After comforting Buckbeak for a while, Levin quickly rode on his back, which made the onlookers very envious of the little wizards.

Buckbeak stood up, Levin skillfully grabbed its feathers, and then clamped his legs together,

These are all skills he learned from Larry.

Buckbeak immediately understood the meaning of Levin's movement. A pair of long wings spread out on both sides of Levin, vibrating and flying high into the sky.

Although the Hippogriff is not as smooth to ride as a broomstick, it is quite exciting.

Buckbeak flew around Hogwarts Castle under Levin's command. They glided across the lake, over the hills, straight into the sky, and then glided longly above the clouds.

One person and one eagle flew around the castle two or three times before returning to the paddock.

Buckbeak landed slowly and leaned down to make it easier for Levin to get off his back.

After flying around like this, Levin felt that there was an invisible tacit understanding between himself and Buckbeak. He patted its sharp beak affectionately, and Buckbeak, who flew freely in a circle, also put his head on Levin's shoulder. on, feeling very happy.

Sure enough, flying on a broomstick, flying after transforming yourself, and flying on a hippogriff, each has its own fun. No wonder Hagrid likes these big guys so much. Now it is completely understandable to Levin.

Of course, if you really want to talk about it, among the several magical creatures Levin has ridden, including unicorns, centaurs, and eagles, Larry is the most comfortable and considerate.

Speaking of which, it seems that there is another giant dragon among the magical creatures he can ride.

How about changing Onyxia back to her original shape another day and flying around with her?

Ministry of Magic, Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, Fire Dragon Research and Restriction Bureau, Ms. Prestor, who was chatting with her colleagues, suddenly sneezed.

"Ms. Presto, are you catching a cold? Let me make you a cup of hot coffee." At the same time, he immediately found the right opportunity to show his courtesy.

"No, I don't have a cold," the Black Dragon Princess shook her head, "Maybe someone is talking about me."

When Levin returned to the paddock with Buckbeak, he was greeted like an emperor by the little wizards.

His feat of flying on Buckbeak was envied and admired by everyone. Even if Buckbeak was willing, not everyone had the courage to experience flying.

Then, with Levin's coordination and help, most of the little wizards touched Buckbeak and fell in love with this big guy.

After this get out of class, Hagrid was criticized for his mistakes in the previous class, but now he has been completely reversed.

This is Levin's ability as the KOL of Hogwarts.

Apart from the Magical Creatures class, what the young wizards at Ravenclaw are most looking forward to is the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

My doubts about the new teacher have long been overcome,

The little wizards of Gryffindor and Hufflepuff have already experienced Professor Lupin's Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

After they finished the class, they bragged about their experience against the Boggart and thought that Professor Lupine's lectures were of good quality - this was the case with Levin as a precedent - especially when Neville put on the clothes of the Boggart who was now in the form of Snape. His grandmother's clothes, this scene gave the whole lesson a comic color, making the little wizards of Ravenclaw both curious and expectant.

Only Snape himself didn't think it was funny,

From that day on, whenever he heard someone mention Professor Lupin's name, his eyes would flash with menace.

When Levin entered the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, Professor Lupine had not yet arrived.

It wasn't until the little wizards from Ravenclaw arrived one after another, sat down, took out their textbooks, quills and parchment, and talked to each other that Professor Lupin was late.

At this time, his face changed from the previous miserable look, and he always wore a smile from the heart. Although he was still as ragged, his complexion was much healthier than when he was on the train. It seemed that he had eaten a few good meals. Full meal.

"Good morning. "," he said, "please put your textbooks back in your bags. Today is a practical class. You only need your magic wand."

"Look at his robes. To be honest, all the elves in our family are better dressed than him." Malfoy and the people in the Slytherin House whispered bad things about Professor Lupin.

However, what surprised the eaglets was that Professor Lupin was unexpectedly gentle. He only glanced at Malfoy lightly without saying much.

"Okay," Professor Lupin said when he saw everyone was ready, "come with me."

The students looked puzzled and a little interested, and stood up one after another and followed Professor Lupin out of the classroom.

He led them through the empty corridors and around a corner, where they saw Peeves, the most mischievous ghost, coming towards them.

Just when everyone thought Peeves was going to cause trouble again, unexpectedly, he turned around and walked away, which can be called an escape.

The Ravenclaws looked at the ragged Professor Lupin with admiration. They all heard about Professor Lupin's treatment of Peeves. The other party only used a [Launching Curse] to accurately block Peeves' nostrils. It was also a rare scene where Peeves was pranked by others.

Professor Lupine was a little surprised by Peeves' reaction, and then continued to lead the little wizards through the second corridor and stopped outside the door of the staff lounge.

"Go in." Professor Lupin said, opening the door and taking a step back.

The staff lounge is a long room with wooden panels on the walls and filled with old mismatched chairs. There was no teacher in the room, and the students filed into the room.

"Thank you very much to the professors. They are very supportive of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class and specially vacated this lounge for me." Professor Lupin closed the door.

"Okay." Professor Lupin said, motioning for the students to go to the other side of the room.

There was only an old wardrobe where teachers kept replacement robes. Professor Lupin walked over and stood next to the closet. The closet suddenly shook and banged against the wall.

"Don't worry," Professor Lupin said calmly when he saw several classmates jumping back in shock, "There is a Boggart inside.

Most students seem to think that this is what they need to worry about. With the vigorous publicity of Gryffindor and Hufflepuff little wizards, of course everyone knows that there is a Boggart inside, but listening to the thrilling descriptions of the little lions and badgers, the little eagle and the Little snakes will inevitably be nervous.

No one wants to tell others about their weaknesses and privacy.

"Oh, Professor Traolini said that I might encounter something bad this week!" Padma Patil gave Professor Lupin a horrified look.

Malfoy stared at the rattling cupboard door handle with trepidation.

"Boggarts like dark and closed spaces," Professor Lupin said. "Closets, the space under the bed, the cupboard under the sink. Once I met one living in a grandfather clock."

"Now, the first question we have to ask ourselves is: What is a Boggart?" Professor Lupine looked around the room at the little wizard.

The Ravenclaws all looked at Levin.

This made him a little dumbfounded. Most of his classmates should know the answer, but they were already used to asking themselves to answer the first question.

This has almost become a Ravenclaw tradition, and they regard it as a form of respect.

Professor Lupine followed their gazes and was surprised, but felt that it was reasonable.

He did not expect that the outstanding student he met on the train would have such a high status in the college.

Levin, it seems only you can answer this question. "

"The boggart is a special kind of magical creature, not the same kind as most creatures. The latest research shows that it is related to dementors, and poltergeists - that is,

-Yeah, Peeves, the closest thing we have ever encountered, is the product of emotional power. "

After Levin finished speaking, he paused and added: "Boggarts will see through people's hearts and become what they fear most, and their purpose of scaring people is to feed on human fear - this is photogenic Soul monsters are very similar, and their food is happiness--that's why Boggarts are considered dark magic creatures.

In fact, in Levin's understanding, the magic of Boggart goes beyond that.

The Boggart's transformation is not essentially a transformation, but an illusion. Its transformation is essentially illusory and fake.

But to a certain extent, the Boggart's transformation still has a certain real effect.

For example, most of the things conjured by Boggarts will have a minimum level of entity.

For example, the moon transformed by a boggart can really transform into a werewolf.

Although the dementors transformed by the Boggart cannot really absorb happiness, they can still arouse people's fear to the greatest extent.

In short, there is a kind of beauty of pretending to be true and turning true into false.

Professor Lupine nodded in admiration: "As expected of the candidate, Mr. Green is very knowledgeable and even knows a lot of cutting-edge research on Boggarts. Everyone should learn from him, Ravenclaw is a lot.

The young wizards of Ravenclaw have long been accustomed to the various profound and extended content Levin provides when answering questions.

But smiles appeared on their faces, and they began to like the most impoverished professor in Hogwarts a little bit.

At least he is neither partial nor stingy when it comes to extra points.

"So, the Boggart in this dark cabinet doesn't have a specific shape yet, and it doesn't know what the people outside the cabinet door are afraid of. No one knows what the Boggart looks like when it's alone, but as long as I put it If you let it out, it will immediately become what each of us fears the most." Professor Lupine reminded the little wizards, and even the Slytherins listened carefully, and no one wanted to embarrass themselves in front of their classmates later.

"This means," Professor Lupine continued, "we have a big advantage over the Boggart. Have you discovered this advantage?"

Levin didn't raise his hand this time, but the rest of the eaglets became active.

Professor Lupin looked a little surprised: "It seems that Ravenclaw has changed a lot in the years since I graduated. You have begun to learn to take the initiative, instead of habitually observing from a distance - just like when I was in school - That's fine.

Everyone present knew that this was the change brought about by Levin. .

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