female Auror's body shrank suddenly and her whole body became even more tense.

"Okay, Goblet has to make a decision,"

Dumbledore said, "It will probably take another minute. Listen, when the names of the champions are announced, I want them to go to the top of the Great Hall, walk along the staff table, and go into the next room—"

He pointed] to the door behind the desk,

————They will receive initial guidance there. "

Update [5/4], additional update [59/94 kills]

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