After Dumbledore read out the name, everyone was stunned. The auditorium was even quieter than when Hermione was elected. No one understood why the fourth warrior appeared.

There was no applause. A buzzing sound began to fill the auditorium, like countless angry bees chirping.

Harry turned to look at Ronald beside him, who looked at him with disappointment in his eyes.

Looking around, all the Gryffindor classmates stared at him with their mouths wide open.

"I didn't put my name in," Harry said blankly. "You know I didn't."

They also looked at him blankly.

Until Dumbledore called him into the next room.

As he entered, the faces in the portraits all turned to look at him.

He saw a crumpled witch swooping out of her own frame and into the frame next to her, where a wizard with a walrus beard appeared. The wrinkled witch began to bite his ear quietly.

Hermione Granger, Viktor Krum and Fleur Delacour were all gathered around the fire.

Against the backdrop of the flames, the three figures made a particularly strong impression.

Krum leaned against the mantelpiece, slightly distanced from the other two people, hunched over and thinking about something, but his eyes glanced at Hermione intentionally or unintentionally.

Hermione was sitting by the fire, perusing a handwritten book open in front of her as if she were in the common room.

When Harry walked in, Fleur Delacour turned her head and shook her cascading silver hair.

"What's wrong?" Fleur asked Harry, "Do they want us to go back to the Great Hall?"

Fleur thought Harry had come in to deliver a message.

Hermione turned her head and saw Harry, giving him a confused expression, but she still smiled at him.

Seeing this familiar face, Harry felt as if he had suddenly fallen from the sky to the ground.

Harry became more at ease, and the corners of his mouth opened slightly in response.

There was a rush of footsteps from behind, and Ludo Bagman walked into the room. He grabbed Harry's arm and pulled him forward.

"It's so bizarre!" He squeezed Harry's arm hard and murmured in a low voice, "It's absolutely too bizarre! Ladies and gentlemen,"

He walked towards the fireside and said to the other three people, "Please allow me to introduce - although it seems incredible - this is the fourth warrior of the main competition!"

Hermione's eyes widened, unable to believe this fact.

Viktor Krum straightened up and looked Harry up and down, a sullen expression on his arrogant face.

Fleur Delacour shook her long hair, smiled brightly, and said, "Oh, that's a funny joke, Mr. Bugger."

"A joke?" Bagman repeated, a little confused, "No, no, absolutely not! Harry Potter's name just sprayed out from the Goblet of Fire!"

The door behind them was pushed open again, and a large group of people came in. Dumbledore, Karkaroff, Madam Maxime, Barty Crouch Sr., Nymphadora Tonks and Levin Green

All the important figures regarding the Triwizard Tournament are gathered here.

Dumbledore pointed his wand, and the buzz in the auditorium was blocked behind the door.

"What the hell is going on, Dumbledore?"

Madame Maxime straightened her tall and powerful body.

Her handsome head touched the chandelier filled with candles, and her huge breasts in black satin clothes rose and fell violently.

"I want to know this too, Dumbledore," Professor Karkaroff said - with a cold smile on his face and a pair of blue eyes as cold as ice cubes, "Forget the year-long loophole, why are there more Someone comes out?"

"Did you also have the Goblet of Fire brought to you, Harry?" he asked calmly.

"I didn't!" Harry said excitedly.

He turned to his friends in panic, "Hermione, you should know that I stayed with you all last night, and all day today Ronald and other Gryffindor classmates can also testify against me. Not putting your own name to it!”

Hermione nodded: "Harry is right, he stayed in the Gryffindor's lounge after the dinner yesterday."

"That's enough, stop explaining! Who knows if you guys colluded..." Karkaroff said viciously, "Who knows if you told your classmates about your cheating tricks."


Finally, Levin's voice sounded, interrupting Karkaroff's words:

"Mr. Karkaroff, as the principal of Durmstrang, you don't understand the mechanism of the Goblet of Fire.

He looked around and everyone was looking at him.

Levin continued to explain: "One school corresponds to one quota. No matter how many names of warrior candidates are put into the same school, the Goblet of Fire will only select the strongest one.

"Even if Harry really invests his name according to Hermione's method, then all he can do is replace Hermione and become the new warrior of Hogwarts, rather than alongside her - although Harry feels that Harry's strength is simply not possible. at this point."

Although what Levin said is true,

But his straightforward words still made Harry a little embarrassed.

But Levin didn't care about his feelings and continued his analysis. "In other words, the appearance of a fourth name only shows that in the judgment of the Goblet of Fire, a fourth school has appeared in this Triwizard Tournament."

"I think when the Triwizard Tournament was first established, it was not just about maintaining competition among the three schools forever. During the creation of the Goblet of Fire, it was also considered to add new competing schools in the future."

The three headmasters looked at each other, and finally Dumbledore nodded.

"You are right, Mr. Green, the Goblet of Fire does have the function of increasing the number of participating schools."

"That's right." Levin smiled, "If you inspect the Goblet of Fire on site, you will definitely find that Harry Potter's name does not belong to any of the three schools."

Mrs. Maxim put her hand on the Goblet of Fire, and after a while she looked surprised, "You are right, Harry was assigned to a blank school and was not a minister of the main school.

Then, Levin began the final analysis, "The authority of the Goblet of Fire has always been in the hands of you three principals. Harry may be able to add his own name to the Goblet of Fire, but he will never be able to add a school to the Goblet of Fire. I think. To do this, either one of the three principals secretly cheated, or someone behind the scenes needs to cast a powerful [Confusion Curse] on the Goblet of Fire."

Levin's analysis was sound and well-founded, and the two principals had to accept it.

Dumbledore nodded to Levin, and then turned to the others: "Mr. Crouch, Mr. Bagman, you two are objective referees, what do you think of this matter?

"We must abide by the charter. The charter clearly stipulates that anyone whose name comes out of the Goblet of Fire must participate in the competition."

Crouch said stiffly, his face half hidden in shadow, looking like a skeleton.

"Hey, Barty knows the rules by heart," Bagman said, a smile spreading across his face.

When Levin saw Bagman's smile, he had a vague suspicion in his heart. This guy must be trying to make a comeback on Harry.

The title of savior is still very bluffing in the magical world.

Unfortunately, with him and Hermione around, Bagman's struggle was destined to end in failure.

"My views are consistent with theirs." Dumbledore finally expressed his opinion, "Someone must have framed Harry and forced him to participate in the competition."

After hearing this, Levin couldn't help but admire Dumbledore's acting skills.

He clearly knew who did it, but he seemed particularly innocent at this time.

"I insisted that my other students re-enroll," Karkaroff said. His voice was no longer smooth, his smile disappeared, and the expression on his face was extremely ugly, "You must put the Goblet of Fire out again, and we must keep adding names to it until each school produces two warriors. This way Fair enough, Dumbledore.

"How this situation came about, none of us know." Dumbledore said to everyone gathered in the room, "But in my opinion, it is not an advantage of Hogwarts to let Harry participate in the competition, because he obviously does not have that ability to compete for the championship, I think someone is trying to kill Harry————We should be worried about his safety.

……Please give me flowers…………

"Ah, but Dumbledore—"

"My dear Madam Maxime, if you have another solution, I am willing to listen." Dumbledore waited, but Madam Maxime did not speak, she just stared angrily.

"Please allow me to interject, maybe I have a solution." It was Levin again, who proposed a plan at the critical moment.

Everyone looked at the youngest organizer.

"Because although the Goblet of Fire stipulates that anyone whose name comes out of the Goblet of Fire must participate in the competition, there is no provision that those who have not made a contract with the Goblet of Fire cannot participate in the competition."

Levin's words made those present think.

"Then we can bypass this rule. The other two schools can also select another player to participate, and the referee can also score the two extra players. It just so happens that the competition event that I modified is actually participated in The more people there are, the more exciting it will be. We can also add cooperative elements to the competition. This Triwizard Tournament will definitely be more exciting.

After hearing Levin's words, everyone present nodded.

"In addition, I also think that we wizards should not be influenced by a magic vessel made by a wizard. If we are really worried, we can sign additional contracts for the special circumstances of this competition. In this way, everyone can still A fair fight for the title.”


After Levin finished speaking, he looked calmly at the three principals in the room.

"It's a good idea, Mr. Crouch, what do you think?" Karkaroff was the first to agree.

He immediately realized that this was a good opportunity. Due to the established facts, Hogwarts had no choice but to accept Harry, a not-so-good warrior, to participate.

And he can definitely pick out the strongest one besides Krum.

This plan clearly worked in his favor.

Ms. Maxim's eyes flashed and she agreed to this method.

"Since you all have no objections, let's do it this way." Mr. Crouch squinted at Levin and agreed to the suggestion.

"Sure enough, letting you become the organizer is our most correct choice." Dumbledore looked at Levin with admiration in his eyes.

Both Karkaroff and Ms. Maxim felt that they should go back and study carefully which two young wizards were the most suitable.

Bagman happily announced the time for the first game, and then left Hogwarts with Crouch and Tonks.

Before leaving, the female Auror finally couldn't resist Levin and gave him a deep hug.

..... Levin Green, this young man, like his damn sister Gianna, loves to be pushy and gesticulate, which in vain makes it more difficult to win the championship. "

On the way back to the Ministry of Magic, Crouch's skinny face was very gloomy.

He has encountered obstacles in the ministry recently, and his decrees are not as smooth as before.

Seeing Levin's behavior today reminded him of the group of people who colluded with him.

Jaina Proudmoore seems to be giving him trouble all the time,

Although with his current status and power, there is still no problem in keeping these subordinates,

But these things involved too much of his energy and made him really worried.

After hearing this, Tonks finally couldn't help it anymore and spoke loudly for her brother and man:

"Levin is not the kind of person you are talking about. He is not only a genius wizard, but also very clever. You see, the problems that everyone has no solution for are easily solved in his hands. Only with him can the three-term All Kiln successfully succeed Performing arts."

"Young girl, you have no place to speak here!" Upon hearing this, Old Crouch yelled at her like an enraged bull.

This Jaina's right-hand subordinate is the same as her boss and the boy.

Tonks wanted to say something else, but she forced herself to calm down and not refute.

Jaina's assessment was correct. After becoming a manager, Tonks was indeed much calmer than before.

"Hmph, Crouch. You can't be arrogant for much longer. When the time comes, Brother Levin, whom you despise, will make you regret taking the taxi."

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